
How Important Are Megs Characters

Satisfactory Essays

The character traits that we chose for Meg are insecure/school problems, her father is gone, and she met three ladies. We chose these things to show how the ladies, she met and the things that she she had done and went through changed the way she looked at life. She made bad grades in class because she would get distracted by thinking about her father and where he went. That would cause her to get mad at the teacher and make bad grades. She was very insecure about herself and the way she looked. She also would get in fights because her little brother Charles Wallace didn’t talk a lot in public to other people. So most people thought he was slow, and they would pick on him. Because Meg’s father was gone, she would get sad and lonely sometimes because they used to go outside together and work together on many things. Her father would help her a lot with her homework and she missed the way that they used to spend a lot of time together. Meg would get mad at a lot of people because some people would say that her father just ran off and left them for no reason. Meg knew that, that …show more content…

These three ladies, Mrs.Whatsit, Mrs.Who, and Mrs.Which helped Meg to open up to things and express the powers that she had inside. Those three ladies also helped her find her father, which helped her get her family back together and save her father from IT. They also took her to different planets and that help her to learn new things about the universe. That is why the three ladies that Meg meet helped her with her life and her point of view on things. These are the character traits of Meg that we chose. We chose these things because we thought that they were the most important things that explained her as a person. These are the things that we thought were the most important about Meg that helped her find her

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