
How Does Temperature Affect The Rate Of Maggot Movement

Decent Essays

The Effect Of Temperature On The Rate Of Maggot Movement. Environmental Systems and Societies ---Planning Lab--- Gaurav Iyer

Research Question
To what extent does temperature affect the movement of Maggots?

This Experiment aims to analyze the behaviour of the maggots in a particular temperature. Behaviour of the maggots is defined as the way they respond to their surrounding and environment. Maggots are organisms which react by quickly and a series of varied reflex reactions are shown and adapted. These kinds of actions are very important for keeping itself in a particular environment to live. Therefore, it would be expected that all maggots react in the same way to show a particular behavioural trend. Temperature is an environmental factor that will affect the maggot’s behaviour. The temperature in the environment helps the maggots determine their rate of metabolism and its internal temperature. These organisms move according to the environmental temperature. A trend can be found to show the effect of temperature on the rate of movement of maggots.

Hypothesis …show more content…

At higher temperatures, chemical reactions such as metabolism happen more faster because of the increase in kinetic energy of the particles. As metabolism supplies the organism with energy, there will be more energy produced at high temperatures. Thus, at higher temperatures the maggots will move more quickly as their pacy rate of metabolism gives them energy to do so. Also, if the temperature is too high for the maggots, there will be a decrease in the metabolic speed because of killing of enzymes which will cause the maggots to move

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