
How Is John Presented In Brave New World

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False New World
John, the Savage, the son of The Director and Linda, was born and raised only in his home town, the New Mexico Reservation for the Savage. He has always been different from everyone else and for that reason, people treated him rudely and unfair. Nevertheless, John still found a way to be nice to everyone. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley keeps readers on their feet with a novel timed in the future, with such detail that makes the reader feel as if they are in the novel themselves. John goes through many problems with himself and with others and to make matters worse, he doesn’t know how handle it. John learns that people in London have different ways of life far from his usual and tries to fix it.
Planning a fun getaway Bernard Marx was going to leave to New Mexico after receiving authorization from the Director, who had been there himself. The Director became reminiscent of his trip there and shared a story with him of his long lost female …show more content…

Your Linda…” said Linda (151). The Director was ashamed and felt the need to drop his placement as a leader. It was true, the Director was John’s father, but since he stepped down, there was no one to protect him John. Soon after, John began experiencing rudeness from the people who lived there. They called him ‘The Savage’. He was much different from everybody else, he grew up with the words of Shakespeare, he had a parent and he’d grown up with love. John was confused and couldn’t understand why he was being treated poorly. “Good-morning, Mr.Savage.”(248) said a reporter one morning. John, knew he was different than everybody, the way people acted was not normal, it was not okay to him and something was oddly different about the citizens of London. It turned out, they were genetically engineered, heavily medicated, made without reproductive abilities and unaware of John’s normal. John is an anomaly to

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