Children are going to end up good or bad depending on the parents. Kids will be normal and great people depending on the parenting. To Kill A Mockingbird was written by Harper Lee, Atticus is a father in To Kill A Mockingbird. He is a pretty good dad, and he is a nice guy. He is nice to everyone. He is an understanding person. He does not care about race unlike others in the book during this time. He shows Jem and Scout how the real world is. Jem and Scout are his children. He tries to teach them good morals and gives them good advice. He lets his kids live and learn. He lets them make mistakes and learn from them instead of “babying” them. Atticus Finch is a good father, bece raised good, respectful children. Atticus Finch is a good dad. …show more content…
Atticus is a good day, because he lets his kids make mistakes. Nancy Gibbs was talking about good ways to raise kids and said, “When you lighten up, They’ll fly higher” (Gibbs). Atticus is not a strict father. He lets his kids explore. Nancy gibbs said that it is good if parents loosen up on their kids, they will be better. And that is how Atticus raises Jem and Scout. Nancy Gibbs continues to talk about good ways of parenting and said, “You’ve got to let them go. They deserve to live their own lives” (Gibbs). Atticus lets Jem and Scout make their own decisions. He lets them live their own lives, and that is a good thing. Nancy Gibbs said kids deserve to live their own lives. And atticus lets Jem and Scout do that. It is a sign of good parenting. Atticus Finch is a good father. In the book Jem and scout are learning how to shoot air rifles and she said, “When he gave us our air-rifles Atticus wouldn’t teach us how to shoot” (Lee 119). This is actual evidence proving that atticus lets Jem and Scout learn things on their own. They are allowed to make mistakes. Atticus is letting them figure out stuff on their own. It shows he is a good father and that he is raising them well. Atticus is a good dad, because he lets his kids live and learn. He lets his kids make
Although deemed by most to be a good parent, Atticus’ lack of supervision affects his children Scout and Jem and even exposes them to danger. Atticus is not a perfect father. He has a full time job that restricts him from being around his kids for most of the day and also puts them in a dangerous position. When Atticus agreed to take on the ‘Tom Robinson case’ he knew full well that he was going to have a lot of tension with people, and even though he did the the right thing by defending an innocent man despite his colour, some may argue that he puts his beliefs before the welfare of his children. This puts the kids in danger because Atticus while losing the case still makes Bob Ewell embarrassed by being shown up like the way he was. This causes a hatred that provokes Bob to hurt Atticus in the deepest possible way, by attacking his children. It was Atticus’ call to decide that he would send Jem to the pageant instead of himself, and that was what ultimately gave Mr. Ewell his chance to get back at Atticus. This shows that Atticus is not the perfect father, if there is such a thing, but proves that even Atticus has flaws or faults to foresee
This shows that Atticus has also raised Scout to be respectful despite the rumors she heard about him. The second half of the novel provided evidence that showed how
Atticus Finch displayed a notably unusual parenting style throughout the book. Atticus speaks to his children in a completely open manner, not sugarcoating anything, essentially conversing with them as honestly as he would with a fellow adult. Atticus' behavior towards his kids demonstrates the respect he feels towards them. He seems to think that they are mature enough to handle topics most people don't think are suitable for children. Not only is he open and honest with Jem and Scout, he even makes compromises and promises between them and himself, whereas other parents would have a mentality consisting more of "I have the final say in the
Atticus is a wise father and helps his children accept people no matter how they look or act. This is evident when he says “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” (Lee 33). Throughout the novel, Jem and Scout mature at different paces. Atticus guides his children as they begin to grow and mature. “It ain’t right, Atticus,” said Jem.” “No son, It’s not right.” (Lee 243). When Atticus lost the case, Jem expressed how he felt. He had tears on his face. Here was a turning point for Jem because he was old enough to understand the case. Atticus comforted him and agreed it was not right. Atticus shows affection towards his children when they saved him from trouble with “the mob”. “As they passed under a streetlight, Atticus reached out and massaged Jem’s hair, his one gesture of affection.” (Lee 176). At first, Atticus may have been frustrated with his children being at the office. Then, their innocence saved him. Atticus has many characteristics and is a loving father. Atticus displays a valuable lesson about equality and fairness for his children.
It becomes clear why Atticus thinks education is so important. Although Miss Caroline disapproved of Atticus reading to Scout, he promised Scout to read to her before bed each night. This is because Atticus believes that learning is the key to prevent prejudice. Also part of Atticus? role as a father is teacher. Most of Scout and Jem?s knowledge came from Atticus. He taught them important life lessons that cannot learned from books or blackboards. ?You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his
It is difficult to define what makes a good father, but Atticus’s unconditional love for his children is admirable. In Harper Lee’s, To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus is portrayed as a good father with many good qualities. However, like any human, he is not perfect. He does has some flaws. Atticus was portrayed as an amazing father, however, he did possess few bad qualities as well.
Firstly, Atticus is a good father for Scout and Jem because Atticus is a father that sets good examples for his children. Throughout the whole course of the story, Atticus has to defend himself and the family for what they believe in. Atticus wants the children to “take notes” after him, so they learn to do the same thing. “Scout, simply by the nature of the work, every lawyer gets at least one case in his lifetime that affects him personally. This one’s mine, I guess…”
He then holds them responsible for what they do and say. Although his ways are different than the societal standards, Atticus’s involvement with his children is effective for discipline. He does not always discipline them in the same manner, but does so in ways fitting to the circumstances. Atticus chooses particular words to express exactly what his children need to hear in order to mend their ways. Often, he simply expresses his disappointment. Sometimes, he uses firm reprimanding. Once, we see Atticus use his keen intellect, employing what Scout calls “the oldest lawyer’s trick on record” (50) so that Jem admits to “putting [Mr. Radley’s] life’s history on display for the edification of the neighborhood” (49), as Atticus describes it. Scout’s father teaches by example countless times when he reminds her that “it ain’t time to worry yet” (70), even when a fire threatens to sweep away all of their belongings. In addition to his honest discussions with Scout and Jem, Atticus gives them many profound lessons through his intentional interactions with others.
As Walt Disney once said, “Most things are good, and they are the strongest things; but there are evil things too, and you are not doing a child a favor by trying to shield him from reality. The important thing is to teach a child that good can always triumph over evil” (Disney.) Disney is trying to express that honest and pure parenting sets children up for success, whether it be teaching them about the world or loving them unconditionally. In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus educates his children, Jem and Scout, about their curiosities on the mysterious world they live in, while also teaching them what it takes to be a good person. Atticus’ style of parenting and love for his children makes them more knowledgeable, responsible, and disciplined, and loyal.
Atticus is a good father because In Chapter 10, the seventh paragraph, Atticus gives his children air-rifles but he doesn’t teach them how to shoot and says ‘I'd rather you shot at tin cans in the
Atticus is a great parent. He does many things that make him a great parent such as, being respectful, giving great advice, and he is very caring. To begin with, Atticus does not expect the respect of his children but earns it, this is shown many times, but the best example is when he tells Scout “We’ll go on reading as we always have.” (pg.41) he is showing he respects Scout because he believes she is smart enough to read and agrees more with Scout than her teacher. Secondly, he gives them great advice, when Scout is upset about her teacher telling her not to read, Atticus tells her that she will get along with people better if she can climb into their skin and walk around in it. He makes her understand what is happening in her life and resolves her issue. Lastly, Atticus is very caring.
I believe Atticus is a good father because he saved scout from a rabid dog. He is providing a good stable foundation for his children, at least he's trying to. He disciplines them and tries to keep them out of trouble.
Atticus Finch’s teaching shows that he is a good father to Jem and Scout because he explains things that the children don’t understand. For example, when Atticus and Scout agree that they will go on reading every night, Atticus says, “I’m afraid our activities would be received with considerable disapprobation by the more learned authorities.” Scout says, “Huh,
Mrs. Alexandra, from my understanding, a good parent is one who creates a safe nurturing environment for a child to grow up in, displays characteristics of a positive role model, and is an active part of a child’s life. (Atticus, look at Scout and Jem affectionately ) Good parents provide moral guidance, sets limitations, and implements consequences for a child’s behavior. (Atticus, use a ruler and slap it in your hand looking at Scout and Jem symbolizing a Spanking as punishment) Atticus is a very effective parent to Scout and Jem. I know he is constantly working; but rest assured, his children are his primary concern and he loves them very much. (Atticus, hug Scout and Jem or do something showing your love <3) Atticus finds time for his
While many may view a family as a mother and a father raising a few children, Atticus Finch proves that a family doesn’t have to fit the mold to flourish. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus raises his two children, Jem and Scout, after his wife passed away. Just because Atticus isn’t married, doesn't mean he isn’t able to provide for his children physically, emotionally, and mentally. Miss Maudie comments on his parenting by saying, “Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public streets” (Lee 61). Atticus is a good parent for his children because he is able to set an example without remarrying. Scout and Jem learn to be honest, kind, and respectful to everyone from Atticus. Scout, the novel’s narrator, doesn’t feel any sense of emptiness by not having a mother to raise her. The Finch’s may not be a traditional family, but Atticus’s parenting shows that they are able to be successful and happy.