
How Is Cecil Gaines's Influence On The Eisenhower Administration

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makes? 1 These questions Allan Wolk has tried to answer in his book The Presidency and the Civil Rights. There he says that there are many factors a President can get inspired with. “[S]elf-pressure” can be a reason, why a President decides to act how he thinks it is the best for his people. With Allan Wolk's help, it is possible to showcase an insight how the butler Cecil Gaines and his son, Louis Gaines, inspired the decisions of the men with power with their actions. 3.1 Cecil Gaines's influence on the Eisenhower administration When Cecil Gaines has his first day in the White House in the year 19572, he is quite excited to serve the President. While the President has a conversation, Cecil is witnessing how President Eisenhower refuses to send troops to Little Rock to help the black students, …show more content…

Eisenhower relies on Faubus, so that he loses much time, when he has had the opportunity to take measures against racism. But as Eisenhower gets to know about Faubus's request to the Arkansas National Guard to invoke Central High and prohibit nine black students to attend high school4, Eisenhower recognizes that he is the one, who has to do something to stop school segregation in Little Rock. He decides to send troops down to Little Rock to help the Little Rock Nine, the nine colored students, who are hounded by the white students.5 Allan Wolk mentions in his book6, that Eisenhower's actions could have been influenced by his “[c]onstitutional duties” and “personal beliefs”. Furthermore he says that the President was “[c]onstitutionally restricted from engaging in such activities”.7 He had the opportunity to do something greater or to act earlier, but he was limited in his actions. The reason that he was quite uncertain and full with doubts, prevented him from doing more for his people. In a scene, when Cecil and President

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