How does today's music differs from previous generations. Today's music can barely be compared to music of the past. The artist of the past defined music in a positive way, for example; N.W.A, Tupac,Lauryn Hill,Nas, and The Notorious B.I.G. It is not only rap but rhythm and blues and poetry has changed. Rhythm and poetry used to be about explaining problems in society. What I mean are songs like,Fuck tha Police, Know Your Enemy, Sounds Of The Police, and Mystery of Iniquity.Those songs talk about the problem going on in society. Current rap is all about degrading women by calling them “bitches” or promoting or doing drugs, and new rappers talk about murder. Some of the freshman class of rappers you can not understand but it gets you hype for no reason. There are still some rappers with that old school mentality like Macklemore. In most of his songs he discuss the problems he sees in America, for example, “Same love,White Privilege 2 and Otherside .” Then the King of the South, T.I. deserves some credit especially with his songs, We Will Not and War Zone, which are about black lives but shown if it happen to a Caucasian. He used to talk about gangs and drugs but he really thought about and started using his brain and vocabulary to talk about what's going on in the black community. Going back to the old school rappers they talk about selling drugs to help support their family. While today's rapper acts as it's okay to do drugs. It's a shame. …show more content…
Back in the 90’s the rappers stayed close to what they had when they made it as a rapper. They might occasionally change up but they wore what they had to remember where they came from. Today rappers try to be something they are not when they dress. They want to look like their icon, which is nothing wrong but they over do it, they wear some ripped up clothes and call it fashion because that's what their icon
Poetry has changed over the course of many years and numerous events in history.Music, as well, changed the sound and lyrical meanings due to many events in history. Whether music is poetry or not can be argued, but I believe music is an art represented through sound and lyrics. Music is a form of poetry with a little tune to it. Music has a message to it just as poetry would. Modern day music can reflect on many things, just as poetry sometimes refers to events going on in the world. Many years ago a very controversial topic was the discussion of slavery, and later the inequality of colored men to whites. Popular American poets, Paul Laurence Dunbar and Langston Hughes, are two of the very few who would talk about these controversies. Their poetry consisted of slavery, racial relations and inequality, opportunity, and hope. Their poetry captures the despair and faith in the colored people through all their oppression. Modern day music genre and style of hip hop or rap is a style created by African Americans. Present day rap artists, J Cole and Kendrick Lamar, are two rap artists who have revolutionized music and have become idolized by many African Americans. The two are known for discussing the reality of what it is like being a black man in today’s society. The poems of Hughes and Dunbar are very comparable to the songs of Cole and Lamar that discuss oppression, inequality, and hope within black
Music is a magnifying glass on society. Listeners get a glimpse of race, gender roles, wealth, love, and more from a specific time period. Take current rap songs streaming on the radio today. Behind the curse words and what seems like gibberish is actually insight on the current world and what issues the artist is going through. For example, Kendrick Lamar’s hit “DNA” may seem to many like a explicit waste of words, but when studying the lyrics, one sees that Lamar is actually reflecting on his black heritage and on the ecomonic and racial struggles he has had growing up in Compton.
Rock and roll music has effected many different areas of pop society development but most of interest in the 1950s and 1960s. In the 1950s american rock N roll music ruled many areas of the earth but became especially pleasing to all in the UK pop music place. The rock N roll tunes to make it great-sized in Britain were Bill Haleys Shake, rattle and Roll and rock round the Clock, which were both Released in 1954. Other groups gained notedness and had great-sized effects in UK music like, Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly and the sort of jumping insects, the Everly brothers and Elvis Pressley.
Rap was found in the United States in the 1970's. But in the 1990's, it was a great decade for hip hop music. Rap music today compared to the 1990's has a huge difference. The difference between them is the lyrics. Lyrics back in the 1990's were less about artists success and more about his or her rise to success (Clara McNulty-Finn 1). The lyrics were also mostly studying politics, hate crimes against blacks, drug dealing, racism against the black community, sexual activities with women, violence, and living in poverty.
How has music changed over the decades honestly? I mean now we have rap andhip & hop, what happened to the smooth and classical music from the 70’s. Today’s music hastook over the children’s minds and a lot of other people's minds also.i honestly like country, yes ilisten to one rap song and that is jumpman i love that song , but i listen to more country than i dorap honestly. Like for instance, how many kids listen to rap? A few of you, how many peoplelisten to country and the other types of music? Not a whole bunch, see rap and hip hop has takenover. Mrs. sagehorn for example she don't listen to rap or hip hop she listens to classical andsmooth music. Whatever you guys listen to is not my business but if you want to listen to thatupbeat music
Music has been known throughout time. It can help us through everything. There are so many solutions with music to help a person go through so many situations. Music can affect many people in many different ways. Without music some people would be lost and would have no motivation. Music can provide inspiration and insight through education. Music has influence on suicides, killings and shootings, and provocative actions. It can also influence good morals, respect, allowing differences, health, and much more. Music can come in many forms and categories and music is very good for the world.
Making its start in the 1970’s in New York , rap has taken the world by storm as a way to express individuals emotions and give a inside look at one's life through rhythm and rhymes. The genre of rap is an outlet for emotion and struggle for many individuals . Creating lines that tells stories about one's life and paints a visual and scenes in the listeners minds of the situations and problems that the artist has encountered . Rap has made many strides and changes from 1970-2017. There are so many similarities and differences in the age of old school rap and new school rap . So much as changes going artist to their lyrics and things will always such as the culture of rap .
For a long time, rappers used hip hop to express their feelings towards issues they endured in their communities. They have been vocal about inequality and the oppression of blacks in America. Rap groups like Public Enemy, Ice Cube, Kendrick Lamar have all spoken on police brutality on Blacks in America. They used Hip hop as a way to raise awareness and fight the American system of oppression on Blacks. Rap has also been a form of music that makes a statement and with the uprising of police brutality, they have continued to be very vocal about the constant killings of black men by the police. Kendrick Lemar’s song “Alright”n has been the staple song for the movement, Black Lives Matter, said Stereo Williams .Many people all over the world are aware and understand the magnitude of oppression that continues to happen to Blacks in America when they listen to
It is hard to believe that hip-hop has been around for over 40 years. It is now 2017 and more rappers are coming out than ever before. Some rappers are very unique. Others, in my opinion, have just killed the sound of hip-hop and have either auto-tuned their voice or just make music that has no meaning. Rap has definitely changed over the years and I feel that more rappers are getting the opportunity to make music than ever before. I believe some traditions have died, but rap is different and more unique than it ever was before. Though there may be some hidden, underground gems in the pile of rubbish that has come to represent the genres, only mainstream tracks receive enough play and make enough money to support artists and their art. When
Throughout its history, music has permeated the significant events of American history. Its effect on American society and the way the American people cope with each event has only grown as popular music evolves and new genres reach more and more individuals. People can remember where they were and their exact surroundings to amazing detail when asked about life-changing events in history. Older generations will remember the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Their children will remember when Kennedy was assassinated and when man walked on the moon. Their grandchildren will remember much of the turmoil of the ‘70s and ‘80s and their great grandchildren grew up in the world impacted by the events of September 11, 2001. Even one’s surroundings during the start or end of a relationship or personal events such as graduation, getting a driver’s license, or getting married can all be paired with the music that was popular at the time.
Trends come and go, and nowhere is that more evident than in the world of hip-hop style. From its early days of tracksuits, bucket hats, and dookie chains to the '90s heyday of gangsta leans, baggy jeans, and Timberlands, it's evident that today's crystal-mask-clad, skirt-wearing rappers are a far cry from what was considered dope when Tupac and Biggie ruled the airwaves.
The relationship between music and society is an exceptionally powerful and crucial one. In some cases, this relationship is viewed as one that is harmonious and beneficial to large communities of people. However, that exact relationship could also be scrutinized as one that is extremely discordant to other communities. Green Day happens to fall precisely in the middle of that musical spectrum, depending on who is asked. Regardless of opinion, songs are much more than just music and are essentially retained as pieces of history. These songs help showcase the trends, behaviors, and even struggles of different time periods. With that being said, one may ask “What all did the musical group Green Day contribute to society?”.
Rock and Roll has has had an impact on several decades of generations of people. It has also sustained itself throughout this period without dropping in popularity. Rock and roll has had a huge impact on the society we live in today because it affects other music genres such as hip hop and neo-soul. It has not only affected other genres but also opened up a way for originality, self-expression, and free thought. It also influenced artists to give political opinions through their songs which also influences the government and how it governs specific laws including many that were apart of the civil rights act. It has been given credit for integrating teens and adults through 1950’s-1970’s. It has also helped with equality with races being able to perform and be successful without being treated unfairly about their quality of music because of their race.
Art has undoubtedly become a decisive aspect of our culture; embedded in the way we learn and grow on a daily basis. Art forms such as music, television and dance dominate our society as an outlet of freedom of speech for humanity. The evolution of music has rapidly exceeded its original classifications, developing new genres with greater appeal to an audience, hence its influence on society has expedited. In recent times, lyrics (specifically rap lyrics) have been introduced into the court room as a form of documented confessional evidence, evidently challenging law’s authoritative nature. This essay will closely follow the genre of rap and its relationship with law, through cases based in the United States of America (USA). In addition, the trial of Simon Bikindi in Rwanda and Smith v The Queen will be used to form an acute analysis on the influencing factors of relevance, identity, freedom of speech and current constitutional law.
Media takes all forms of shapes, from video games to music it influences people daily because we are always surrounded by it. Music especially impacts individuals because in a lot of ways it can say what we want to say in times when we as individuals cannot say it. In those times we lean on music to help us understand the hardship we are going through, or as a mechanism to face our feelings or to block them out. Interpersonal violence which is defined as an individual using power over another in the form of violence whether that be emotional, physical, or sexual. With the many forms of interpersonal violence it’s apparent that it has been expressed in the form of music for quite a while, and sometimes not always in a preventative way. By