
How Is Foods Be Easily Modified?

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How can foods be easily modified? Intro: In this essay, we will be talking about how foods can be easily modified (GM foods), how they can affect other people, and to see if it is safe to eat them. Body: As if you did not know, GM foods stands for Genetically Modified foods. That means that scientists take and copy the DNA from an organism (ie; a watermelon), and then they put it in with another organism (ie; a corn), which results the [modified] organism to be in the same colour as the copied organism. This has been going for years and years, and it has been said that eating foods like this is healthy, so we have to prove that it is not healthy and not good for people, as they will get some really, bad symptoms. These symptoms include: …show more content…

Some more examples of Genetically Modified Foods/Ingredients are: Bread, Pasta, Cereal, Ice cream, Chocolate, Cookies, Hamburgers, Hot dogs, and so on. Corn is No.1 on the list of GM foods because it is mostly grown in the US, where it gets modified to be used in Corn Flakes by well-known brand Whole Foods (same as for Soy, but Soy was also used to create genetically modified Soybean, which was approved by Pioneer Hi-Bred International in 2010). Other types of foods like Yellow Squash, Zucchini, Alfalfa, Canola, Sugar Beets, Rice, Potatoes and Milk are also among the Genetically Modified foods list. These types of food and ingredients are being used in packaged foods like snacks to cereal products and that sort of stuff. The pros and cons for GM foods are: - Pros: Improves the food quality; (i.e. making an ordinary Orange look more supersized and delicious) it resists on insects, some foods have been modified to keep it from flies and etc.; not only do GM foods transform a crop, they can also protect the environment because of the chemical used to modify the crop; GMOs can also contain more nutritional value; make you grow faster - Cons: Unexpected side effects; problems with labelling GM food; the benefits may not be available to anyone; damage to species; over-use of herbicides; allergic reactions; low

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