
How I Learned At High School

Decent Essays

Writing is something that I have always enjoyed, especially in high school. That being said, I knew that I would enjoy this writing course, and even more so, because this course is designed to talk about food. Obviously, I knew that the type of writing I did in high school would be completely different from the writing I now do in college. However, I was still blown away by how different everything was. My high school, being as strict as it was with both its discipline and academics, truly did everything they could to prepare me for college, yet I was not prepared for this course. I was always taught to follow the traditional five paragraph style format and to be completely formal. This course does the complete opposite. Of course that’s not to say that I didn’t learn anything. It’s just that hat I had learned in high school has yet to be proven useful for this course specifically, but proven useful for my Biology course. Throughout this semester, I’ve learned that some methods from high school proved to be useful, while others seemed to have failed. Though others may disagree with me on this. Throughout my senior year of high school, I spent a good chunk of my time writing out essays. Some of them were specifically for my English class, others were for my college applications. Even though I do truly enjoy writing, it has always been something I struggled with. I wouldn’t say it’s because English isn’t my first language, but I just seem to find it very difficult to put my

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