
How Is Jay Gatsby Selfish

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In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, “The Great Gatsby”, the character Jay Gatsby dedicated his life on becoming rich so he can finally pursue Daisy but as the story goes, there were many barriers that kept them apart from each other. Daisy was not just passionate about Gatsby, she also idolized Tom and they have a family together that they have made ever since Gatsby and Daisy separated . Also, he surrounded himself with a bunch of people that he wasn’t familiar and lavished them with the things that they loved but at the end, they all left him hanging by himself. But with all the love and things that Gatsby offered to Daisy, she didn’t return back the favor of loving him forever. In the novel, the Fitzgerald shows that with all the things that Jay Gatsby can buy with his money, it still didn’t bring him happiness because it …show more content…

He only prioritized Daisy as he did a lot of things that made Daisy contented. First, he tried to earn money by becoming someone he wasn’t, “‘He and this Wolfshiem bought up a lot of side-street drug stores here and in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter. That’s one of his little stunts. I picked him for a bootlegger the first time I saw him and I wasn’t far wrong.’” (143). He got into an illegal business with Wolfshiem just to earn money really fast so when Daisy sees him, she will see that he’s rich and not penniless he also lied about how he stumble upon his money. However, Gatsby doesn’t know that he is just wasting his time on Daisy because she idolized Tom even after all the terrible things that he did to her, “‘Even alone I can’t say I never loved Tom,’ she admitted in a pitiful voice” (142). Even though Gatsby showed Daisy how wealthy he was she was swooned over his luxurious cars and other expensive things that Gatsby had , but this did not last for awhile as at the end she still ended up choosing Tom over

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