How has the role of technology affected independent films and their film-making process?
The distribution of film has changed phenomenally during the last 10 years. Independent film is an area of production where filmmakers produce their films independently, outside of the studio system. Many argue that cultural value is taken from independent films whereas commercial releases follow the same narrative structure. Often, mainstream cinema will follow a common narrative arc which fits into the equilibrium theory e.g. Protagonist is faced with a challenge, a stage of disequilibrium occurs, equilibrium is restored and the film has a traditional happy ending. Independent film’s niche audiences enjoy the creative freedom that comes with genre. This freedom has been extended by new technology, giving filmmakers the ability to fulfil their artistic vision. Advances in technical equipment have benefitted the film-making process for independent directors, who are now able to create high quality films on a low budget. In addition to advances in technical equipment, social
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The Blair Witch Project was reportedly made on a budget of less than $60,000 and made $240,000,000 at the box office. The film played on the concept of homemade videos and was shot using a handheld camera. The film was one of the first films to go viral due to its affective viral marketing campaign through the use of technology. The film advertised itself by creating a website which detailed to tale of The Blair Witch. Many people even believed that the movie footage featured on the website was real until the actors began doing interviews after the films initial success.The Blair Witch Project success can be partly accredited to the convincing material that was provided on the website, which enabled word-of-mouth marketing “Blair Witch was a full-steam word-of-mouth
I never gave much thought into what it takes to shoot, direct, edit, and complete a motion picture. Sure, it may sound fun, but after this assignment, it felt like a lot of work. There are quite a few specialized groups that put together the films that we enjoy in our movie theatres. No wonder why it takes months and even years to edit a film, these folks are making sure things are done and synced correctly! The following essay will identify information pertaining to film and importance for their audience so the person or persons watching can have an understanding of what it is they are viewing. A story that has no meaning or becomes very confusing in the details that are presented does not make a good film.
Hundreds of movies are released every year. Filmmakers try to create the next jaw-dropping movie that audiences will stand in line for hours and pay top dollar to see. The key to success is finding ideas that appeal to a mass audience. Viewers are the lifeline of any production company so making something for everyone is a savvy business move for the film industry. To cover all bases, there are over fourteen different genres of movies. Film making is not a solo effort. It is a collaboration between the actors, directors, producers and other key contributors. This combined effort or mise-en-scene includes all the elements of the film to include actors, backdrops, costumes, props and lighting used to meet the director’s vision
Viewers of films usually expect certain aspects to be included in the film for instance love, war, and crime. The expectations of the viewers and their attitude at the end of the film usually define the genre, to which the film will fall. In most cases, the purpose of the films and the attitudes developed by the audience as the plot of the film grows, will help shape the genre to which the film will be categorized. Even though these expectations exist, it would be unfounded for the film to follow an individual ideal like communicativeness and knowledge that defines the genre. The shifts in these genres between combat and romance, for instance, are used to facilitate the conceptualization of the purpose and the representations used in the film.
The Blair Witch Project is a highly successful and widely innovative independent film that was released on July 30th, 1999. The film followed three student filmmakers who aimed to create a documentary about a local legend called the Blair Witch. While the film alluded to various hallmarks of the horror film genre, it was groundbreaking in its marketing strategy, the use of found footage, and cinematography.
The costs, methods of distribution, and themes of Hollywood and Nollywood films reflect strongly their target audiences; how the target audience affects the production of a film and how the production of a movie is designed to capture a specific
Media changes drastically over short periods of time because of digital convergence. Just in the past decades it has become much more advanced and useful for people all around the world. There has been an extreme advance in media technology, especially that used in film industry. This includes the creation of analog-to-digital converters, technology convergence, and the changes in the media industry and audiences. In this article, I will analysis how digital convergence impact on the film industry structure, forms of consumption with the innovation of revenue models and cultural production.
Film Industry has been expansively affected by the changes in technology. The mechanical and digital innovations give cause to the influence of equipment, distribution and the way in which films are made and consumed. New trends shape directors and filmmakers to expand creatively towards telling stories in motions. The film industry has developed to one of the most important tools of communication, it's cause so powerful affecting the way individuals and societies think, act and behave. Among the new Era approaching film, and seeing celluloid film fade is that of the Digital Era and a camera that saw celluloid films passing hastened.
The Blair Witch Project was the first movie that ever utilized viral marketing to increase sales and it has become a tradition for many movies ever since then. The makers of the movie sent fake video diaries that mimicked the found footage style of the film to college campuses across the country. The marketing worked and it ended up netting the movie a box office value of almost 250 million dollars. Because of its innovation and creative style, the film has become a classic and it is considered among one of the greatest horror movies ever. It also, unfortunately, led to thousands of vomit inducing found footage films that are still going strong
One model has grown to be extremely popular since its emergence in the 1970’s, the Blockbuster model. It has been argued that the Blockbuster model is more of a visual spectacle than the more narrative-focused films. Filmmakers, like Steven Spielberg, rely on massive amounts of money and general audiences to create these Blockbuster films. Blockbuster films are essentially considered more of an event across all forms of media, whereas a genre concentrates on the narrative and meaning within the story of the film itself. Genre’s can still carry an interesting narrative while also being visually striking or having massive international success. However, Blockbuster’s are more simplistic in that they constantly ironize or parody the tropes we typically see in other forms of film or theatre. Considering all of this, it can be argued that while films that fit the mold of the Blockbuster model may gain massive success and revenue, the effects are not nearly as lasting or significant as films that prioritize narrative over
As times are changing, knowledge and information are also changing. With that, the development of motion picture complexity has changed the film industry by a continuing technological evolution. It is evident that films have changed significantly over the last 100 years. The intricacy of filmmaking technology has rapidly progressed, allowing creative potential for filmmakers. Films are often due to technological advances, or even to reintroduce a classic story. Some examples of films that have been remade include Scarface (1932), remade in 1983, and The Magnificent Seven (1960), remade in 1998. King Kong (1933) is another example of a film that has been remade. The remake, King Kong (2005), directed by Peter Jackson, shows technological
Every so often a movie is released with such tense anticipation and glamorous visual art that the public is drawn to this dramatic rendition of life in the theatre. For even just two hours or so, you are put into a different lifestyle. Action, drama or comedy it may be. We are thrust into a different way of thinking. We are forced to learn the characters thoughts and feelings. The hard work and artistic skill that goes into these magnificent films is not an easy thing to mimic. Out of the thousands of movies released worldwide each year only a handful are truly worthy of the label film art. Most of the great movies are either produced by a multi million dollar
The producers will develop a test and the audience will tell the producers whether it is something they want to see or they are not going to see. This can affect the next text to be produced in an attempt to conform to the audience demands. Looking at the development of different types of genres and the development of films within the same genre, it’s possible to look at similarities and differences and identify changes in society and audience ideologies and tastes.
The film industry has always been somewhat of a dichotomy. Grounded firmly in both the worlds of art and business the balance of artistic expression and commercialization has been an issue throughout the history of filmmaking. The distinction of these two differing goals and the fact that neither has truly won out over the other in the span of the industry's existence, demonstrates a lot of information about the nature of capitalism.
is growing outside of the USA. This kind of growth includes the large countries that previously specialised in film production. For countries such as China and India, the annual release of films has grown progressively for the past decade, followed by a forced growing purchase power and investments in cinemas (Lorenzen, M. 2008). The American film industry must, in a way, watch its back. Especially when the amount of small film countries, such as Denmark and Switzerland, has grown. The smaller countries have attracted attention by not only up-scaling their production, but also winning market shares from Hollywood. Other new filmmaking countries are also on the rise, with Korea, Mexico etc. joining the market, who bring cheaper production technologies to their advantage (Lorenzen, M. 2008).
The film industry has continuously changed since its inception due to rapid technology advancements. Camera technology has been a key factor that has influenced the growth of filmmaking. The first motion picture in the world was produced in the early 1880s, and the first public screening occurred ten years later. It didn’t take long for the quality of films to improve as new filmmaking equipment emerged. Ever since the first movie was produced, the film industry has been continuously changing in response to emerging filmmaking technology. Introduction of digital photography and digital data storage along with the development of internet significantly influenced the film industry (Barsam, 2015). These technologies contributed