
How Is Iago Presented In Othello

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“ I am not what I am” Act 1 Sc 1 pg 11. Iago he isn’t what he seems to be to Othello and the other characters. Throughout the play Iago is seen as a honest man by many characters and especially to Othello. He’s seen as a dark and manipulative man during the play and especially to Othello.


Iago’s has a wife named Emilia and she knows how Iago actually behaves. Emilia knows how he’s manipulative but was shocked for what he had done with Othello. She did not expect her husband to manipulate Othello and drove him to murder. Iago had no remorse for killing her because she was a complication for his plan.


Iago conflicts are considered to be external and internal within the play. External conflicts are due to his hardship feeling for vengeance towards Othello. Iago also may have a vendetta towards Othello because he thinks Othello may have slept with Emilia. Internally he is aware and cautious in how he needs to execute his plan towards Othello. Manipulation is key throughout the play for him because that’s the basis of it.

Presonality …show more content…

The play is a tragedy which is caused by his manipulation towards Othello and his reaction. He had manipulated everyone point of view of the situation throughout the play. “ After some time, to abuse Othello’s ”(55) Act 1 Sc 3. “ Live Roderigo [...] If Cassio do remain, He hath a daily beauty in his life”(225) Act 5 Sc 1. Hatred is another personality that Iago portrays within the play. The vengeance that he wants is to bring down the Moor/Othello and his reputation. “ I hate the Moor. My cause is hearted”(53) Act 1 Sc 3. This hatred for Othello can be seen personal for Iago. “[...] it is thought abroad that ‘twixt my sheets’ Has done my office”(55) Act 1 Sc

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