
How Is Dorian Gray Deceptive

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Oscar Wilde once wrote that, “[b]ehind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic” (Wilde LOC 88). In the novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, the main character, Dorian Gray, is a subject of wonder. His presence alone shape the lives of those around him for better or for worse.The development of Dorian Gray as a character throughout the novel impacts the theme that appearances can be deceptive. Wilde uses indirect and direct characterization to paint Dorian as a narcissistic and vain young man. Dorian is described as having “finely curved scarlet lips” and “crisp gold hair” (Wilde LOC 40). One character even notes that he looks, “‘as if he [were] made out of ivory and rose-leaves’” (Wilde LOC 9). These features …show more content…

When Dorian is told that his beauty will be lost once he outgrows his boyhood, he makes a desperate wish: “[i]f it were I who was to be always young, and the picture that was to grow old! For that I would give everything” (Wilde LOC 64). From this point forward in the novel, Dorian remains forever young and the picture assumes his burdens of age and sin. Dorian’s unchanging face causes those around him to falsely believe he is incapable of evil. This can be seen in Basil’s disbeliefs of the rumors surrounding Dorian when he states, “[b]ut you, Dorian, with your pure, bright, innocent face, and your marvellous untroubled youth— I can't believe anything against you” (Wilde LOC 360). Dorian even gets away with murder because the people of London refuse to believe that someone of his appearance is capable of sin. Lady Narborough later confirms this when she says, “‘Lord Henry is very wicked… but you are made to be good— you look so good’” (Wilde LOC 431). Dorian’s charming good looks contradict the monstrosity of the portrait, proving that people are not always what they seem. Dorian Gray’s change from an innocent youth to a pleasure seeker over the course of the novel show Wilde’s unique use of characterization. His relatable theme of deception create a novel that has and will continue to last a

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