
How I Got Like An Odd Shaped Exercise Machine

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The air was stale, musky, and reeked of old people. Mom hardly ever let me play in the attic, but she was too busy dealing with my aunt to notice I snuck up here. I looked around at all the boxes and stuff my parents just threw up here. There was, what looked like an odd shaped exercise machine, a couple of old sewing machines, my mom 's broken record player, and some other weird looking objects. My plan was to clear a big spot by the attic window and build a fort. When the sun hits the hexagon shaped window, made of colorful stained glass, it looks like a kaleidoscope exploded on the walls. I needed a spot to play where my annoying, older sister couldn 't bother me and the attic was that perfect spot! The boxes could be …show more content…

You 're father moved everything I didn 't want you kids messing with anyway! Now go play! Or hey, here 's a thought, maybe you could go help your brother for once.” Whatever my aunt needed my mom 's attention for must have been big, but it worked in my favor. I was rushing to put things back in the box when I noticed a few weird items. They were baby things with the name Brendan on them and a blank baby book with the name engraved on the front. Without realizing I was thinking out loud, I said “Who is Brendan?” At this point, my sister was already back up the stairs to harass me again. She replied “Your twin, that died!” I shot my head back at her, eyes and mouth wide open, then picked my mouth up off the floor long enough to say, “WHATTTTTT?” “Shhhh! Come with me” replied my sister. She led me to my dad 's office where she quietly shut the door. “Mom and Dad will be so mad if they find out I told, so you have to promise to keep it a secret. OK?” Kayla looked at me for reassurance. “Ok, I promise. Just tell me already.” Kayla nodded and told me how my mom was really pregnant with two babies, me and another one. She told me how my mom was so excited to being having twins, but that the doctor said one of the babies was eating all of the nutrients and the other was starving to death. “ Mom was hopeful the doctors could save you both, but Dad was nervous.” Kayla said. She went on to say that my parents had to make a choice to deliver

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