
How Is Lady Macbeth Guilty

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Lady Macbeth In the beginning Lady Macbeth is a supportive and loving wife, who gets alongwith her husband. When Macbeth ttells her about the withces' prophecy of him, she then becomes ruthless in trying to get Macneth to kill Duncan. She ha no patience with
Macbeth's fear. Lady Macbeth soons starts persuading him to kill Duncan, so that
Macbeth can take his place,. Leading up to Macbeth murdering Duncan.Macbeth goes back and forth on what he is about to do, Lady Macbeth also tells him that he will become more of a man, and to be more than what you were a man. Domeone might ask why is she guilty. First she is guilty because she made an outright kiling machine. out of Macbeth. Lady Macbeth had to do with some of the actions of the murders such as framing Duncan attendents. She …show more content…

Suggesting that time is short for the reign of her husband as well as her own life and her husband's reluctance to perform the very murders that she so regrets now. It is how the guilt of murdering Duncan has played on Lady Macbeth's conscience. First we see her washing her hands in attempts to get the blood of her victim off the hands which held the daggers and helpe carry out hte deed. We also hear her speaking of "the Thane of Fife had a wife..where is she now?' and of the guards in Duncan's bedchamber, and of her own statement to her busband, "a little water clears us of the dead. Put on your nightclothes! It miust look like we have slept!" Macbeth has been told by the wiches hat he will eventually become kind. If Ducnan is already kind, how can Macbeth become king?' The only way that Macbeth will become king is to kill Duncan. But this was Macbeth's first mistake. The withces operate on the basis of fate-- it is destined for Macbeth to become king. Mactbeth takes matters into his own hands ( rather than just letting events play out as they will). and that disrupts fate's susterm. Lady Macbeth also encourges Macbeth to kill Duncan. She is almost

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