
How Has Elvis Changed America

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During Elvis’ career, he had a dance move which he called hip shaking, it symbolized “Liberation for the staid America of the 1950’s” (Mark). In making his dance move in such a way, the fans were crazy about him while he did the hip shaking. He shows expression to the audience of his dance move of liberation to America. The significance of the hip shaking shows a freedom of expression, in being equality in America. The genre Rock and Roll was a freedom of enjoyment and excitements. “He was happy to give people things; the look on people’s faces when he gave them something was his joy, because he’d had nothing” (Duffett M. 87). Elvis was delightful role model to the generations, yet he gave the audience happiness. Elvis came from nothing, until the moment he found out his talent in showing his love of music through Rock and Roll. …show more content…

In 1956, he was the symbol for the youth culture in America, yet “his unique blending of white country and gospel music, black R&B and gospel, white pop music, his particular brand of charisma and talent, and the resulting success and controversy, have helped him ... a cycle of change in music and pop culture and the mores of American society” (Graceland The home of Elvis Presley). Elvis was the courage of youth teenagers, because they loved him the way he sang, dance, and changed music and rock and roll culture to a next

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