
How Does Tobacco Affect The Economy

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The pricing per calorie is financially disproportionate. According to Figure 1, the healthier choice is the most expensive. When a salad is almost 3 times the price of a cheese burger, what do people expect Americans to do in this economy? In this economic downfall, people cannot afford the healthier options. Also in Figure 1, it shows how disproportionate these prices are for the healthier lifestyle. When Americans can get a full meal for about five dollars at a fast food restaurant why would they pay to go to an alternative place for the healthier option. In this economy, we are barely able to get a head of lettuce and a case of water for about five dollars. When the alternatives are too high to even be considered, that may contribute to why Americans are so unhealthy. Other aspects of why Americans are so physically unhealthy is the wide spread use of carcinogen products. One carcinogen product is tobacco which is another cause of Americans’ bad physical health. The different types of tobacco that adds to the bad health of Americans are cigarettes and hookahs. The consumption of these varieties of tobacco over the years are astounding. According to Statista “The United States is the world’s …show more content…

Latest tendencies are showing that almost six trillion cigarettes are consumed annually worldwide” (“Tobacco industry”. Statista). The way Americans consume cigarettes is another thing threatening our physical health. Just the effects of smoking a cigarette alone is physically harmful. It has a bigger take on people’s health when it is about a pack of cigarettes a day. It is an addicting substance that messes with your internal organs. When people are fighting for their mental and physical health they cannot take care of themselves properly. Then their physical health starts to take a turn for the worse and it starts to decline too far for recovery. When all this could have been avoided by saying no to a

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