
How Does Religion Affect Ancient Egypt

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Everyone becomes ill at one point in their life. No matter what race, gender, or background they come from. If an individual became ill in ancient egypt though, it was thought to be caused from something completely different, than if it was in modern day america. This essay will prove that religion affected Ancient Egypt medicine because of its spiritual outlook on it.
After an individual dies in ancient egypt, they were often mummified to live in the afterlife due to their religious background. “The whole process took around 70 days to complete, starting with embalmers removing the organs. Which were then preserved and put in a jar to be placed with the body or back into the body. To remove the organs they opened the body on their left abdominal …show more content…

Gods and goddess’ had a huge affect in ancient egyptian medicine also, because their medicine was based so solely of the religion and spiritual side. Sekhmet is an example of this being the, “goddess Of healers, of physicians...of Slaughter, of Healing...of Surgeons, of Healers” Instead of going to a doctor, a person might go to a priest and pray the evil spirit away. Sekhmet, is an example of this being the goddess of healing, as someone might pray to her to get rid of their illness. The ancient egyptians believed that an individual would become ill from an evil spirit, and contract a disease from a god for a punishment. Then to ward off that evil spirit they would have to pray and use charms and lotions to get rid of the illness, and pray to a god or goddess to left the diese. the ancient egyptians had a very spiritual aspect of medicine. This led to many different kinds of medicine including the spiritual aspect, herbal medicine and remedies, and surgical procedures. While this was all done, the spiritual aspect overruled all the other modern day medicine in Ancient …show more content…

“The first doctors in ancient egypt were priests and sorcerers, but after time priest physicians became the main doctor. Priest physicians were the highest level and were taught in both practical and spiritual medicine. Then their was lay physicians who were taught more in practical medicine, but also had a tiny bit of spiritual medicine. In today's modern medicine a priest physician would be like the doctor or surgeon, the one with more schooling and is higher up. Where a lay physician would be like the nurse. They are different kinds of doctors for special areas gods and goddesses of medicine, but in “ancient egypt they had priest to ward of the evil spirits The first physician in ancient egyptian was Imhotep who was the nation's chief physician along with a builder. Being a physician was helpful when he was contesting the step pyramids, because if someone became ill he could help them. Along with that. He also WROTE the smith papyrus and was named the inventor of healing. After his death, he was worshipped as a demigod, and later turned into a god of medicine and healing. Imhotep along with many other priest physicians showed what it was like to be a physician in egypt at the time. It was a lot different than going to the doctor's like in today, instead you would pray and have a much more spiritual aspect.

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