
How Is Frankenstein Tied With Gothic Literature?

Decent Essays

Christopher Russo
Mrs. Kathryn Schroder
English IV 10/2/16

How Is Frankenstein Tied With Gothic Literature?

The novel Frankenstein by author Mary Shelley is considered to be one the earliest forms of gothic literature, due to its presence of evil, supernatural, and dark aspects of life and its romanticism associated to the gothic themed genre. This type of genre has become so popular that it has been used in more than just novels, in works such as poems, short fables, plays, and movies. The book discusses many different ways in which gothic literature is found, like the treatment of women, and the relationships within Victor Frankenstein’s family.
Frankenstein begins with Robert Walton, an explorer, writing letters to his sister about his journey to Russia and finding a path from the Pacific Ocean, as he came across an unexpected encounter. He and his crew find a man, Victor Frankenstein, nearing death on a nearby ice flow. The first sign of gothic literature appears when Victor’s Mother Caroline dies from the scarlet fever. In his years at his university he becomes very involved in his studies for around two or so years. He comes up with a plan to obtain a dead body and attempt to bring it back to life. He used a plethora of studies such as chemistry, alchemy, and electricity to complete his plan. After …show more content…

He is neglected both by victor and by society. All the monster wants is to be accepted by people and he was thankful for his "adopted" family, the De Lacey's. Not knowing better he still murders for revenge. The novel is also related to gothic literature because the monster accidentally kills a little girl while he was trying to save her from drowning by snapping her neck. The monster is truly seen as a monster at this point and he was considered a “villain” after he burns down his adopted family’s house for rejecting

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