When it comes to physical health it does affect your cognitive development when a young child comes from a home where the environment is not the best place to stay when they come to school that focus and mind set is not there at all. Many times in class you may hear a child say there tummy hurts or when is lunch or did they miss breakfast if a child doesn’t eat that morning that’s doing nothing more than stoping there growth and sadly that mental development is not there. This can happen very often when the child lives in poverty where there isn’t enough food in the household for them to eat.
Several studies have reported the severely adverse effects of childhood poverty on cognitive development and the toll of toxic stress in the well-being of the children. Because parents are constantly stressed from housing and food insecurity children’s stress mechanisms or their immune systems can become activated (John M. Pascoe, David L. Wood, James H. Duffee, Alice Kuo, 2016). When these lethal levels of stress hormones are
Malnutrition affects children because it causes lifelong mental impairments and stunts physical growth. IQ of children who
In addition to the facial features, other physical effects can include malformations, deficits in motors skills and some children even present with seizures. The cognitive impact can also be very damaging to a child. They can have a learning disability, mental retardation, memory deficits, information processing disorders, a lack of executive functioning skills, can inconsistently perform in abstract and generalizing tasks (they struggle to relate and build upon previous knowledge), and they often lack cognitive flexibility. Executive functioning is important for a student in the classroom. A student needs these skills for paying attention,
The development of children can depend on many factors, one of the important ones being socioeconomic status (SES). SES can be defined as a multidimensional construct, including measures of social factors such as power, prestige and hierarchical social status, and economic resources (Hackman and Farah, 2009). Child development can be studied from multiple dimensions such as physical, mental, social, and emotional development among others. For the purposes of this study, I will be focusing on how socioeconomic status affects child cognitive development.
Turkington (2002) defines a learning disability as a “neurobiological disorder in which a [child’s] brain works or is structured differently, affecting one or more of the basic processes involved in understanding or using spoken or written language” (pp.154). Affected children encounter problems with interpreting what they see and hear and linking information in parts of the brain. Malnourishment has been proven to be the cause of certain learning disabilities (Beers, 2003). Learning disabilities cause students to feel less integrated within school, more lonely, and persecuted. Most learning disabilities result from an unacceptable nutrient flow to the brain either while in fetal form or in infancy. Beers (2003) also links learning disabilities to early neurotransmitter disruptions or brain malformation caused by an improper balance of the essential nutrients. Learning disabilities can cause a student to feel “behind”, “slow”, and “different” from his or her classmates. These unhealthy feelings can cause a child to act out in a variety of ways, ranging from belligerence to engaging in physical fights with peers and classmates. Children may all around stop trying and caring for their own educational success, become isolated and flaccid, and eventually drop out of school altogether. To greatly lessen a child’s chance of developing cognitive malfunction due to malnourishment, he or she must always consume the correct nutrient supply. and rigorous illnesses in children (McKhann & Albert, 2002). When a child is sick, he or she commonly takes off from school to rest and recuperate. When a child is frequently very sick, he or she may take off days, or even weeks, at
Let’s discuss the biological risk factor, which may have hindered my development at one particular point. During my earlier childhood, I was remembered as a young boy with a weak immune system hence more susceptible to various sorts of illnesses. This biological risk factor even led me to deal with an infectious disease called MUMPS. I was remembered as a child with an overall weak structure and slow physical growth. As one can imagine such biological risk factors could lead to various long-term issues. Luckily in my particular case, I was able to avoid such issues and develop normally in later
The relationship between higher education and cognitive growth is one that must be explored. There is plenty of evidence which supports that thesis that higher education leads to positive cognitive growth. It has been proven that higher educated individuals tend to secure better jobs, which often time leads to them earning higher salaries than those who elect not to go to college. Another affect of higher education on people is simply that the individuals that seek more knowledge tends better educated and often times seek more knowledge further down the line. It has also been found that college often correlates to people living a healthier life than their
One big idea I would take into my teaching career is health and physical development; Health and physical development is very important for children, you want children to develop good physical activity habits in their early years so the child can develop gross and fine motor skills. encouraging children to carry these habits while growing up, being active with young children promotes healthy growth and development. As a teacher you want to promote good physical activity habits and help prevent such things as obesity which not only affects the child’s physical health but also their social and emotional well being in the classroom, promote good nutrition, and fine ways to keep up the good physical activities for the child.
The lack of resources affects the health of children; unhealthy children grow up to be unhealthy adults (Currie & Reichman 2015). Poor health
Environmental influences can have a major affect on the cognitive development of a child. Due to the significance of financial stability, I chose to investigate how poverty can affect cognitive health. Research has shown over six million children to be on child welfare systems. The same report also showed children raised in poor households were at a higher risk of being abused or neglected. Abuse and neglect can cause children a lifetime of difficulty. Abuse is purposeful cruelty or violence towards someone physically or emotionally. Neglect isn’t purposeful but does hinder growth and development due to failing to care/provide for someone properly. Manifestations of child neglect may include deprivation of food, non-compliance to health care
It is well know that foster Children have a very hard time finding a permanent home and adjusting to their new home. The majority of foster children go through this process of finding a home at a very young age. For most of these children it occurs during very young age which is the most important time for develop mental processes. Therefore foster children are at risk of cognitive and social- emotional development delays. (Jacobson et. al 2013). As mentioned in the article “research has underscored the importance of early, nurturing caregiver environments on brain development, and the importance of positive brain-environment interaction during the first 2 years of life has also been documented by research on foster care and adoption”(Jacobson et. al 2013). The article currently looks at, specifically the issue of foster children’s cognitive development and social- emotional functioning specifically of children ages between 2 to 3 years of age. There has been previous research done on this article. A research done to look at this issue was one done in Romanian were 136 institutionalized children were randomly selected. These children were selected to continue to be institutionalized or placed in foster care. In this study, the foster parents were selected and trained,
An article written by Tomporowski (2012) proves some of the same points of the earlier articles by stated that much research recently has shown there is a significant correlation between physical activity and intelligence and healthy cognitive development and structures in children. Again, this article states that not much research has been done, but most of the research has proven that physical exercise helps neuropathways in the brain and rebuilding brain cells for healthier development. This is essential for children and adolescents as they grow, and physical activity and exercise is proving to be a huge factor determining many children and their future. “A few studies, however, provide evidence that exercise may facilitate specific types of cognitive functioning. Children's executive functions appear particularly sensitive to exercise interventions, (Tomporowski, 2012).
Children of involved fathers are also more likely to live in cognitively encouraging homes. Cognitive Development is a field of study in neuroscience and psychology, focusing on a children’s development in terms of information processing, conceptual resources, perceptual skill, language learning, and other aspects of brain development and cognitive psychology compared to an adult’s point of view(Schacter, Daniel L, 2009). Even a child’s cognitive development during early childhood, which includes building skills such as pre-reading, language, vocabulary, and numeracy. So cognitive development is important to grow those skills (Rohner, R. P., Veneziano, R. A., 2001). This development is a strong connection between the development children undergoes early in their life and the success that the children will experience later in life. Infants of highly involved fathers, as measured by amount of integration, including higher levels of play and Caregiving activities. By one year they continue to have higher cognitive functioning are better problem solvers as toddlers and have higher IQ’s by age three (Yogman Kidlan, Earls, 1995). The father is more encouraged toddlers to talk more, use more diverse vocabulary, and produce longer utterances when interacting with their fathers, because toddlers are characterized by more wh-(e.g. “what”, “where” etc.) questions for father than mother (Rowe, Cocker & Pan ,2004). A father’s academic support was positively
For example, the article it states, “childhood poverty may also lead to brain changes that influence mood and risk of depression” WORKCITE’. Therefore, at times child whose parents are living in poverty sometimes might be working two jobs to make it, so at times the child isn’t getting enough attention to help the child’s brain development.
Cognitive development focuses on the development of the skills, information, and abilities throughout one’s life. Cognitive development includes decision making, learning, language development, and memory. Memory is a complex term that includes several unalike types. While most individuals have knowledge on memory, a large quantity of people only know that their long and short-term memory worsens with age. Memory a vague concept that has a great extent of data associated with the term.