Usain Bolt has changed track and field forever. This is because he set new world records for the 100 meter and 200 meter sprints. In his autobiography he says, “I looked up at the clock. Usain Bolt: first place. 9.63 seconds- the fastest Olympic 100 ever.” (page 260) This was just the beginning though, he would go on to beat that record by five hundredths of a second, securing him a spot in the record books. He set new standards and changed the way people see track and field. “Winning three gold medals in Beijing wasn’t quite enough to make me one of the greatest sportsmen ever, but doing it twice was something to shout about.” (page 263) Usain Bolt changed track by winning both the 100 and 200 meters not once, but twice in the Olympics,
"The highest measured speed ever obtained by any individual since records began is 100m in 9.59 seconds-the current holder of 'worlds
In Unbroken, by Lauren Hillenbrand the setting plays a significant role. The story starts the childhood of a man named Louie. He grew up with his Italian family in Torrance, California during the 1920s and 30s. He was the middle child and was considered a troublemaker. Because of his behavior, his behavior, his older brother, Pete, made him try out for the track. His performance was amazing and as a result he was allowed to join the team. Everyday he was training with his brother. He won all of yhe local track meets and went on to run in the 1936 olympics in Germany. He ran the 5,000 meter race. Even though he finished in 7th place, he broke the world record for the fastest final lap with 56 seconds. Louie was determined to perform better in the 1940 olympics.
By the age of around 15, Pete Zamperini convinced the troubled youth to run. Pete would ride his bike and Louie would run, and eventually he got better dramatically. Louie really has a passion for the sport of track and field. He broke high school records, and finally had his life together. In 1936 he went to the Berlin Olympics. Although he did not win, his last lap of the mile was a world record lap. His devotion to running makes him train harder and harder for his goal: breaking the 4 minute mile.
His mile time was breaking highschool records everywhere and he began to be noticed. His one dream was the olympics, Louie makes his way to the olympics he begins stealing and acting out again. He gains a lot of weight having more access to food then he has had in year but he still makes history with a 56 second final lap in a 5000 meter race (4). People began to believe the 4 minute mile was achievable through Louie Zamperini. However, with all of Louie’s success he has gained, due to the brewing WWII in Germany, the olympics were cancelled.
Percy began training in sprint in 1924. He had become a local champion, and began going to Olympic trials, where he won both the 100 m and 200 m sprints. In order to afford tickets to attend
He carried that hard work and determination in high school where he became an All American in football at his school while breaking multiple records and maintaining an exceptionally good GPA of 3.5. He actually didn’t start running track until the age of 16 and also became an All American in track and holds the school record in the 400-meter dash. After high school, he was offered a chance to continue his track and football career at the Boise State University, where he received a full scholarship for track and football continued his outstanding athletic success and grades.
Bolt who has had injury problems all season, surged home in 9.79 seconds edging Gatlin, the fastest man in the world this year, who has been on a 28-race unbeaten run into silver medal position just one hundredth of a second back.
He was the fastest high school miler in the nation. His record of 4:21.3 would stand for nineteen years. Soon after the race he decided to compete in the Olympic trials for the 1500 meter because there was no mile race. He was unsure of his decision but decided to see it through because it was his dream. He trained harder than ever, but with the trials just around the corner he realized he would never win against his older rivals. He was heartbroken but soon learned that there was a 5,000 meter race and he decided to give it a try. He competed in the 5,000 meter trial and clipped out the fastest 5,000 run in America in 1936. He advanced in the trials and competed in the last race which qualified him for the Olympics. Hillenbrand says that “Louie Zamperini was on his way to Germany to compete in the Olympics in an event that he had only contested four times”. Once in Germany Louie competed and came in eighth place but he recorded the fastest last lap ever, he ran it in 56
Athleticism in Canada has shown how Canada’s diversity has evolved because we support black athletes, such as Donovan Bailey, to achieve their athletic goals, and become role models to other young Canadians. Donovan Bailey is also a Jamaican born who immigrated to Canada at the age of thirteen. Prior to pursuing sprinting in 1993, he began a business for marketing and investment. Upon his decision to focus on track and field, Bailey attended numerous track championships- winning countless “hundred meter” and relay titles. What makes him very significant to Canadian history is that he is the first Canadian in a hundred meter race to break the “10 second barrier”; additionally, he maintained the title as the world’s fastest man, until Usain Bolt claimed the title in the 2008 Olympic Summer Games. After his retirement, Donovan Bailey did not become a silent contributor. He developed a company called, DBX Sport Management, as well as opening a sport injury clinic in Oakville, Ontario. The purpose of his business is, to help young athletes find paths to promoting their own. Although he now resides in a neighbouring country, his action still impact on Canada’s identity.
The world record holder Jesse Owens digs his own starting blocks into the cinder track, Ready, Set, Go. Jesse sprints the 100 meters and gains one of four gold medals. Jesse Owens is one of the greatest track athletes that ever lived. He ran jumped and in his later career even won against horses. Many called him the fastest man alive. Although some may say Jesse Owens did not change America’s position on racism, he was an influential and controversial person because he made the American Dream and did what no one expected.
That day he won four events, set three world records, and he tied a fourth record all in forty-five minutes. He tied the world record by running the one hundred yard dash in nine point four-seconds. He then broke a world record by jumping twenty-six feet eight and one quarter inches in the long jump. Later, he finished the two hundred twenty yard dash in twenty point three-seconds for another world record. That same day, he broke a third world record by finishing the two hundred twenty yard low hurdle race in twenty-two point six seconds.(Shwartz 1) He was so outstanding at track and field, that during his junior year of college he won every single one of the forty-two events in which he competed. Three of those events were Olympic trials for the 1936 Olympics (“About Jesse Owens” 3) guarantying that he would be going to Berlin to compete for a medal.
Track and field is an ancient Olympic game which began in 776 B.C. There are various events in this sport, track and field. There are also a number of track events, as well as field events. All events require the use of energy and concentration, especially the use of techniques and with these three elements, one shall succeed. In track and field, it’s mandatory to take note of the stadium due to the various markings. So therefore, track and field is a true athlete’s sport, due to its many components and elements.
In the 100-meter dash there were twelve preliminary rounds, which were all to be ran the first day of competition. In order to advance from there the top two runners of each race will go on to the semi-final. Owens's was scheduled to run in the last round, which was good for him because it let him see what he would have to race against if he made it to the finals. Jesse Owens didn't have to worry much about opposing team members very much with his speed.
As a child he attended Wolderisa Primary, where he began to shown his sprint potential when he ran in his parish’s annual national primary school meat. By the age of 12, Bolt had become the second fastest runner over the 100 meter distance. When Usain reached high school at William Knibb Memorial he focus on other sports, but his cricket coach noticed his speed and told him to pursue track. He took is coach advice and decided to pursue tack a little more, he began training with Pablo McNeil, a former Olympic sprint athlete,and Dwayne Jarrett. Bolt won his first annual high school championships medal in 2001; he took the silver medal in the 200 metres with a time of 22.04 seconds. Performing for Jamaica in his first Caribbean regional event, Bolt clocked a personal best time of 48.28 s in the 400 metres in the 2001 CARIFTA Games, winning a silver medal. The 200 meter also yielded a silver, as Bolt finished in 21.81 seconds. In 2001 he made his first apprencence on the world stage at the IAAF World Youth Championships in Debrecen, Hungary. He failed to qualified for the finals but still set a personal best at 21.73 seconds. Bolt didn’t take athletic or even themselves
Usain bolt was offered the sportsman off the year to years in a row which has never happened before! Let’s hope he can win this year to break some more records. A fun fact is that he has never broke a record in his own country. The only one that he has when he was 14 years old.