
How Does Temperature Affect The Rate Of Reaction Between Acid And Hydrochloric Acid

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As seen in figure 1, the amount of oxygen increased from 20.75% to 22% rapidly between 20 and 30 seconds. There was also an aggressive increase between 170 and 180 seconds from 27.1% to 28%. Otherwise, the increase was relatively stable, with slight increases and decreases throughout. On the other hand, when an acid and base (hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, respectively) were added to the reactive solution, the increase was relatively stable for the acid, while inconsistent for the base, in general.
More specifically, the main spike in the acid reaction was found in between the 70 and 80 second interval. The amount of oxygen also leveled off after 160 seconds. As for the base, the largest spike in oxygen was found between 90 and 100 seconds. There were two additional spikes and plummets from 140 to 180 seconds, alternating twice. The amount of oxygen plummeted and recovered gradually from 40 to 50 seconds. …show more content…

The materials and methods sections may be referred to in order to see how these tests were done. Overall, the cold water reaction had less oxygen gas than the warm and boiling water, which are much closer together. All increase steadily. The warm and boiling water leveled off around 130 seconds and increased at a slower rate from there. The rate of increase for warm and boiling water was highest between 10 seconds and 50 seconds. The increase of oxygen in cold water was much more constant, with a minor spike between 60 and 70 seconds.
Last but not least, the final variable tested was the concentration of the catalase enzyme, which was increased. The rate of increase of oxygen gas was stable except for one small outlier towards the

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