Being a part of FFA has completely changed the course of my life. It is because of this amazing organization that I have learned to be service minded. Helping others has become the biggest goal I want to achieve in my lifetime. I want to leave a mark on the world and change it for the better. With the experience I have gained so far, an imminent change I want to make is to feed the world population by the year 2050. In 2050 the USDA reports that the agricultural industry will not be able to provide enough food to sustain the predicted world population of 9.7 billion people. This would mean potentially millions of people would become food insecure and not have adequate availability to a food supply to maintain a healthy diet. This is a very
Before revealing plan 4.0, Mr. Brown explains the constraints, setbacks, and conflicts of the current world: skyrocketing food costs, steady increase of hunger (projected 1.2 billion by 2015), limited irrigation
I have been involved in many activities through my years at FCHS. All of those activities have taught me life skills and furthered me as a person. Three that have impacted me the most are FFA, Track and Field, and Band.
After learning about the statistics of how much agriculture consumes our planet, I was appalled to see how destructive it is. Jonathan Foley put into perspective the increase and rapid demand for food. Agriculture alone consumes 40% of our land surface, 70% of our irrigation system, and
FFA has made a huge difference in my life. It has helped establish my agriculture background , provided me with community involvement, and taught me the basics to agriculture. FFA has helped influence my decision to study agriculture in College as well. Through my experiences in FFA I have grown better in my communication and public speaking skills and opened up many opportunities for myself with agriculture related organizations and companies. For example, FFA has brought me closer to my county Farm Bureau organization, where I dedicate a lot of my time helping to prepare community events, meetings and sessions. I also help the Farm Bureau execute these proceedings effectively and efficiently. companies that FFA has introduced me to are locations
A lot of things in my life have not gone as planned, but I think the one thing that has most affected me, happened when I was in the tenth grade. We were signing up for that year’s classes, and the one that I wanted to get into was full. I was placed in the only other available class, Survey to Agriculture. My best friend had always talked about how wonderful Ag was, but I did not see how that was going to be possible for me. Sure, I have grown up on a farm, and I was a part of 4-H for a good chunk of my life, but I thought I had no interest in agriculture related activities.
In the summer of 2017, I lost my father to a tragic farming accident. I was devastated, I felt as if my life could not continue, although I had to push through because I could not take a year off from college. My father was my inspiration to pursuing an education in agriculture. From a young age, he taught to garden and to work with animals. I loved planting the seeds in the ground and watching them grow and enjoying the fresh crops on our table.Through the knowledge, my father gave me I learned the importance of farming and ranching after all people will always need to eat. Later, my skills led me to become an involved member and officer in FFA at Chelan High school. Chelan FFA helped me gain confidence in myself and further opened my eyes
It is estimated that 740 million people are starving in the world today. (Prakash and Conko 357) There are about 7.2 billion people in the world, so the hungry population accounts for 12.7% of the population. The time has come to change these statistics. It is the 21st century and we, as humans, now have the technology and resources to reverse these terrible numbers. There are two arguments on what we should do with this new technology, however. One side, researched by a science policy analyst, stated that biotechnology still has kinks to be worked out and is not the best way to combat world hunger. Another side by a AgBioWorld Foundation vice president and a world-renowned scientific researcher, professor, scholar, and director of the
The global population is expected to reach 9 billion people by the year 2050 and scientific projections indicate that world is on a trajectory towards an environmental and global food crisis. World Leaders, environmental enthusiasts and aid agencies have cause for alarm as they support urgent policies for change, for without them mankind will face unprecedented food insecurity. In 2015 estimates were that there were “some 795 million people” [World Food Programme, 2015], experiencing food insecurity and 3.1 million children under 5 died through malnutrition, while Australians continue to waste an estimated 361 Kg’s of food per person per yr [PMSEIC, 2010, p.44] All the while the earth groans under the weight of Greenhouse Gas Emissions [GHG], deforestation, soil degradation and
Last school year, I joined FFA. I mainly joined it to get out of band since my parents wouldn't let me leave the band unless I joined another extra-curricular activity. I had a choice to make, it was either I join FFA and try something new, or I suffer from the band the rest of high school. I believe I made the right choice since FFA has been an exciting experience. I have been working hard to keep my birds alive and stay on top of my schoolwork, but my parents can't see it. With all this hard work that has been put in, I felt underappreciated and given too many chores.
I recently did a Food for America project, which is a project on basically anything having to do with agriculture, presented to children in my town and too many others. For my project I chose to do Shribers Foods. If you don’t know, Shribers is a company that makes dairy products all over America. Shribers was even kind enough to donate some cheese to my group as samples for the children to whom I presented. That is an excellent example of how adults can help out. I’d like to connect FFA and Young Farmers Farm Wives of America, because if everyone grouped together we could make Food for America bigger and better each year, by having more things to see, especially things the FFA students don’t have or couldn’t acquire, but that could be brought in from the young farmers to do a presentation over, then more education is spread to the younger generation.
Since it was established, Feed the Future has reached many areas including Asia, Central America, East, Southern, and West Africa, ridding 1.7 million families from hunger (“Feed the Future”). Moreover, the measures of Feed the Future’s actions include strengthening the resilience of communities and improving agricultural production (“Feed the Future”). Furthermore, In Obama’s statement above, he proposes even more government investments in agriculture in the Global Food Security Act. Nonetheless, although Feed the Future has reached millions of people, there are still millions more to assist. Consequently, the Global Food Security Act was passed and will work to build a more stable world. Regardless, how was Feed the Future developed? The U.S. was expected to lead an initiative against world hunger because of their industrial advantage. Also, the seemingly rich country has experienced poverty and hunger during the 1930s. Hence, the Great Depression greatly impacted the economy and societal mindset of the United States
I have taken advantage of many opportunities that have been presented to me throughout my life, from running for student council office to participating in the geography bee, and I know that I am lucky to have been presented with these chances. However, I have also had my share of opportunities that I deserved but never received. This is especially true with my experiences with Junior Varsity soccer in my sophomore and junior years in high school.
Since 5th grade I have played for the local travel soccer team. I have always been on the lowest team from the beginning and when I was younger I was fine with it because at least I was playing the sport that I love. As I got older it became more competitive and I was tired of being on the lowest team. I told my coaches I was interested in moving up and asked them what I could do to get there. They told me what I needed to do to improve and I practiced almost every day after school. I tried out freshman and sophomore year to make the highest team and both times I failed. I did everything they told me to but it still wasn't good enough. For a short time I thought about giving up but then I realized that I have worked too hard and too long to
However, the issue will require attention soon enough when addressing the 70% food production increase mandatory in feeding the estimated world population of 9.3 billion by 2050 (United Nations, 2011).
In the past ten years the world population exceeded six billion people with most of the growth occurring in the poorest, least developed countries in the world. The rapidly increasing population and the quickly declining amount of land are relative and the rate at which hunger is increasing rises with each passing year. We cannot afford to continue to expand our world population at such an alarming rate, for already we are suffering the consequences. Hunger has been a problem for our world for thousands of years. But now that we have the technology and knowledge to stamp it out, time is running short.