Photography in general has come a long way from the first commercially available methods in the early 1800's. Modern technology, combined with the public's growing obsession with food photography, have come together to create the modern style we have today. Here's how food and product photography in Marin County has changed over the years.
How Food Photography Has Changed
In the 1950's food photography was still fresh and new with each frame filled with fussy dishes of molded meat and fancy confections. Over the years, the frames became less filled and the dishes more detailed until the unrealistically perfect dishes of the 1980's and 90's. Today, food photography is more focused, less fussy, and a great way to show off a brand's signature
maximizing the flavor of every dish. By bringing in comfort food to the scene of higher end
B & H Foto & Electronics Corp. (2013). Lighting Studio. Retrieved September 1, 2013, from
Campbell’s Soup Cans presents thirty-two duplicate paintings of different flavored Campbell soup cans. All of the paintings were painted on white canvas and displayed in rows as if, “resting on a shelf like groceries in a store” (MoMA). Each piece is nearly identical to the first with the main difference being that each name of the soup’s flavor is different, two specific soup cans with a ribbon across the seal stating, “NEW, GREAT AS A SAUCE, TOO”, and another with the words “Old-fashioned” above the flavor label. Each can has a black outlines and details, red upper half, brown centered seal, while lower half, read flavor name, black and gold “SOUP”, gold printed patterns, and a single red line. The MoMA states, “Warhole assigned a different
Regardless the person, everyone still orders from restaurants, or they microwave a frozen dinner meal once in awhile. In contemporary society, it 's much more efficient to order take out rather than to cook and prepare your own food due to the lack of time. Sadly people even forget the taste of fresh, home cooked meals. Nowadays people don’t know what it’s like to sit down and enjoy a nice hearty home cooked meal, instead they’re always on the run grabbing a quick bite here and there. Unfortunately with such busy lives people don’t have the opportunity to watch cooking shows, go to cooking class, or even cook for their children. People just want to come home and relax they don’t want to have to worry about cooking and all the preparation that comes with it, they would much rather order take out and avoid all the hassle of cooking. In Berry Wendell’s Essay “The Pleasures of Eating”, we are given insight on how very little common people know about where their food comes from and what it goes through. “When a Crop Becomes King” by Michael Pollan reveals how corn, a single crop could be involved in such a wide array of industry and be used in almost everything. David Barboza’s article “If You Pitch It, They Will Eat”, focuses on how in modern society advertising is everywhere and it is taking a big role in everyday life. Through the work of Berry, Pollan, and Barboza we are shown that ignorance is a defining human trait.
The Diners out Handbook by Alfred H. Miles discusses the dining during the 1920’s. The dining table should be one of the top priorities should be the number one place which should be organized. A well-organized table can be both simple and elegant for a dining experience. All that is needed is its white cloth, bright silver, and a shining glass to impress any individual during its time when there is not a party. The accessories of the table have to be exact such as the placement of each piece of silverware (spoons, forks, and knives). This was a key element of proper dining which also had proper appeal. The decoration of the food during this time was very unique. Things such as fruits were used during this time to make tall towers and make them masterpieces (decorations) for parties. Other foods such as Blackened Ham was also used and seen as more elegant (with maraschino cherries placed inside them). Finger foods before the main course or just a snack during a party which was simple to make and a very delightful, light
As I mentioned before that all the references and bibliographies have the same information about how photography was before it got invented and about how did photography started and how it got developed from year to year and from century to century. From that time until today Photography has developed too much and I believe it will keep on developing from day to day and from year to year. Photography became so much easier than before, there is a huge difference between cameras these days and cameras from that time, and only god knows what they will invent and how it will be developed more in the coming
In today’s society there is a variety of foods consumed. Some of which are vital to the human body and some are eaten for the taste. As a result, food guides are able to inform the public which foods to eat and how much of the food should be consumed. It also tells information based on health and how to prevent certain diseases. Different countries have altered food guides. This may be due to the foods available abundantly in a country that provide nutrients and other essential components needed. Moreover, some food guides have a lot of information and others are very simple and may use images to portray messages. Three food guides I chose to examine are the food guides of Greece, Australia and Japan. I will be highlighting the similarities/differences
Chefs and restaurant owners goal during the revolutionary war of French cooking was to make new and personalized dishes that were made with combinations that never existed before. Chefs and cooks while getting their professional training were instructed and forced to learn how to cook dishes that were considered standards of cooking and are now called classical cuisine. Chefs began to grow tired of making the same dishes and using the same recipe, these chefs than began to rebel against the establishment of cooking. These chefs started to experiment and tamper with dishes to see what new creations that they can
I. “The way we eat has changed more in the last 50 years than in the previous 10,000.” Food activist, Michael Pollan, makes this statement as the introduction to a documentary titled Food Inc., which discusses the way food is being produced today in America.
Major labor-saving technological changes of the 20th century gave rise to the industrial processing of food. In the 1950’s and 60’s we saw a rise of supermarkets and the spread of fast-food eateries. The growth of supermarkets and fast-food eateries gave way to a new method of consumption. No longer was food’s route from the local farm or ranch to the
It holds a special role in visual culture of art. Food is a very common subject in still life paintings. Examples could be the “Lobster and fruits” still life painting of Abraham van Bayeren in the 50s of 16th century,
Photography is perhaps the most compelling visual representation of world events. Images have been used to make a statement, change courses of action, even altering the way the world sees war. It is images such as Warren Richardson’s “A New Hope” that has helped causes the world over since the advent of photojournalism prior to the 20th century. The following essay will explore firstly, the importance of photos in journalism and secondly, how photojournalism can be subjective and lastly, how “A New Hope” represents the good elements of photojournalism.
Photography is one of the most common form of art people see every single day. It is in magazines, newspapers, all over the internet, even on the products you buy at the store. When it was first invented and used, only few people could actually make a living as a photographer because the equipment was expensive, heavy and harmful. Today, photography has been growing more popular than ever. Being a photographer has been getting easier as cameras have been getting smaller and more accessible. This has caused some scare to the photography world as many professional photographers and even amateurs are afraid that the growing popularity of the art is killing it.
But let’s back up a second. Traditional food photography is part art, part science, part artifice. It’s often slow, expensive and complicated. But the rise of social media has changed the way consumers see food. In the age of Instagrammed meals, it’s helpful
Food has essentially become a way of life in our world. People identify by what kind of food they grew up eating. People from the south feel that barbecue food is a way of life, while people in Italy can’t live without pasta. We can learn a lot about where are ancestors are from when we look at what kind of food we eat, but we can also see the change that the culture we live in has put upon us. Since America is this beautiful melting pot of many different cultures we can see the blended in all of us, but still know our heritage form the “secret” family recipes we have learned from our parents, and grandparents. Food in essence is a part of our culture that shows us where we our ancestors are from, where we currently live, where we grew up, what religion we partake in, and just who we are as people.