
How Is Huck Finn Conforming To Conform

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Refusing to Conform

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a coming of age novel set in the 1840’s in St. Petersburg, MO. Although written 20 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, America, especially in the south, was struggling with racism. The novel contains many thought provoking themes such as racism, social class, morals, and conforming to society’s expectations. Perhaps, one of the most important themes of the book is Huck’s refusal to conform to society’s rules or to be “Sivilized” by Widow Douglas. Throughout the novel Huck proves to the reader that staying true to himself rather than conforming to society’s expectations will allow him to live a more satisfied life. It is not surprising that Huck being a young teenager with lack of parental supervision would be free-spirited and mischievous. His behavior leads society to classify him as an outcast. When Widow Douglas decides to reform him or …show more content…

For example, when Huck hides the gold in the coffin proves that he was trying to help the Wilks Family. Also, when Huck refuses to turn Jim in as a slave and helps him escape from captivity proves that he is developing a conscience and is genuinely a good person. Huck says “All right then, I’ll go to hell” proving that he would rather risk his life than follow society’s demands (Wallace). The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a fictional story that has caused a lot of controversy in American Schools for over 100 years (Fielder). However, the novel has brought to light many important facts such as racism, social class, morals, and society’s rules. The book shows that following the crowd or conforming to society’s rules without examining the effects can be a dangerous thing. People should be encouraged to question things and think for themselves rather than following the

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