
How Does The Great Gatsby Affect One's Life

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Les Brown once said “In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make an impact”.This relates back to the novel in that one person can have a huge impact one or even many people around them. Which can greatly affect one's life or completely destroy one's life just by the way one's thoughts and action affect their lives. That one should learn that it's not all about them and what they want, that one should partition to others around them instead just to themselves. Therefore, in F. Scott Fitzgerald novel “The Great Gatsby”, it is evident that Gatsby one of the main character has a big impact on himself and others just because he has his mind set on one thing and one thing only.

So in the novel Gatsby …show more content…

In the beginning when he was trying to impress Daisy with all the parties he threw “every week” it affected many people that couldn't afford to get into rich parties could just come in and party. Which helped people that wanted to go to parties to be able to go to parties without having to be super rich. Secondly, when Gatsby actually got Daisy attention and to start liking him, he stopped throwing parties which affected the people that came who couldn't afford rich parties. It also affected Gatsby servants that he fired and “replace half a dozen others” so they wouldn't gossip every time Daisy came around. Which affected the other half a dozen of them, now they have no job and can't support their families just because Gatsby didn't want them gossiping. Lastly, when Gatsby gets into the heated argument with Tom about how Daisy “never loved him”. Which ended up killing Myrtle driving back from the hotel where Daisy, went through an emotion event with Tom and Gatsby fighting which killed Myrtle and left Jordon emotional unstable and they had nothing to do about it. The effects Gatsby had on people was huge and Gatsby didn't even realize what he was doing because he was to fixated with Daisy loving

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