
How Gaming Saved My Future

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Hello, My name is Marcus Paige. This is my essay on how gaming saved my future. I discovered gaming through watching television. One show in particular that caught my attention, was called "Nick's Video Arcade". I would really get into that show because during that time I did not own my a console of my own. So, this was the best I could do at the time. I would also pick up gaming magazines from time to time. I could see what was new in the gaming scene and read about future consoles coming out. I also became a huge fan of the readers section of these magazines, since you could send in questions and have them answered. Another thing that got me into gaming was a family friend. I can remember as a child I would always go along with my mother to visit one of her good friends. While I was there, her son and I would always end up playing games the whole time I was visiting. By getting into gaming, I feel that it has helped me out in many different ways. For example, back in high school I wasn't the smartest student. I didn't apply myself much . You could say I was stuck inside a spiral going down-wards. I would notice that things weren't going so well, but I really didn't bother to try or turn myself around . During my downward spiral, I would find myself constantly making bad decisions. I would go out and party when I knew I should be at home studying,or doing my homework assignments. I was also hanging out with people who had no care about my academic

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