The Epic Hero An epic hero is the central figure of an epic. Theres many characteristics that
make a hero or an epic hero stand out. They're strong responsible leaders that
preform brave deeds with their superior intelligence and courage. In the Trojan war
there was two warrior that stood out of all there people one from each opposing side.
Hector from the Trojans and Achilles from the greeks. They were considered "heroes"
in the eyes of their people and their kings.
Hector was the best warrior in the trojans and he was a very noble warrior.
Achilles in the other hand demonstrated ruthlessness and didn't care who he killed or
hurt. The greeks said that Achilles was built to kill and for war. It was said that the
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In my opinion Hector was the true epic hero he was more mature and Achilles
would sometimes be childish and not on the level of maturity Hector was. Hector was
an all around better person and hero although some of the readers may argue that
Achilles is the better hero i beg to differ. Hector treated his people with respect and in
return received the respect and loyalty of his people. Achilles men only respected him
or supposedly respected him was because of fear i mean Achilles was the best
warrior from the greeks and wasn't afraid to kill and they knew they wouldn't stand a
chance against him in a 1 on one battle so they never doubted his orders or talked
back when giving orders. Hector was a courageous man not afraid of anyone and still
had manners. Hector was a man of action, his men were inspired to fight in hopes to
be deserving of their leader hector because he would fight bravely and was really an
amazing fighter.
Hector had more respect for the gods than Achilles did which means Hector is
more respectful to his superiors. It was shameful that the gods helped achilles even
though he wasn't deserving unlike Hector who was always loyal to the gods and
However, his comrades are all relying on this great hero to win the war for them and he does eventually return to the battle field so he can be remembered and obtain glory as does any epic hero secretly wants. The author John Keats agrees with me when he states in his article, “And he peoples it with towering heroes who thirst for honor and fight shattering wars.” (Keats, John). Another reason that qualifies Achilles as an epic hero is the fact that the Gods favor him throughout the poem because of his close relationship with them, but they usually do what is best for their hero; even if it means doing absolutely nothing, which they eventually do. Achilles is an epic hero that goes on a journey, and although he might not be the greatest hero, he is considered an epic hero.
Homer concentrates on Hector throughout the chapter and makes comments about how brave and courageous he was. He also mentions that he is a great commander and leader of the Trojan army. In addition, Hector knew the reason behind the invasion which was Paris stealing Menelaus’ wife, Helen. This gives Agamemnon an excuse to attack Troy. Both Hector and his wife know that he is soon to meet his death, it’s inescapable. However, even though it is not his fight, he still feels compelled to go to war with his country and search for some vague glory. Hector seems to be very heroic. Moreover, Homer describes Hector as an immense warrior almost god-like. But in
Hector is a very important character he is one that thinks that children should not only be taught the syllabus that the government gives but they should be learning how to be well-round beings and have the knowledge to go throw life and be successful in everything they do this is shown in this quote "[Hector during his general studies class with the
Achilles has great courage and skill in his life time. In the Iliad it tells of how great skills Achilles has with a shaft. " He twirled and cast his shaft with its long shadow.". Achilles was born to fight and he knew it at a young age. When he was told that he was going to die if he went with the Greeks. Yet he went any way, that takes some really courage knowing that he was not going to live. He said that no matter what this is what I was born for. To go out to war and make myself known in more waves then I have. He let nothing stop him to he reached that goal. He put his life in danger makes him a great hero.
The epic hero is a figure of great stature and may be a character from history or legend. Epic heroes’ most remarkable traits are usually the ones most valued by the society from which the epic came. The main character in this epic is Odysseus. Odysseus is on a quest to find his home after a war. Odysseus is an epic hero.
Hercules, Perseus, Theseus, and Achilles are all known as epic or homeristic heroes. They have all had their legendary battles and journeys that have classified them as an epic hero. Epic heroes all have good and bad qualities, for example Hercules is known as the strongest man in the world, but he is not that smart. Odysseus is a great example of an epic hero. He is smart, strong, and protected by gods and goddesses, but he does have faults in his actions considering he is only just a mortal. In Homer’s book, The Odyssey, Homer shows how Odysseus is truly an epic hero, by showing his journey back home to Ithaca.
POLS 590: Race Race in Political Science and Public Administration Annotated Bibliography of the Pertinent Literature Michelle Fletcher Dr. Randolph Burnside Summer 2015 Race and Diversity: Surveying the Literature in Political Science and Public Administration The literature covered in this readings section offered a diverse sampling of the texts and articles that are central to an academic understanding of race and diversity in both political science and public administration. Prior to reading these important works and completing this assignment I was unaware of the clear distinctions that exist between the treatments of race as a variable of interest in each discipline. Specifically, I believed that political science housed the scholarly
In the Iliad there are many characters that could be considered heroic. But the two main characters that stand out as heroes to me are swift-footed Achilles and flashing-helmet Hector. Numerous times throughout the epic they display qualities and traits that are unsurpassed by anyone on their side. Many times throughout the epic Achilles and Hector are tested for their strength, and will to win in battle, which for both warriors always ends up positive because they always win their battles. Although both fighters are among the elite status in the armies, they each show human and god-like qualities that help them be as a fierce and feared as possible.
In the Iliad there are many characters that could be considered heroic. But the two main characters that stand out as heroes to me are swift-footed Achilles and flashing-helmet Hector. Numerous times throughout the epic they display qualities and traits that are unsurpassed by anyone on their side. Many times throughout the epic Achilles and Hector are tested for their strength, and will to win in battle, which for both warriors always ends up positive because they always win their battles. Although both fighters are among the elite status in the armies, they each show human and god-like qualities that help them be as a fierce and feared as possible.
In the introduction of the Essential Illiad given by Sheila Murnaghan, Achilles is labeled as “the greatest of the Greek heroes”. In classic mythology a hero is a person of great strength and courage celebrated for bold exploits and is often the offspring of a mortal and a god. Achilles was the greatest fighter among the Greeks or Trojans and feared no man in battle. He was also the offspring of a mortal and a god so by classic mythology definition, Achilles was indeed a hero. A hero is defined by the present day Websters Dictionary as: “one who inspires through manners and actions; an individual who leads through personal example and accomplishments requiring bravery, skill, determination,
Nestor, noble charioteer, captures best the essence of Achilles when he says, “Achilles, brave as he is, he has no care, / no pity for our Achaeans” (Homer 11.787-788). Most readers of the Iliad, consider Achilles the greatest warrior of The Trojan War, however, he lacks an important characteristic; care for others. Achilles’ best friend Patroclus, has described him as a great warrior, but a terrible person (11.774). In Homer's Iliad, Hector the great warrior of the Trojans, exhibits a selfless leadership approach, which contrasts to Achilles’ selfish actions as a leader. In order to be a great warrior, one’s loyalty must belong to something outside of themselves, and it’s through Achilles’ self-centered actions, that he loses the title of the greatest warrior to Hector. As the two capital warriors of the different sides of the Trojan war, Hector and Achilles provide an interesting contrast between two powerful leaders. Known for being loyal, selfless, and dedicated to his army, Hector contrasts to Achilles, who is self-serving in every aspect of his life. Despite his defeat at the hands of Achilles, Hector proves to be the greatest warrior of the Trojan War. The first characteristic Hector possesses, making him the superior warrior, is his ability to set his pride aside when he knows it will benefit his army. In contrast, Achilles allows his pride to control him and detriment his army. Another vital characteristic Hector’s possesses, making him a better leader, and
Hector is revered and looked up to by his people, and his status as Prince bolsters this. The Trojan’s admiration in his bravery is what keeps him fighting, knowingly putting himself in great danger and in the hands of death.
Achilles and Odysseus are both epic heroes because they face their external conflicts or struggles with the world and fight as strong warriors. First, Achilles stabbed Hektor in the neck and then “…had in mind for Hektor’s body outrage and shame. Behind both feet he pierced the tendons, heel to ankle. Rawhide cords he drew through both and lashed them to his
Heroes are viewed differently today as the average person who is admired for courage or outstanding achievements such as firemen and police officers. The ancient Greeks viewed heroes as those that acquire more than just courage, they must be strong and inspiring as well. Although Achilles proved to be several of these entities, the Iliad begins with
To be crowned as an epic hero, one must first be a great warrior, and Achilles more than fits this role. From the