
How Does The Honey Bee Population Affect Society

Decent Essays

“The honey bee is a historic insect that has been living for over 100 million years.” Recently the bee population has been suffering and decreasing dramatically. Large amounts of crops require pollination from bees in order to produce food. If the honey bee population keeps decreasing there will be a dramatic drop in foods and goods. Society appears to not notice or care, “it will take a dramatic drop in wanted goods and popular foods to scare people into actually caring about the honey bees.” The decrease in the honey bee population is a threat to today’s society because bees account for pollination, fertilization, and have an impact on the economy.
The honey bee’s extinction is a problem because of the impact it can have on everybody’s life. It affects the economy and the food supplies. If you eat food and enjoy flowers the decrease in bee population impacts you.
All of society depends of the honey bee to fertilize and pollinate. Without bees pollinating the plants that produce food could not be fertilized. Crops and plants would suffer and stop bearing fruits and vegetables. For example; “watermelon, apples, pears, strawberries, almonds, corn, cucumbers and tomatoes” would stop being produced. These are very popular foods that are part of the average daily diet. Overall, the food supply …show more content…

Without honey bees, the resources produced by animals would also be limited. The food that animals consume could not be produced without the pollination offered by bees. For example, it the grass and alfalfa that cows eat could not be produced then cows could not obtain the nutrients they need to live. Without cows the dairy and meat products that society consumes would also be restricted. The honey bee extinction would create a chain effect that could end in the extinctions of many others, it is simply a vital pollinator for the survival of human

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