
How Gender And Not Allow Self Identification

Decent Essays

I don’t believe I have a right to tell people how they should identify gender or how to define gender. Everyone should have the right to self-identify as men or women. The only exception to my belief is when healthcare is administered. In medicine we know that certain drugs are interact differently based on hormones and biology. Just as the symptoms for a heart attack are different for men and women. In these instances, the case has to be made how we define gender and not allow self-identification to drive the healthcare one receives. In the technical area of claims processing has not caught up and an individual must be identified as male or female.
I was unlucky enough to have attended a Catholic school from fourth through eighth grades where uniforms were worn by all students at a time where there was a standard of dress with no deviation for individualism. Being very much the athletic tomboy, I wanted to wear the boys pull over v-neck sweater which was not allowed. I preferred pullover sweaters instead of button ups. It wasn’t until eighth grade that changes were made to allow options for the sweater and pants. Prior to the change in dress code the best we would do was wear shorts underneath our skirts. The change was approved after the priest caught several of boys pulling up girls skirts on a gauntlet as we walked to class from our lockers.
Bangkok University got their dress code right in presenting options for students across the board. All of the uniforms are clean

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