Les Brown once said “In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make an impact”.This relates back to the novel in that one person can have a huge impact one or even many people around them. Which can greatly affect one's life or completely destroy one's life just by the way one's thoughts and action affect their lives. That one should learn that it's not all about them and what they want, that one should partition to others around them instead just to themselves. Therefore, in F. Scott Fitzgerald novel “The Great Gatsby”, it is evident that Gatsby one of the main character has a big impact on himself and others just because he has his mind set on one thing and one thing only.
So in the novel Gatsby
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In the beginning when he was trying to impress Daisy with all the parties he threw “every week” it affected many people that couldn't afford to get into rich parties could just come in and party. Which helped people that wanted to go to parties to be able to go to parties without having to be super rich. Secondly, when Gatsby actually got Daisy attention and to start liking him, he stopped throwing parties which affected the people that came who couldn't afford rich parties. It also affected Gatsby servants that he fired and “replace half a dozen others” so they wouldn't gossip every time Daisy came around. Which affected the other half a dozen of them, now they have no job and can't support their families just because Gatsby didn't want them gossiping. Lastly, when Gatsby gets into the heated argument with Tom about how Daisy “never loved him”. Which ended up killing Myrtle driving back from the hotel where Daisy, went through an emotion event with Tom and Gatsby fighting which killed Myrtle and left Jordon emotional unstable and they had nothing to do about it. The effects Gatsby had on people was huge and Gatsby didn't even realize what he was doing because he was to fixated with Daisy loving
True love is seen through a relationship of two people. Love exists when two people give all their trust, loyalty, and support to one another. Now imagine finding out all of the love and loyalty was false? Betraying a loved one can make someone capable of things they didn’t even know they were capable of. Betrayal is the breaking of a trust that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship amongst individuals. In The Great Gatsby, characters pursue in the action of having an affair and the result of betraying their loved ones. In the book, The Great Gatsby, the concept of true love is portrayed in a way that negatively affects the characters.
Everyone knows that people change throughout their lives whether that be looks or character, but how much might you change if you were involved in an illegal business, war, deaths and having more money than most can even imagine? In my opinion, the Great Gatsby was a dramatic love story that told the fictional story of a man and his love for riches and the determination he used to get what he wanted.Throughout the life story in the book “The Great Gatsby” characters change so much from the beginning of the book to the end. In this book you’ll see Nick, Gatsby, and Daisy all express changes in their characters throughout the book.
The Great Gatsby is generally regarded as a story of love and tragedy, but in actuality, it was a story of a sad man chasing a baseless obsession with a woman and in trying to obtain this relationship, succumbing to immoral practices and ultimately dying alone. The author of The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a widely acclaimed author who had a life of tragedy and loss that greatly impacted his writing. He was able to see not only the light-hearted, celebratory, and successful side of the American Dream, but also the negative effects of overindulging with alcohol and incessant partying. He was able to indirectly write about himself and his losses in the stories he wrote. Unfortunately, he was not able to see how successful he had become.
The novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, “The Great Gatsby”, includes many individuals who attempt to secure the satisfaction of self-fulfilment like Jay Gatsby. Gatsby is an ambitious man who believes he can persevere in any situation, and attempts to achives what he wants using various techniques. Gatsby is a potent man who wants to achieve a girl named Daisy and become an important figure. His attempts are unpleasant and lead to a tragedy, although he believes he is correct in his ways. In the novel, “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, unveils Jay Gatsby’s attempts to secure the satisfaction of self-fulfillment.
The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, a young man named Nick Carraway went to New York looking for a new job to start his american dream. Along the way he met Jay Gatsby, a man in pursuit of his own American dream which was trying to get back his one and only love. However the pursuit came with a lot of problems. In the novel many people were impacted by each other’s actions, however Gatsby was impacted the most, but not just his actions but others as well. Gatsby life changed throughout the novel.
Wealth played a big part in The Great Gatsby and in the 1920s. Gatsby’s parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people. Gatsby never wanted his life to be anything like his parents and he tried hard to make it so. James Gatz, now known as Jay Gatsby, changed his name. Gatsby changed his name so he could have a new beginning and forget about his past and start his future.Gatsby wants to be like God and be rich and powerful, so he goes about his father’s business. Gatsby did become wealthy and to exercise his wealth he throws big lavish parties but he doesn’t participate in the parties. Gatsby throws parties in hopes that Daisy Buchanan will attend.
In the final few chapters we finally get to see Gatsby’s true colors. We see that Gatsby is expressing love towards Daisy when they all decide to go to New York for the day. Tom becomes suspicious and accuses Gatsby of having an affair with his wife and also being a bootlegger. Gatsby tells Tom that he and Daisy love one another and that they are going to be together like they once were in the past. Gatsby was wrong and Daisy ends up staying with Tom. Myrtle Wilson is then ran over by Daisy but Gatsby says that he will take the blame and ends up getting shot. At the beginning of this novel we thought that Gatsby was a well liked, popular guy, but it turns out that no one shows up to attend his funeral.
The state of people’s mental health often negatively affects their relationships with the people surrounding their lives. Gatsby’s mental state throughout The Great Gatsby is not impeccable after he serves in World War I. He has to leave his girlfriend, Daisy, behind to serve in the army. Like countless other soldiers of this time period, Gatsby’s mental state changes during the war and he holds onto the good memories and perfects them in his head. He develops a perfect vision of Daisy in the years that they are apart, which can be viewed as a positive mental exercise, however, this unrealistic vision has a negative impact on their relationship in several situations when they finally meet up again in person; Daisy fails
Why should high schoolers be forced to read a book that isn’t interesting to them? Often times they either do not apply to real life situations or even teach anything that a teenager would understand. So, the high schooler skims through the book and does not pay attention to any detail. High school classrooms need better books that can teach history in a fun way, and add some interesting things to which students can reflect and think on. A book read in high school, should allow the students to think critically about the text they are reading, should include some references to history, and incorporate themes that are understandable and relatable to a high school student’s life. This makes a book want to be read as well as enjoyable. The
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is a story that has many different themes. Fitzgerald shows the themes that he uses through his character’s desires and actions. This novel has themes in it that we deal with in our everyday life. It has themes that deal with our personal lives and themes that deal with what’s right and what’s wrong. There are also themes that have to do with materialistic items that we deal desire on a daily basis. Fitzgerald focuses on the themes of corrupted love, immorality, and the American Dream in order to tell a story that is entertaining to his readers.
Why is affluence so significant? It was not always this way. For hunter-gatherer and agricultural societies, personal properties were insignificant or even disadvantageous unless it was food. For the sake of development and standards of life, this had to change. As wealth gained in value, people also lived better, longer lives, but at a certain point, it began to manipulate the society around it. Some may argue that this occurred around the 1920’s in America. The changes of this time were monumental. People were moving to cities in large numbers, the party lifestyle was adopted by men and women alike due to dramatic social change, and the economy was booming, they were not called “the roaring 20’s” for nothing. The large economy enabled people to gain more wealth than ever. A multitude of people, primarily in older generations, did not encourage this lifestyle, finding it fake, licentious, flashy, and unchristian. This disapproval of change is apparent in The Great Gatsby due to Nick’s distaste for the frivolous and gaudy lifestyles of the East and West Eggers and Gatsby in particular. This distaste, also conveyed heavily by the author, is most significantly formed around the iniquitous value of money and adultery. Ergo, In the novel The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald suggests that Modern America has become irrationally focused upon immorality and wealth rather than the true American values of hard work and faith, which is demonstrated through the motif of the colour
We see this in chapter seven where they have a conflict in the hotel. Gatsby is in love with Daisy and wants to ruin their marriage and be with Daisy forever. This conflict is shown more when Tom blames him for the death of Myrtle and convinced her husband about this. Myrtle’s husband, George being angry and grieved killed him. This conflict affects the plot because now, all of the challenges and obstacles that Gatsby has gone through were basically all for nothing.
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, portrays the life of a man who is truly focused on one dream: to reclaim the love of his life. Fitzgerald illustrates the problem of being so single-minded through Gatsby’s ultimate demise. His slow evolution and reveal of the character of Gatsby leads to a devastating climax once his dream fails. Fitzgerald uses extended metaphor and sharp diction to depict Gatsby’s crumbling life in his last moments.
The Great Gatsby is an extraordinary novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, who tells the story about the wealthy man of Long Island named, Jay Gatsby, a middle aged man with a mysterious past, who lives at a gothic mansion and hosts many parties with many strangers who were not entirely invited. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, many characters are discussed uniquely to an extent from the festive, yet status hungry Roaring Twenties. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald introduces many characters who all seem to cause conflict with each other because of incompatible personalities. The main character that F. Scott Fitzgerald sets the entire book over is Jay Gatsby, Gatsby, is first shown as a mysterious man whose
Pieces of literature often embody certain aspects of real-world problems that allow us to constantly be able to relate to them somehow. Looking back, you might not be able to relate to ‘Romeo and Juliet’ but if you look deeper into the text you can see things that circulate back to political riots and women's rights. The same thing applies to ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald when you look deeper into the double meanings of the text.