
How Is Atticus Finch Selfish

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The quietest people are often the most powerful Society today is quick to stereotype those with a quiet disposition as boring, hermits, misanthropes, inferior, self-conscious, serious, sensitive, shy, lack sociability, lack assertiveness and are considered a ‘second-class’ personality trait. However, characters such as Atticus Finch in ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ published by Harper Lee in 1960 and an influential individual named J.K. Rowling prove these accusations wrongs. Without these quiet contributors, our society would not be blessed with inventions such as the Law of Gravity, Harry potter, Chopin’s Nocturne, Peter pan, Charlie Brown and Google. Those who are quiet usually are thinkers, reflective, concentrators, dislike conflict, enjoy …show more content…

He had a premonition and foresight into the consequences of his actions in defending an innocent African American man, takes responsibility and preventative measure to protect those around him. He sat outside all night solitarily reading and expecting an angry mob’s assault. Atticus was involved in an altercation where Bob Ewell spat tobacco and threatened him while he simply kept calm, wiped his face with a clean handkerchief and adamantly endured the insults. Ewell realised that he failed to provoke Atticus into a fight and claims he was “too proud to fight” and a “nigger-lovin’ bastard” to which Atticus responds, “No, too old” and walks away with quiet dignity. This is reflected when Atticus enlightens Scout, “I do my best to love everybody...I'm hard put, sometimes—baby, it's never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name. It just shows you how poor that person is, it doesn't hurt you." He has the powerful quality of integrity and was know as the man who was “the same in his house as he is on the public …show more content…

It helped rekindle the world’s love for reading and encourage many to pursue writing. J.K. Rowling is a role model for young women, she gained recognition from her intelligence and creativity instead of physical features. She encourages women to pursue their dreams through their hardships,have determination, to express imagination, overcome failures and to excel in areas where sexist opinions are still held. This is demonstrated in her quote “Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life”. She also promotes generosity and humility through her donations to many charities and auctions. In October 2010, J.K. Rowling was presented with the title the “Most Influential Woman in Britain” by leading magazine editors. She supported charities including ‘Comic Relief’, ‘One Parent Families’, ‘Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain’ and ‘Lumos’ (formerly the Children's High-Level

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