“The honey bee is a historic insect that has been living for over 100 million years.” Recently the bee population has been suffering and decreasing dramatically. Large amounts of crops require pollination from bees in order to produce food. If the honey bee population keeps decreasing there will be a dramatic drop in foods and goods. Society appears to not notice or care, “it will take a dramatic drop in wanted goods and popular foods to scare people into actually caring about the honey bees.” The decrease in the honey bee population is a threat to today’s society because bees account for pollination, fertilization, and have an impact on the economy.
The honey bee’s extinction is a problem because of the impact it can have on everybody’s life. It affects the economy and the food supplies. If you eat food and enjoy flowers the decrease in bee population impacts you.
All of society depends of the honey bee to fertilize and pollinate. Without bees pollinating the plants that produce food could not be fertilized. Crops and plants would suffer and stop bearing fruits and vegetables. For example; “watermelon, apples, pears, strawberries, almonds, corn, cucumbers and tomatoes” would stop being produced. These are very popular foods that are part of the average daily diet. Overall, the food supply
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Without honey bees, the resources produced by animals would also be limited. The food that animals consume could not be produced without the pollination offered by bees. For example, it the grass and alfalfa that cows eat could not be produced then cows could not obtain the nutrients they need to live. Without cows the dairy and meat products that society consumes would also be restricted. The honey bee extinction would create a chain effect that could end in the extinctions of many others, it is simply a vital pollinator for the survival of human
Honeybees are a massive part of most of the world's agricultural. Many plants rely on the honeybee to pollinate and allow the continued growth of their species. Many crops also rely on these insects. Honeybees pollinate three quarters of our major food crops. What would happen if most of the bee population disappeared? Would the human race die out? Would have to find alternative methods of pollination? How would this affect the rest of the environment? Many of these questions would be erased if there was a major change in the way people treat bees. The decline of the honeybee population will become a major threat to the US, unless the population initiates a major change in the beekeeping industry.
The honey bee population is going down, and while most people think it doesn't really matter or just don’t notice it, they should because it is a very big problem. I think the other people should try and change that. If bees die then it will not be good, at all. In this persuasive piece of writing, I will be trying to make people rethink about the bee population, and what it could potentially do to the human race.
Honeybees are very important to our food supply because they pollinate our plants and help them grow. Other than the sun and water bees bring to crop or plants a lot of the nutrition that the plant is going to need and so the plant is able to produce more. Without bees helping our food grow we would be very short on food supply.
Bees provide us with pollination services for our agricultural crops. “Bees are the most important pollinators of our fruits and vegetables and flowers and crops like alfalfa hay that we feed our farm animals.” (Spivak) We rely on them so much that more than one-third of the world’s crop production is dependent on bee pollination. Without bees we wouldn’t have specialty crops like: asparagus, cantaloupes, cucumbers, pumpkins, cherries and blueberries. We also rely on the bee’s honey, “Made by bees regurgitating nectar and passing it back and forth in their mouths to one another before depositing and sealing it in a honeycomb, it’s intended use is for the bee’s winter food stores.” (Tucker) Honey is also valued in our economy, “Humans are quite fond of this amber liquid as well- the 2013 honey crop was valued at $317.1 million.” (Tucker) We need bees for their economic value just as much as we need their pollination for our crops. Honey
Scientists, beekeepers, and people who are interested in bees have seen a serious decline in bee populations. Experts researching to find out the cause of this decline have made a list of things that are negatively impacting
Native Bees make up around 4,000 different species in America and contribute 3 billion dollars to our economy yearly. While we are justifiably spending a lot of time focused on honey bee populations going down our own native bee populations are dropping too. There are many different causes for bees dropping including pesticides and diseases. Honey bees are transported to many farms, unlike native bees which would kill them. Since Honey bees have been to so many places they have been exposed to many diseases.
It is believed that a majority of the bees have died off, but many people still don’t know the direct reason why this has happened. A bee typically dies when it stings a bystander, however, these high percentages of bee deaths aren’t because of this. There are many theories on what has lead to the huge wipeout of this species, for example, some believe global warming has been a leading factor or the pesticides that farmers have been spraying on their crops. While endangered species are important and should be worth saving, the honeybee is different because no other endangered species has this much importance to human existence. Saving and growing the bee population should be a huge priority for all the countries around the
The honey bee is the substructure of the human population. It is imperative that the world knows about the decline of honey bees and work together to save the honey bee population. Nearly one-third of the world's crops are dependent on honeybees, but over the last decade the black and yellow insects have been dying at an unexpected rate in the United States. Pesticides, disease, poor weather, and the stress of being taken from one orchard to another to pollinate different crops all play a role in the decline of the honey bee. The honey bee as a species is not in danger of extinction, but a large portion of our food supply is, because the honey bee no longer has the ability to support the industry of commercial pollination. Without honey
Each year since 2006, bees have gradually been disappearing from their hives or dying off. Bees have died off before in the past. This is called colony collapse disorder or CCD. In the past CCD was cause by mites or infections, but now this is caused because of the commercial agricultural farmers. Bees play a key part in pollination. When the crops are pollinated by the bees, they are capable of producing the fruits or vegetables the human population eats. Farmers primarily depend upon the bees to pollinate their crops. The honeybees were the most adaptable bees out
Another research, conducted by Simon Potts, is also critical about the disappearance of bees, claiming that they are responsible for 80% of the fruits pollination and 75% of the crops around the world and that a possible extinction is dangerous because pollination would totally rely on butterflies. However, the latter states that there are no clear studies on the impact of pollination on crop yields so it is not possible to claim that crops growth will become unsustainable if there ever is an extinction. He finally qualified the economic value of bee’s pollination, by estimating their production to 253 billion of euros. Therefore, an extinction would lead to a global market crash and influence the economy of many countries that rely on agriculture as a predominant economic activity. Potts’ work allows understanding that the current honeybee crisis is not only dangerous for mankind because of its environmental consequences, but also for the economic impact that would occur.
Bees are very beneficial to humans in more ways than honey production. Fruits and vegetables all start with a flower. Some types of fruits and veggies need to be pollinated, so that the flower develops into a fruit or vegetable. Pollen must reach the flower in order for a vegetable or fruit to grow. Bees are one insect that does the job of pollinating. Without bees, there are many types of fruits and vegetables that would not produce. Humans and animals are dependent on many of these plants for a variety of the food they produce. Without bees, we would not have many of the foods that grow from plants that rely on their pollination. It has become a topic of study and concern. Many people who understand the important
According to savebees.org, a corporation trying to spread awareness and help raise awareness, one in three bites of food we eat is thanks to bees. Think coffee, nuts, seeds, berries, fruits and vegetables (and even many of our oils). The honey bee population is decreasing and the effects are changing the world as we know it and one part that is being majorly effect is agriculture. Honey bee populations have been declining all over the world. Without honey bees the world as we know it would be totally changed.
The honey bee is vital to an estimated $117 billion annual production of crops through pollination within the United States more than a half of the food that humans consume has a correlation with the bee either directly or indirectly. The USDA reports the following food products would be immediately damaged if no bees were available to pollinate:
The Apis Mellifera, or honey bee, have survived on this planet for fifty million years. This species of bee is responsible for pollinating flowers, grass, trees and crops around the world. Much of the food we eat is dependent on honey bees for pollination. Our ecosystem depends on the survival of the honey bee. Colonies of honeybees have been disappearing at an alarming rate around the world due to parasites, viral and bacterial diseases, and the introduction of pesticides and herbicides. Over the past six years, on average, 30 percent of all the honey bee colonies in the U.S. died off over the winter of 2012(NPR/TED). If this trend continues to spiral downward, honey bees will disappear from the world. We must understand the importance
What are the causes in the decline of HoneyBee populations, and their colonies? Bee extinction, it’s only the bee-ginning. We swat at them, we spray them, we kill them. Has anyone ever thought of the importance of the honeybees people are trying to eliminate?