This bill will affect the federal government. It would help by decreasing the chances of police brutality happening in the U.S. 37% of black people were killed by the police in 2015. Frankie Taylor was beaten up and blinded by some police officer in August 10, 2015. According to,, ¨After police put him in a restraint chair and beat him unconscious, Taylor was given no medical treatment. Instead, he was transferred to the Macomb County Jail. Upon finally getting out of jail, Taylor ended up at Detroit Receiving Hospital to undergo emergency surgery on his eye. However, it was too late.¨ This prove that Frankie was beaten up and blinded by the same people that should be protecting us not hurting us. This bill
The history of Police Brutality for minorities; especially people of color has left America wondering have times changed. Police brutality has deemed the opportunity for socioeconomic advancement or access to good and services for many Black/African Americans dating back as far as 1955. The system of Police brutality has affected many realms of society for minorities’ employment and family life. After some scholarly research, police brutality is still prevalent in the Black/African American community; moreover, it comes in many different forms and fashions. Police brutality is the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. Excessive use
In today’s society the hate crime rate has dramatically boosted with the integration and diversity of various cultures. In fact, in 2012 over 5,000 hate crimes were reported in the United States. Statistics have concluded that out of the 5,000 hated crimes, the majority of them are related to racial discrimination, social discrimination, sexual discrimination, and economical discrimination. These crimes can range anywhere from physical and verbal assault, to vandalism, and robbery. Due to the inflation of these bias crimes, authorities are not able to demolish these immortalities from occurring. Out of the many bias crimes in America, I have narrowed my topic of research to the Wayne Community College massacre case.
A report made on May 31st shows that at least 385 people have been killed by American police since 2015 has started. FBI reports show that over the past decade, the annual average for fatal shootings by police is about 400, and this year they are close to surpassing that only half-way through the year. Two thirds of these people have been either African American or Hispanic with one in six of them being unarmed at the time of the shooting. More than 80 percent of the shootings were because of what had started as minor things that escalated into assaults. This is important because police brutality has become a bigger issue with police being more likely to shoot with race in mind.
This bill will increase criminal background check system by 15.5 million dollars and program to help ensure states have the necessary resources to submit additional records of prohibited firearms purchase to the FBI. It will help keep gun away from criminal and make it less difficult for them to get their hands on. One, in the Charleston church shooting by Dylann Roof, who was mentally-ill and had been charged on a felony drug by the Charleston Police Department Officer was still able to own a gun legally. The police officer had made a mistake filling the arrest two days after Roof's drug arrest, but the change wasn't corrected in the state police database of arrests The federal law prohibits people with felony charge to obtain a firearm and to be able to buy a gun from the store. This allowed Dylann Roof to get a gun without his background not being accurately correct. Another reason this bill needs to be passed is to increased border control. So people wouldn’t smuggle gun in the United State. We need to make sure that the borders are secured from gun entering the United State. Another incident was in San Francisco, illegal immigrant Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez who has been deported 5 times killed one woman where he found the gun wrapped in a T-Shirt on the ground near a bench that belonged to a federal
A topic that is very prominent at this time in social media and mainstream media is the presence of police brutality in the United States. Two instances in the news recently are the disputes that resulted in the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown.
Over the years there have been a large number of police brutality incidences reported in the United States. Unfortunately, there have been a large number of cases where the law enforcement officers have been at fault, but in turn, there have also been cases where the law enforcement officers have been falsely accused. In order to increase the public’s faith and trust in law enforcement, footage needs to be made available to, not only the press, but also the public eye with body cameras. Not only will these body cameras help prevent violence, but it will also show positive footage of good working law enforcement officers, and also hold law enforcement officers liable for their unjustified actions by being recorded.
When certain states in America reach a stage in which someone, typically a minority, has to fear the possibility that they might not leave with their life whenever they are pulled over or interrogated by a police officer, an issue with our police system is clear. When an officer in America charged with a crime of assault or murder has a miniscule chance of those charges being pressed, the problem is even clearer. This issue is significant police misconduct, especially in states such as Chicago, that calls for a reform in the police department’s code, recruiting, training, and procedure. The alarming amount of unchecked police transgressions has evidenced a primitive lack of value for human life in the U.S. that in some states, make simply
Over the past few years, the citizens of the Unites States have been witnesses of many cases of police brutality. Police officers are faced with a lot of threatening situations every day. And sadly, the police have to rely on their instincts and hope for the best. They have the power to take anyone’s civil rights away and possibly even their own life. You must have responsibility in order to retain that kind of power. Much less, that much power. The use of excessive force may or may not be a big problem, but I think it should be viewed from everyone’s perspectives. Police brutality falls in the category of the double-standard, whereas police officers are supposed to protect this world from harm and stress, not cause more of it. They should
The United States is facing a continuous wide spread of police brutality from the past to today. TV Networks, newspapers/magazines, bloggers and forums are getting involved into the discussion about police brutality. After a father bought a toy gun for his son for his birthday, his son went outside to play and a police officer saw him with the gun not knowing it was a toy and shot him several times. This incident occurred in Sonoma County in October 2013. Something close to that happened in November 2014 where a Cleveland police officer killed a 12-year-old boy carrying a toy gun. On April 12, 2015 Freddie Gray was arrested by Baltimore City police and while being transported he allegedly fell in a coma, with injuries to his spinal cord. Use of excessive force by police is common in black communities. Officers aren’t trained effectively and they act out of fear. On Police brutality is described as a civil rights violation that happens when a police officer acts with excessive force by using an amount of force with regards to a civilian that is not necessary. Excessive force by law enforcement officers is a violation of a person 's rights.
Police abuse remains as one of the most deliberate human rights violations in the United States. For over a decade police have acted in ways that makes us question their professionalism. Makes the wonder if law enforcement are taking advantage of their criminal justice “powers” October 22 is “National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and Criminalization of an Entire Generation”. (Aol News). On October 22 many people across the country wear black to fight back against police brutality. Bad police have to be stopped so they don’t forget who they are serving – not themselves but the public. Police Brutality has caused a major concern in the United States.
Police officers are expected to serve and protect the people of the United States, however, in many cases police officers have abused their power and force. Police brutality has always been an issue in the United States, especially in the 60’s, where African Americans were not treated equally. A number of laws have been passed since then that protect every American from discrimination and racial profiling, but there are still cases of racial profiling by the police that seem to occur every year. Therefore, police brutality is a problem that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.
Even though America is thought to be the land of the free, we still don’t feel as though freedom is ringing throughout the U.S. We often don’t feel safe because of the several examples of police brutality throughout the years. “Police brutality is a daily occurrence across the USA, most of it inflicted in the form of a few extra blows, punches, or kicks during arrests” (Angola, 2013). Police brutality consist of police officers that simply abuse their authority. The American law enforcement has undergone a dramatic transformation over the past few decades. Police officers have more powers than the average citizen; they have the power to arrest, seize property, and use deadly force. You would think that there would be some type of extreme
Justice has become nothing more than a word in American society. Badges allow militarized police officers to brutalize and kill unarmed citizens. Police brutality is not a new issue, it first appeared in 1872 when the Chicago Tribune reported the beating of a civilian by a police officer. Although police brutality has been present for decades, the severity has tremendously increased in the past twenty years. It is critical for citizens to become aware of the growing statistics and casualties of the epidemic. By educating Americans on the problem, it may lead to preventing further incidents.
What happens when a little girl is raised without her father? When little girls are raised without their fathers it causes them to lose self-respect, feel undeserving, lose hope, and leads them into a state of depression. Iyanla Vanzant participated in a show for Oprah’s Lifeclass. During the show she speaks on what happens when girls are raised without their fathers and she calls these type of girls “daddyless daughters.” According to Iyanla, “the role of a father is to teach his daughter how to be in a nonsexual, intimate relationship with a man.” With this being said a girl first relationship should be with her father because he becomes her first love and sets the standards for a man. She should be his princess and he should be her prince. He should teach and show her how she should be treated as a woman as she grows older. A mother can only tell a young girl the right way she should be treated as a woman but cannot show her unlike a father could. What will happen if daddy leaves? According to Iyanla in an explanation says that “the daughter will lack the healthy model and seeks to fill that void in many ways.” The void for young girls is a way for them to escape reality of something they have been dealing with their whole lives and that’s not having a father to guide them. One of these voids leads them to settle for anything less of what they deserve when searching for a partner. They tend to allow things in a relationship like cheating and disrespect constantly because they don’t know that a man who loves you and values you wouldn’t deceive you in any type of way. Not only do they allow cheating and lying but they go back to the same person over and over again or they find the same qualities in a different guy. Iyanla states. “If you want so much to be with the wrong one, imagine how good it will feel when the right one shows up.” Not only does growing up without a father affect young girls but young males as well. Dr. Steve Perry had a voice in Oprah’s “Lifeclass Discussion” on the fatherless son’s issue. Dr. Steve Perry agreed with the idea that it’s very important for daughters to have a strong father figure. He believes that a father sets the
In taking a peak at a current history lesson taught in a classroom, the common outsider will likely find nothing wrong with its content or presentation. They hear many famous names and key dates of the famous people and events of the past and do not bat an eyelash because they learned history in the same way. On the other hand, if a historian were to walk into that same classroom, they would be incredibly disappointed by the fact that students are not really learning how to practice history. Granted, they probably learned about history in the same way at one point or another during their educational careers, but that was in the past and this is the current day. As science, technology, and other subjects advance, why is the general public resolved to allow history to remain in the past? Is it not possible for history education to progress as well? The answer is yes, it is possible and it needs to be done. There is no doubt that students enter school with preconceived notions about history, which are often sustained by teachers as they present the subject in their classrooms, in direct contrast to how historians actually practice history; however, wrongs can be righted and historical analysis can be integrated into student learning.