The characters in the 2005 film, “Just Friends” are a very interesting bunch. They are all different in many ways but, somehow share some of the same qualities. The movies stars Ryan Reynolds, who portrays Chris Brander. Chris Brander is a well-rounded character who somehow evolves as the movie goes on. Chris was in love with Jamie Palamino portrayed by Amy Smart; Jamie was a somewhat a flat character who did not change much at all. A character whose transformation was similar to Chris’s was Dusty Dinkleman who was portrayed by Chris Klein. While it seems that Jamie and Samantha James have a one similarity by the name of Chris Brander. The main character Chris Brander was an evolving character he went through some pretty big changes both mentally and physically. As the movie starts, Chris is seen as this overweight, unpopular nerd in high school. He is in love with his best friend Jamie Palamino, a popular girl, who has officially “Friend Zoned” him. Being Friend Zoned is the one thing every guy on the face of the earth dreads. Once in the Friend Zone …show more content…
Chris leaves his hometown with the intent of never returning. He mistakenly returns a decade later as a different person. This is surprisingly normal in real life; people leave home after high school and go through some life altering change while away. They return and sometimes the people they return to are happy with the change, and then they may not like the change they see. Chris returns as a fit and slim womanizer who is arrogant and rude. Guys are not born jerks and womanizers they turn into them, because of their experience with girls. They start off as nice little boys who likes the girl who only likes the Jerk who pulls her hair. Chris turns into the jerk who pulls the girls hair because he thinks that is guy that Jamie wants. This notion is based on the guys she dated in high school not the guys she dates ten years
Overall, Chris McCandless was a smart young boy who was raised into the wrong society and he chose to be the way he was. Going into the wild was what Chris needed in order to get away from everybody and find his reality. By the end of his journey he did just that and was ready to come back and experience life from a different point of view. Unfortunately, Chris was unable to come back and show everyone the person he found himself to
After that accident, Chris realized that what he was doing was destroying his life. He didn’t have a relationship with his children and his wife didn’t talk to him. The drug addict went to a rehabilitation
Chris was selfish because he broke many bonds with friends. He stopped taking the time to communicate with his friends that he met along the way. Quote postcard stop. In addition, he unkindly
Chris strives to show people how real these situations can be. A man by the name of “William Boyette, a man accused of killing four women during an eighty-day crime spree, had allegedly beaten, stabbed, threatened or otherwise victimized numerous women over a span of more than a decade.” These situations are extremely dangerous and Chris may have been trying to help these people that end up in these situations victim or not. These situations should never be let out of control if possible they need to be stopped as soon as possible before they get out of hand. Some of the situations in the book got out of hand such as the situation with Heidi and her father Rich.
What seems most hurtful and regrettable is Chris’ resentment towards the parents who did so much for him. Chris spent two years with no contact, and now they will never be able to see him again. His childishness clouded his judgment, and caused him to rewrite history, convincing him that his parents were his enemy when instead, they were supportive and proud of Chris. It was shameful “that a kid with so much compassion could his parents so much pain”(104). His travels seemed to be an escape from his family, and a reactionary revenge against his comfortable life. Something strange was happening to him, he became resentful of the life offered
Behind his selfish ambitions to find himself, Chris had his fair share of family problems that contributed to his decision to go into the wild. Krakauer wrote “Chris’s smoldering anger, it turns out, was fueled by a discovery he’d made two summers earlier… Chris pieced together the facts of his father's previous marriage and subsequent divorce…” he wrote, “Long after falling in love with Billie...Walt continued his relationship with Marcia in secret…” (pg.121) In short Chris knew that his father's previous life had turned into his secret side life, away from Chris and his mother. Chris kept his father secret to himself, never
After Chris graduated high school he traveled the country and seldom kept in touch with his family. After being on the road for weeks Chris finally returned home, but within the next couple of days he would be
decisions to leave his old life behind and start over. Chris’ decision to leave was
Another key similarity between the two protagonists is the refusal to enter the stage of adulthood because of the lack of happiness that one can enjoy in this point of life. Chris’ rejection of adulthood is based on disappointment; Chris believes that he cannot discover the full essence and pleasure of life by entering into a stage of life where freedom is limited, which in this case is adulthood. Chris’ negative impression on adulthood is probably at the cause of the memories of his abusive father fighting his mother; this is portrayed in a disturbing, fast-paced scene in which Chris’ parent’s boiling argument turns into
However, after failing to get into college, Chris chooses to leave is home and seek a job elsewhere by escaping the life he lives and deluding himself that his life will still, for the most part, turn out as he wished, slowly losing hope and slowly losing himself from reality. A moment that depicts Chris’s failing grasp of his own reality is when Vanessa says, “He… thumbed a lift with a truck to Winnipeg”, showing that Chris was beginning to get desperate to escape his current life and chose to continue his own deception and renounce his home life. Chris chose running away from home to a place he had never been over the home in which he
After one graduates from college; there are several things that happen. Generally people go out and find a job and become useful to society. They go out and find a nice girl to marry and have children. Life becomes more or less systematic and repetitive. Chris gave up all of these to chase a wild dream that inevitably led to his death. Chris was a selfish child. He exhibited many of the
Chris has a selective group of friends that he really enjoys himself with. When one of
Chris is a charismatic young man, but takes extensive measures to ensure he does not become too close with anyone. By going out into the wild without so much as a letter to his parents,
First off, their personality, because there are many ways to both of their personalities. Loud, they both can be loud a lot, but Logan is a lot better at quieten down when needed to, however Chris is always a loud person and likes to state his opinion. This is just the way he has always been which makes him something unique, especially when you try to have a whispering conversation with him. Since of humor, both very funny people. Logan can remember many jokes, and always has one to tell, but doesn’t laugh too hard. Where as Chris loves jokes, but doesn’t remember them very well, whenever he goes to tell one it turns into something completely different. Chris thinks everything is funny though, and will laugh, laugh and laugh some more when he catches his breath. Anger, this is what separates them some more. Logan will