
How Febreze Can Be Successful As It Once?

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Before the substantial amount of competition came about, Febreze was the well-known and most reliable odor-eliminating product that caught customer’s interests. Proctor and Gamble created Febreze in high hopes of bringing people’s homes a sense of refreshment with an aroma specifically made to remove bad odors. When competition arose from brands such as Glade and Airwick, Proctor and Gamble took the initiative to distinguish their brand from the existing competitors. In-home interviews, focus groups and observations have all contributed to P&Gs insight on how Febreze can be successful as it once was (Schiffman & Wisenblat, 2014).
P&G’s first insight relies on “focusing on the problem rather than the solution” (Schiffman & Wisenblat, 2014, pg. 195). People’s reactions to bad odors play a significant part in how P&G will determine what kind of problem they need a solution for. P&G have taken note of the fact that unpleasant smells not only make it unbearable for people, but it also makes them feel queasy by the thought of foulness and uncleanliness (Schiffman & Wisenblat, 2014).
The second insight expresses sensory input through the in-home interviews. This is where customers are asked questions on smell and appearance when brought into homes. The “sensory functions are to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch” (Schiffman & Wisenblat, 2014, pg. 117). During this process, P&G learned that consumers believe that a messy home that smells good is more welcoming than a

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