Temple Grandin is a very smart and interesting person. She has invented new ways to slaughter livestock, which is less stressful on the animal. Grandin invented this while being autistic. Temple Grandin created and implemented more humane ways to kill animals in meat plants and raised awareness about autism with her writing in Livestock Handling and Transport, Thinking in Pictures, and The Autistic Brain. Temple Grandin’s text Livestock Handling and Transport impacted the way animals are treated . Inhumane killing at meat plants is a problem. Temple Grandin is telling us how to cut down on the stress of the animal and put them down more humane. “Careful quiet handling during the last 15 min before slaughter is essential to reduce
I genuinely got emotional when I first read this passage. When the author, Eric Schlosser visited a slaughterhouse in the High Plains, he describes the sight of cows being lead into the factory. These cows are lead up a ramp and into the factory to be knocked unconscious, then later slaughtered.
Temple Grandin’s book How the Girl who loved cows Embraced Autism and Changed the world impacted society because she made it less stressful for the animal being slaughtered. The book was about how Gradin put herself in the animals shoes and she thought of ways how to make building more opening to them and then Grandin designed animals handling facilities to make their lives better. In the book it states “Temple believes that food animals deserve a dignified death free of pain and fear. They shouldn't be driven to slaughter by people yelling at them and poking them with electric prods. They shouldn't need to cry out in
In “The Way of All Flesh” the author Ted Conover describes his experience working as an undercover USDA inspector in a meat packing plant. He shows how extremely grotesque the industry really is by providing numerous examples on the health and treatment of animals, the conditions of the meat, and the health and treatment of the employees. Conover shows the reader what it is really like in the slaughterhouse by using descriptive language. Throughout the article Conover brings up the treatment and the conditions the animals are put in. Conover supports his arguments by appealing to the reader’s emotions, by making the readers feel sympathetic for both the animals and workers.
“Perhaps a less brutal and less violent society will one day exist that will understand that life and earth are more important than products of death and cruelty” (Bond). Their four hooves led us to where we are today. They are every little girl's dream at night. They are a cowboy’s closest friend, always there with a shoulder to lean on. If you ask any horse crazy girl or boy you will be told that a horse is the most amazing creature you will ever meet. In return over 100,000 of these beautiful horses are sent to slaughterhouses yearly in the United States alone (“The Facts About Horse Slaughter”). Though euthanasia is not always financially feasible. Horse slaughter
“I think using animals for food is an ethical thing to do, but we 've got to do it right. We 've got to give those animals a decent life and we 've got to give them a painless death. We owe the animal respect.” ― Temple Grandin. Temple Grandin brings up a brilliant point, it’s okay to eat meat but it’s not okay to treat these animals throughout their life as just something that you will be killing. They have the right to live healthily and in a property environment. Throughout the novel The Chain by Ted Genoways it brings a light to all the dangerous conditions animals and workers go through and what actually goes into the meat you buy in stores. Although low prices on farm produced meat sound enticing, the abused caused to animals and the dangerous working conditions for workers cause dangerously poor sanitation, and can affect many Americans health.
Temple Grandin is an inspiration to everyone, whether they work with animals or not, whether they have autism or not. She is an amazing woman with incredible and unique qualities. Her contributions to the world of working with livestock, and many other animals, has changed how the process of meat and other animal products works. Working through her own obstacles of being a woman born in the late 1940s with autism, she has paced the way for many people like herself to excel, and for animals to be cared for properly, even though they are being raised for slaughter.
Humans are the equivalent to animals in the meat industry for the purpose of profit. Jurgis tours the slaughterhouse. He describes the detachment in the work environment with the slaughtering and packaging of hogs. The hogs are not treated kindly or even thought of as animals just as sales. “There was a long line of hogs," being simultaneously "swung up and then another, and another squealing] and lifeblood ebbing away together.” (Sinclair 39) There is an orderly way to set up the slaughterhouse to distract the poor immigrants of the American lifestyle. The worker wants to give more to their family and add to their financial status even if it means being away from their home country. Businesses take advantage of workers valuing their work ethic more than the idea of being miserable at work so it is done continuously with no remorse. This social construct was built and implied because no one could protest against a life that helps them survive in the America 's capitalism. People and animals are
Today, the food industry has not just altered the American diet, but it has also had a negative effect within the labor sector as well as the animals meant for consumption and the lack of government oversight. Eric Schlosser in Fast Food Nation, and Jonathan Foer in Eating Animals, illustrate the mistreatment of labor workers as well as the animal abuse that goes unseen within the food industry. Foer gives such examples of employees who work in slaughterhouses giving accounts of what goes on in the kill floors, and stories of employees who have witnessed thousands and thousands of cows going through the slaughter process alive (231). Eating meat does not have to be so inhumane for example, Foer quotes Frank Reese, who does not permit inhumane practices on his ranch that are cruel, and Reese believes that there are other ways of having a sustainable humane animal agriculture instead of the methods of the large corporate meat industry (238). Namit Arora in the article “On Eating Animals”, as well as Michael Pollan in his book The Omnivore’s Dilemma, address some of the issues that animals face once they hit the kill floor. The food industry has transformed not only what people eat, but how the government has neglected the issues of the wellbeing of labor workers and the animals that are processed for consumption.
Every year, an average American will consume approximately one hundred-twenty six pounds of meat. This meat can be traced back to factory farms where the animals are kept to be tortured to turn into a product for the appetite of humans. The terrible treatment these animals are forced to endure is the outcome of the greed and want for a faster production of their product. The industry of factory farming works to maximize the output of the meat while maintaining low costs,but will sadly always comes at the animals’ expense.
Schlosser describes the environment of the meat packing plants serving fast food companies in a startling straightforward narrative of his visit through a meat packing plant. He describes a brutal, and sometimes unsanitary environment. The rights of animals are a very broad and complex subject, but Schlosser touches on this as he describes the slaughterhouse floor. He describes animals in various states of disembowelment. Sometimes the animals were dead or stunned; sometimes they were thrashing about wildly in the last throws of death. The slaughter room floor was described as being covered with blood and feces. Employees worked at a furious pace to meet the day's quota. What bothered me most was the fact that this meat is not only prepared for fast food companies but also contracted out to serve our children's schools.
According to Darshana Sivakumar, “the system of breeding animals for slaughter in slaughter houses is unjust. The conditions in which animals are bred are absolutely inhumane” (Sivakumar, 2015). She affirms that many of this animals are confined in very little areas where it is impossible to move mistreating them.
The conditions in which meat livestock live in is not exactly that of a large open green field in which they are free to roam and be merry. In the Economist article, Cows down: The beef business (2008) the effects of the ill conditions cows talks of how a
The conditions for animals in modern slaughterhouses are unsanitary and violent. The lack of rules and regulations cause animals to be treated poorly because this industry is focused on mass production and profit rather than finding a more humane alternative to run the meat packing business. The most effective method to stop this cruelty is to learn about where meat comes from, start supporting the organic and family farms which will ultimately lead to the reducing the amount of animals that have to suffer.
She became an animal scientist and a professor at the university. The protagonist, Temple Grandin, was able to explain and describe very skillfully how a person with this condition feels, hears, sees, perceives and thinks. She helps people peek inside the mind of a person with Asperger’s syndrome - which facilitates good communication and better understanding. She demonstrates the importance of pictures in the mind of autisitc people and how powerful their visual skills can be.
New Zealanders would never dream of being cruel to an animal. After all animals are sentient beings. Therefore they are capable of being aware of sensations and emotions of feeling pain and suffering. In today’s world, factory farming has become popular as they are cheaper ways to produce more output efficiently. The industry strives to maximize output and revenue while minimising cost at the expense of animals. The giant companies that run most of the factory farming have developed caging systems which allow for greater animals to be living in small crammed space for greater profit and output.These animals are deprived of exercise of that their body’s energy contributes more towards producing flesh, milk or egg. Drugs are fed and animals are being genetically altered to be grown fat so they could keep them alive longer. We as humans, eat a lot of eggs. Just over 3 million eggs are consumed by New Zealanders and the vast majority of these eggs are produced from factory farmed eggs (Hibbard, 2014). The factory farmed hens are placed in small battery hen cages allowing space similar to an A4 size sheet. These animals have their beaks trimmed to minimise feather pecking and cannibalism in this overcrowded conditions. De -beaking is an extremely painful process, which is carried out with a guillotine type machine or chopped off with a hot knife machine that burns it off. Due to this factory farmed animals are not able to display normal natural behaviours including moving