The air was stale, musky, and reeked of old people. Mom hardly ever let me play in the attic, but she was too busy dealing with my aunt to notice I snuck up here. I looked around at all the boxes and stuff my parents just threw up here. There was, what looked like an odd shaped exercise machine, a couple of old sewing machines, my mom 's broken record player, and some other weird looking objects. My plan was to clear a big spot by the attic window and build a fort. When the sun hits the hexagon shaped window, made of colorful stained glass, it looks like a kaleidoscope exploded on the walls. I needed a spot to play where my annoying, older sister couldn 't bother me and the attic was that perfect spot! The boxes could be …show more content…
You 're father moved everything I didn 't want you kids messing with anyway! Now go play! Or hey, here 's a thought, maybe you could go help your brother for once.” Whatever my aunt needed my mom 's attention for must have been big, but it worked in my favor. I was rushing to put things back in the box when I noticed a few weird items. They were baby things with the name Brendan on them and a blank baby book with the name engraved on the front. Without realizing I was thinking out loud, I said “Who is Brendan?” At this point, my sister was already back up the stairs to harass me again. She replied “Your twin, that died!” I shot my head back at her, eyes and mouth wide open, then picked my mouth up off the floor long enough to say, “WHATTTTTT?” “Shhhh! Come with me” replied my sister. She led me to my dad 's office where she quietly shut the door. “Mom and Dad will be so mad if they find out I told, so you have to promise to keep it a secret. OK?” Kayla looked at me for reassurance. “Ok, I promise. Just tell me already.” Kayla nodded and told me how my mom was really pregnant with two babies, me and another one. She told me how my mom was so excited to being having twins, but that the doctor said one of the babies was eating all of the nutrients and the other was starving to death. “ Mom was hopeful the doctors could save you both, but Dad was nervous.” Kayla said. She went on to say that my parents had to make a choice to deliver
“Your grandfather didn’t just die Faith, he was murdered. My father put rat poison in his wine that night that our families got together for a dance. I tried so hard to stop him but he locked me up in my room so I couldn’t.” Embry had a shaky voice and a loud cry now. My head swarmed with terrible thoughts that I couldn’t get out of my head. My whole family thought he died of a heart attack. What if my parents really knew the truth and weren’t telling me? Why is Embry going for me and not anybody else? I collapsed to the ground. Lily immediately ran out from the popcorn cart and held me tight. It felt like my world was coming to an end. Embry kept apologizing like it was all her fault.
Jasmine sat bobbing on my lap playing with the charm bracelet dangling on my wrist. I mindlessly was watching the oh-so-interesting cooking show on TV as I waited for Mica to return home. Mica left Jasmine with me for what was supposed to be only an hour or two but when the clock struck 11, I realized it would be much longer. I pull out my phone and call Mica to see how much longer he would be. The phone rings for what feels like an eternity but eventually, mica picks up, “Hey Ka-” I cut in, “Where the hell are you, Mica? It's been five hours and I haven't heard from you. I have no idea how to take care of a baby. Where are you?” Mica sighs and replies, “Kathrine, I'm sorry… The meeting ran longer than I expected. I'm on my way
Out of nowhere someone came behind me and squeezed me and picked me up. It was my brother. Me and my brother have a really great bond. He isn't like every older mean brother. He watches out for me and i love him so much. He’s like a best friend but even better. BUB! I hugged him. He let me down and hugged my mother. “Where is your father” asked mom. John looked at her and his face went pale.”He didn’t make it” he said.
The crisp night air blew the curtains in my pink bedroom as me and my older cousins played charades among Christmas lights that I had hung up earlier that day. We giggled and screamed and made music videos to loud songs and made up jokes that would last a lifetime; as the night progressed we only had more fun. My eyes grew heavy around ten o’clock and my eldest cousin slipped out of the room after she had just yelled at us after my nine year cousin threw a monchichi stuffed monkey which cascaded across the room leaving a red mark on the eldests forehead. When she left the rest of us, my nine year old cousin my sister and I, all clambered into the big queen blow up bed which we had covered with an assortment of
Reading the results of a study which shows that daily use of a certain exercise machine resulted in an average 10 pound weight loss, there would be more I want to know about the numbers in addition to the average. Although we can never prove the equality or lack of change, we can find evidence to the contrary. (Introduction to Statistics, pg 4-1)
“My car won’t move” I said turning and looking to Shane. As always, he thought I was just playing so he told me to stop playing around and go. I looked at him once again and said, “My car will not move, I am pushing on the gas but it will not move forward.” As I looked back at the cars behind me embarrassment automatically fell over my face as they laid on their horns. I put my car in park and turned my hazards on as Shane went and told the people they would have to go around. We called both of our parents but they were all at work and could not leave. We were stuck there. As we sat there still in panic one of our friends’ dad pulled up behind me. “That is Roy Plummer!” Shane yelled as he jumped out of my car running back to Roy. He told
“Oh no, here she comes well it can’t be so bad” I thought as my mother came towards me. “How was your day honey?” I replied with a simple, “Good, thank you” obviously lying since, I had just failed my first test ever. “Are you sure? You look kinda down.” Under the pressure of guilt, I handed my mom my paper and braced myself. My mother looked at the paper confused for a bit...then her eyes widened bigger than I could ever imagine someone could. “What is this...this is a joke correct?” She was so shocked she didn’t know what to do she exclaimed, then, she called my
We were at the haunted house. I had looked down and noticed that my shoes were untied. So of course I kneeled down to tie them, As I went down I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. “What” I said thinking it was my brother. My brother has short blonde hair and big bright brown eyes. But no it was not my brother because as I looked up I realized It was a person with a clown mask on. “AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” I screamed. As my parent’s laughed. “Why are you laughing at me mom?” I said. “Because I told him to do it!” she replied. “Oh well you sure got
“If Michelle's friend can come over then why can't mine?” Aline is very bitter right now. She made Mama bitter too. Mama tells her it's because she can't keep an eye on our friends at the same time. So as the generous sister I am, and to stop this arguing, I told mama my friend could come another time so Aline's friend could come. Mama said ok and got me fried chicken for being so nice. Aline's friend didn't come alone, she brought her younger brother who was my age. Which meant that I had to keep him company. Now why would you do that to me? He followed me up to my room filled with my stuffed animals. And the first thing he does is throw them down the stairs. Piggy, Sheepy, Hippie, and Moose on the Loose. “ALINE!” I cried for her as my friends
mom got a phone call ring, ring from my aunt Trisha. She was getting a divorce so she called my mom to talk. Although it was the first time my brother and I heard of this my mom was already aware of the divorce. We kept following my mom being inquisitive and wanting to know what was going on. From the kitchen to the bedroom and down the hall we went behind stepping on her heels. Bouncing up and down the like a wild child ,we weren’t behaving. We peddled behind her till she turned around to put us to a halt.
“I can’t believe you let this happen ?!”Savannah’s mother screamed at her.”I’m sorry mom , I didn’t know .” They went back and forth in the spacious ford mustang . Savannah was only 15 going on 30 . Having a child,what a responsibility . It was surprising . She never wanted it to happen but
“Woah! You even got me a gift?” I asked enthusiastically. My mom beamed down on me as I began to unwrap the gift quickly. Just then the box began to move. I stepped back looking fearful. I knew my mom wouldn’t pack anything wild in the room. I was already the wild animal in the building. I begin to look at the lid and blanched. Inside was a small white fluff ball. I looked at my mom scowling deeply.
The air was stale, musky, and reeked of old people. Mom hardly ever let me play in the attic, but she was too busy dealing with my aunt to notice I snuck up here. I looked around at all the boxes and stuff my parents just threw up here. There was, what looked like an odd shaped exercise machine, a couple of old sewing machines, my mom 's broken record player, and some other weird looking objects. My plan was to clear a big spot by the attic window and build a fort. When the sun hits the hexagon shaped window, made of colorful stained glass, it looks like a kaleidoscope exploded on the walls. I needed a spot to play where my annoying, older sister couldn 't bother me and the attic was that perfect spot! The
Soon after I finished unpacking my room I went to see if Barns and Noble needed the help. I was hoping they didn’t but I left with a job that day. Soon after I left to go back to the cabin. When I got home I told my mom. “MOM CAN YOU COME HERE PLEASE I HAVE SOME SAD NEWS!” she came running from her room. “WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OKAY??” she asked worriedly. “Yes mom I’m fine. You won’t be though. You won’t be seeing my beautiful face all the time anymore I got the job” I said sarcastically. “Woo what a miracle they actually hired you!!” she responded pretending to be shocked. “Well lucky for you I start tomorrow. Have you meet the new people yet?” I asked. “Yeah I have actually they left a few minutes before you came back. They
It was 7 am, almost time to go to school, and still no one was home. I called my dad, I needed to know what was going on. “ Lydia?” He seemed surprised that I called. “ Where are you? Where’s Julia?” I asked. He was speaking fast, trying to explain something, but I could only hear the heart monitor beep in the background.