Montresor uses Fortunato's pride, passion and past actions to justify his revenge on Fortunato. Fortunato’s passion is wine. He can tell what type of wine it is just by smelling/tasting it. In the past Fortunato has bullied Montresor and ever since Montresor has wanted revenge. So he tells Fortunato that he is going to ask somebody else to identify this wine for him. Fortunato refuses to let her identify this wine for Montresor. So he begins to tell Montresor that she doesn’t know what she is talking about. Montresor then lets Fortunato to come down to the catacombs and taste this certain wine for him. So on the way Montresor keeps handing Fortunato different types of wines to make sure that he is drunk and keep Fortunato interested. When
Montresor tricks Fortunato into coming to his house by telling him that bought a pipe of Amontillado. He wanted to get Fortunato in his house therefore he could get his revenge and get away with it. He used his expertise in fooling to get Fortunato to come over. “He prided himself on his connoisseur-ship in wine”.
Montresor teases Fortunato quite a few times while leading him deep into the catacombs. In the beginning of the story, Montresor tells Fortunato that he has purchased a wine called Amontillado but cannot be sure that it
Montresor realized that Fortunato sold him bad wine, and started planning revenge on him. Montresor had waited until Fortunato
The main reason why Montresor was able to lure Fortunato into the catacombs and kill him was because he lied to him about wanting him to taste test wine that he bought in belief that it was the rare and famous
This is the part that is shocking and morbid, even sadistic, to the average person. What strikes the reader the most is that Montressor, as he narrates his actions, still has the gall to call Fortunato his "friend," even as he builds the walls within which he is to trap Fortunato alive. The last time Montressor calls Fortunato his "friend" is the moment when he leads Fortunato straight to the "bait," which was the wine.
In my opinion, I think Montresor was offended by Fortunato because, Fortunato knew much more about wine. Furthermore, I consider this awakens the envy of Montresor and he began to feel less because all the people said that Fortunato was the best. For Montresor this was like an insult for him and his honorable family. Moreover, Montresor perhaps began to find that his friend became
As the story progresses, Montresor devises a careful plan to lure Fortunato to his death trap, but he is careful enough not to place himself at risk. He approaches him at a carnival, and plays on his victim’s weakness for wine by offering to show him a brand of wine akin to the light Spanish sherry, Amontillado (8). The narrator presents an interesting description of his encounter with Fortunato at the carnival; at first expressing dislike for his friend’s behavior by claiming that he approached him with too much warmth since he was drunk, but then he adds that he was extremely delighted to see Fortunato at that particular moment. This illustrates the depth of Montresor’s desire to exert revenge on his friend, since the sole reason of his pleasure at seeing Fortunato is that he knew his plans had taken off, and he anticipated the satisfaction of the act of brutal revenge.
Montresor’s actions lend to his vengeful and manipulative nature. He lures Fortunato into the catacombs of his home to carry out his plans to kill Fortunato. In the first step of his plan, he boosts Fortunato’s ego by saying that Luchesi was almost as worthy a judge of wine as he. Then Montresor tricks Fortunato into believing that there is an