
How Does The Change Made People Pay More Attention?

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The change made people pay more attention to human traits and to re-focus values of At the beginning of the 14th century, which is also known as the Middle Ages, people started to think more about themselves, and they became less interested in God, heaven, and the saints. The study of government, art, writings, architecture, philosophy, and science significantly influenced people’s way of thinking. At that time, Humanism became an important motif for architects, painters, and writers. A large number of advanced and intellectual people have emerged from among the masses. For example, the painter of a well-known painting-The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci is remarked as “Universal Genius” and “Renaissance Man”. His drawing labeled …show more content…

"...He made a decisive break with the ...Byzantine style, and brought to life the great art of painting as we know it today, introducing the technique of drawing accurately from life, which had been neglected for more than two hundred years." The later 16th century biographer Giorgio Vasari says of him. Most importantly, Giotto was recognized as “being a revolutionary who evolved the earlier and flat Byzantine-style (Byzantine-style) into three dimensional realism. (Finnan, Vincent)” His three dimensional techniques are widely used in many of his works. For example, the lamentation, and Kiss of Judas. Giotto creates a highly emotional story with the combination of dimensional layout and iconography in the lamentation. In Kiss of Judas, the commotion seems to be just beginning, and the figure almost looks as if they will jump out of the art. It is a great example of which Giotto draped his figures realistically. (Realism) Far more than these achievements have been the influence of the Italian Renaissance. Giotto produced a decent number of brilliant works throughout his life, and his renowned masterwork, the decoration of the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, commonly called the Arena Chapel, is widely considered as the finest one made by him as well as the supreme masterpieces of the Early Renaissance.

Digging more into the lamentation, which is also known as The Mourning of Christ, we can see it uses fresco to beautifully exemplify Giotto’s break with Byzantine techniques.

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