
How Does The Great Gatsby Relate To Life Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness

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The American Dream expresses the following ideas: self-invention, possibilities, freedom, opportunities to be a self-made person, and value of hard work. All people are equal and that is what holds the diverse population together. People must all have equal rights or everything would fall apart. To achieve The American Dream you must work hard in the society and try to achieve success and richness. The Declaration of Independence is what The American Dream rooted from, which proclaims that “all men are created equal” with the right to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

The Great Gatsby was a book that was written about The American Dream, it showed how Fitzgerald's choice of Nick Caraway as his narrator in "The Great Gatsby," allows readers to experience the mystery of Gatsby. Gatsby is an example of someone trying to live out the American Dream. "The American Dream is the idea that many people in the United States of America that through hard work, courage and determination one can achieve prosperity.” So basically the American Dream is to have money, and a family. Gatsby had gotten his money, but what he really wanted was Daisy Buchanan. So with all that being said it was being proved that with all the money in the …show more content…

Behind all of the rich class was many lies and not only that many people was betrayed. Only a few people realized how dark the 1920’s, but in reality most people thought of jazz, and the flappers or some people remember it from the nickname “The roaring Twenties.” Most people also remembered the new rights that the women had received and the new freedoms that women took advantage of. Eventually most people started to lose faith in The American Dream and they started to get even more discouraged, and then that’s when “The Grapes of Wrath” started it was about immigrants and people not being able to find job’s that was the startup of The Red Scare of the

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