
How Does Tima Destroy The Whole World?

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More importantly, when Tima takes control of “Ziggurat” she murmurs with no emotion “I am a humanoid...a machine made to destroy the world... Not 'destroy'! 'Make again'!” The decision of Tima illustrates her dissatisfaction with her fate that her feeling and memories are getting deprived because it is cruel for an intellectual creature to live without emotions. Indeed, she did not choose to rebuild the society; however, she wants to destroy it because she has emotions and she can express her struggle through her actions. With confusion, pain, hatred, and anger she fuses with “Ziggurat” and destroys the whole world. When Kenichi grabs Tima as she is going to fall into the abyss Tima has a flashback of their first meeting “I'm Ken-ichi. Who are you? …show more content…

'No, no, no... you call yourself 'I'.” She looks at Kenichi and asks “Ken-ichi! I am... who?” and ends her life. The despair and doubt in Tima’s eyes at the end suggests that Tima has found her identity as a human, yet her belief has been crushed. Therefore, the truth is she has never found out what she really is. When she let go of Kenichi’s hands indicates that without knowing who she is, what it the meaning of living. Hence, Otomo criticises that humans despise their own emotions and only want to seek for authority, while robots are perusing to become a human where they can express their emotions and be respected. Science and technology bring human convenience; humans should show appreciation for their contribution. When science is not being respected then it has the ability to eradicate the world. The film emphasizes the importance of being grateful toward technology, and giving hope that humans can be kind to others, and also be generous to

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