Population Strategies to Decrease Sodium Intake and the Burden of Cardiovascular Disease
In our bodies, sodium forms part of the extracellular fluid; and it is important to regulate the water and fluid balance and distribution in the body, active transport of solutes, blood pressure, the balance of acids and bases, as well as nerve and muscle function. We rarely consume too little sodium, instead most people most of the time consume much more sodium than our bodies need. Usually there are so many sources of sodium in our diets that deficiencies are never the major problem. Instead, it s normally having excess sodium in our diets that is most common, and which brings along a host of health problems chiefly raising blood pressure and leading to cardiovascular / heart disease. Many foods and condiments contain sodium including the table salt (sodium chloride) that we use to cook food as well as to marinate, flavor, and preserve food. Other notable sources of sodium in our diets are milk, frozen meals, cheeses (Provolone, Swiss Yellow American, White American, parmesan, ), condiments (pickles, soy sauce, barbecue sauce, ketchup, sauerkraut), deli meats, prepackaged entrees, canned meats and vegetables,
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All these sources combined lead to a buildup of sodium in our bodies and can quickly reach a toxic level
Salt (Sodium) - in excess has been shown to increase the loss of calcium through the urine. Over 90% of sodium in our diets comes from manufactured food rather than from salt added to food at the table or during cooking.
Analects is a book of collected sayings of Confucius (Kong Zi, 551-479 B.C.). It is one of the most important texts of Confucianism. This classical text has been translated by a lot of Western people, and remains a hot topic in Chinese Studies (or Sinology). Herbert Fingarette's book Confucius -- the Secular as Sacred focuses on "Li", one of the core concepts about "human nature, comportment and relationships" in Confucianism. As a professional philosopher, the author is interested in philosophical interpretation of Analects. Actually, he has given the first such reading of Confucianism in the West. That is, he has touched upon subjects in Confucianism that a philosopher in the West will pay attention to. In
The manipulated variable in our project is sodium chloride, commonly known as salt. Sodium chloride is a cube-shaped mineral that is mined all over the world. It is known scientifically as NaCL, and it is made up of 40% sodium and 60% chlorine. Sodium chloride is essential to most living things on Earth. For example, the intake of sodium chloride is essential for the survival of plants. All plants can absorb sodium chloride, but some are more tolerant of sodium chloride than others, allowing them to withstand higher amounts of the chemical. As for all living things, too much sodium chloride can actually be toxic. An accumulation of sodium can drastically alter the chemical composition and nutritional imbalance of the plant, which can lead to changes in growth. Aside from living things, sodium chloride can also affect non living things, such as the freezing process of water. During the process of freezing, the water molecules fuse together to form ice crystals. However, sodium chloride can slow these water molecules down as they are trying to freeze into ice. Adding more salt to a consistent amount of water will prolong the amount of time needed to freeze.
The next morning Jem woke up all sore and stiff, endlessly complaining about how much pain he was in. Atticus walked into our room and sat down on Jem’s bed. “Atticus. I did it. I fought him off. I saved me and Scout, Atticus.” Atticus patted Jem on the back. I stared at Jem for what felt like forever after those words came out of his mouth. He was trying to take the credit from Boo Radley. Boo was the one who saved us. I know Jem could feel me staring at him because after he lied to Atticus, he turned his face away from me. “I…” I began but Atticus quickly hushed me and left the room.
Empowerment is the act of giving power or authority to; to enable or permit (“The Definition” 1). Black empowerment in my opinion is the uplifting of African Americans to achieve a greater purpose in life, while enhancing the black community as a whole. Black empowerment can be achieved in many ways, such as influences from musical artists as well as popular actors and actresses. They become major influences based on their celebrity status. Numerous people in our society disregard the influence that literature impacts our culture, especially in earlier time periods. A reason for this is possibly because of the emphasis on education during that time because African Americans wanted to overcome the stereotypes of not being as educated as whites. Another reason literature was an influence on the culture of the black society is that at the time there was no social media. The lack of social media results in people trying to send a message in a different way, such as poetry. Maya Angelou and Claude McKay are perfect examples of black empowerment through literature in the area of poetry. They were both voices of power for blacks and were faces well known in the black community for their activist roles. In McKay’s time, which was early 1900s, there were many violent riots as well as blacks being killed ruthlessly from whites who showed no remorse nor faced any punishment. Specifically, the 1919 Race Riots also known as the “Red Summer” which was the inspiration to McKay’s poem “If
Abuse of dietary sodium, potassium and alcohol have been linked to the propagation of hypertensive symptoms. Consumption of sodium chloride (NaCl), also known as table salt, has been a key player in the procurement of hypertension. (Koliaki & Katsilambros, 2013) Recommended intake designated by the Department of Health and Human Services recommends 2300mg for healthy individuals and 1500mg for individuals who are older, African American and or have hypertension, diabetes or chronic kidney disease. (Gupta, Georgiopoulou, Kalogeropoulos, Dunbar, Reilly, Sands, et. al., 2012) Sodium intake in relation to potassium intake has also been shown to have an affect on hypertension. Research conducted on hypertensive rats found evidence that supports higher levels of potassium acquired through natural food sources, contributed to lower blood pressure levels. The rats that were kept on a diet lower in potassium also exhibited higher mortality rates than their potassium pumped counterparts. (Liu, Wang, Kincaid-Smith, Witworth, et .al., 2014) Alternately, modifications to the diet and weight loss has also been shown to have a positive effect on preventing hypertension (Appel, Brands, Daniels, Karania, Elmer, et. al., 2006) Overall, the monitoring of dietary salt, potassium and weight loss or maintenance are all variables in preventing blood pressure increases and
The purpose of this essay is to discuss the role that sodium and potassium play in blood pressure regulation.
Sodium is a mineral. Although it’s often touted as a nutrition villain, sodium actually plays a variety of important roles in the body. It carries an electrical charge -- and a charged mineral is called an electrolyte. The body regulates the level of sodium in the body through numerous interacting processes because the concentration must remain in a narrow range. If sodium levels deviate too high or too low, it causes problems in the body.
According to the study, excess sodium chloride content in a mouse's diet leads to a mouse-immune response in the gut that produces excess IL-17. IL-17 is pro-inflammatory
Moreover, fast food contains an extremely high percentage of sodium because fast food enterprises use sodium bicarbonate, sodium glutamate which enhances the flavor, and disodium as additives. Excess of sodium in food can be especially harmful for people with high blood pressure or heart disease.
Potato chips and crackers are obvious sodium-rich food items, but even those that you think are healthy like soups, cereals, and salad dressings are also loaded with sodium. If these are the kinds of foods you consume every day, you’re likely to exceed your daily sodium limit. The solution is simply, really. Just read labels of products you buy and go for packaged foods that have less than 500 mg per serving. If you’re conscious with your food choices, your 2,300 daily sodium intake will more than do.
I myself am extremely informed on nutrition, and health and fitness. Still, i have trouble dealing with what i should and shouldn't eat. Sodium is a substance that can be a good or bad thing. A well known stereotype is that fast food restaurants have foods filled with sodium. This may be true, but because what they're serving is already unhealthy the amounts of sodium are not as bad as some may think. Regular sit-down restaurants increase their amounts of sodium in order to compete with fast-food, making their some what healthy food a lot more tasty. A comparison study between fast-food and full-serve restaurants was conducted by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A representative from the study said "The study revealed that sit-down restaurants added even more sodium and cholesterol to their meals than fast food outlets." Although this is true, people are responsible for what they put in their bodies. But how can one tell if a freshly grilled steak or chicken breast is tainted with salt? Sodium is an invisible killer. This substance clogs arteries, is the cause to heart disease and obesity and countries like America. By concealing the amounts of sodium in meals, you're targeted a customers health and wellness for the
One of the main ingredients that are present in preserving processed food is salt. Salt causes water retention in our body and that causes the body unable to dissolve the salt. (Forcadilla, 2010). The build-up of salt eventually leads to high blood pressure and cardiovascular issues. WHO (World Health Organization has strongly recommended the reduction of salt intake to decrease the number of deaths from hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and stroke. (Ha, 2014) Not only does salt intake lead to high blood pressure, it also affects another organ that is vital to the human body, well, all organs are vital to the human body, but the Kidney is the organ that filters out the blood and send wastes through our Urine. Once your Kidney starts
Studies have shown that a person’s sodium intake can contribute to an increase in blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease and other health complications. Over the years many investigators have continued to study the effects of sodium on the human body. African Americans living in the United States have a higher risk of having diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease. However, not much research investigated the effects of high salt consumption on the odds of developing kidney stones in African American men. While this study will not build upon any currently published literature, it will help to create awareness of
Sodium exists outside the cell and concentrated potassium exists inside the cell. When nerve cells are stimulated, sodium passes into the cell and a negative electrical charge is created. The electrical travels to a muscle cell which causes the muscle to contract. To maintain healthy intracellular charges, muscle contraction and fluid balance, a diet high in potassium is highly recommended. Fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, beans, whole milk and meat can help achieve a potassium-rich diet. Sodium and chloride react together in blood cells which trigger a sodium concentration. This concentration causes sensations of thirst in the body and causes us to drink. Within 24 hours, the sodium and excess water is secreted and the body is returned to its normal state. A diet high in sodium and chloride can lead to hypertension and decreased kidney and heart function.” (The effects of dehydration)