“Love is natural, hatred is taught” by anonymous. This quote was part of an image that displayed two children of different racial backgrounds approximately two years of age shaking hands and you can tell by their facial expressions that being different does not bother them at all, but in the end they just want to be friends. Their big grins and smiles said it all. So, this justifies the fact that we are all inherently good, but we are corrupted by society or forced to be changed. If we examine generations before us, we find out that they lived more of a secure life than us and no matter how much we believe we are heartless we all have natural emotions toward many things like the love of people and our environment causes us to change into …show more content…
We gradually deteriorated from being good to evil. Consider the crimes existing nowadays, they are far more severe than the crimes committed in the past. Generations ago if someone robbed a shop that was considered scandalous and cruel. In contrast, today’s society we see much worse than robberies. Robberies have become a common crime now and all you see in the news is a world filled with hatred, wars, and terrorism. In some countries people are scared to step out of the house because so many things could go wrong from kidnapping to getting rapped. This shows that we are far more afraid of our own kind than we are of animals. If you’ve ever heard your parents or grandparents tell you stories about when they were young. Then, you’ve probably heard them saying that their parents felt safe enough to let them wander around and hang out with their friends when they were small. They felt safe and secure, violence was very rare. If they forgot to lock the house at night then it didn’t really matter, but today we see that everyone is scared of what could happen next. You can’t even leave your house without making sure your doors locked. This proves that humans were far better in the past then we are right
I think what Albert Einstein meant in his quote was that evil is in all of us, mostly by accident. But good is in all of us too, and in higher quantities than evil, so we should do things to keep the good side prevailing. We are all good at heart, but there is a battle going on inside all of us. Sometimes good wins, and sometimes evil. If you stand back and let evil happen it is a step towards evil inside you. I agree with this quote because you cannot always stand aside and let bad happen. You need to help good prevail in the world.
Are human beings mostly good or mostly evil? Does the potential for evil exist in
I believe that human beings are basically good. When they are first born and grow up as babies and toddlers, humans are innocent. However, with the effects of outside experiences and social expectations, human beings can be prone to evil. Humans want to be recognized within society and this can be seen in the movie, “The Talented Mr. Ripley”. Due to the social environment that Tom Ripley lives in, he feels the need to fit in and be wealthy like the people around him. This causes him to seek for ways, whether the action is moral or immoral, to attain a higher social status.
Humans can destroy walls that are built, but the remains are still deep in our memories, just like prejudice. Although the civil rights movements did “re-liberate” the blacks, the remains of prejudice still stand firmly in people’s mind, and many are still facing the problems of discrimination. Nelson Mandela once said, “ No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to a human heart than its opposite” (Mandela). Prejudice is taught, but love can also be taught in a way to combat prejudice. It is much simpler to love and care for someone than it is to
The true nature of human beings, when they are born, is kind hearted and gracious, but their own species tarnishes them and they turn malignant. One piece of evidence to support my claim incorporates quotes from the book Frankenstein. In the beginning of the monster’s expedition , he is innocent and sympathizes with the Delacey family. The monster explains how he was sad when they were sad and would feel whatever they felt (Shelley 75). But, this all changed when the human species rejected him for his appearance. His character went from well behaved to atrocious. After not getting accepted, many unfavorable thoughts had crossed his mind and he desired to do many bad things (Shelley 92). When reading these quotes, the reader can comprehend that
Many people have their own views on humanity. They can either be that humans are essentially good but can become corrupt or that people are just essentially evil. They have their own opinions, some people can tell their perspective on humans in other fashions. If people are essentially good, they how do they become corrupt? Or if are truly evil, then why do some people seem like they are kind people and they can never do such things? To take both of these into account, a person may saw that people are good but deep down have evil within them. People may ask how does the evil within a person come out, the answer to that is that it is thanks to their environment. The environment around a person can undoubtedly draw out the evil within them
The world we live in contains people, people that are evil. Within the world throughout history and even today people show themselves to be more good than evil. In To Kill A Mockingbird, The Emmett Till trial, and the recent rape/sexual battery and other sex acts against 4 teenage girls in Mentor, Ohio the evil prevails. People have been treated like property since the world began. The world can not be trusted to be full of good. People are more evil than good.
The article makes an apt comparison, finding that, “Overall, humans and chimpanzees showed comparable levels of violent death from aggression between groups.” At the point when humans—the pinnacle of evolution, the apex predator, the perfect machine—can objectively be compared to chimpanzees, an arguably lesser evolved animal, shows that we have no right to call ourselves evolved. Biologically we may be superior, but morally and emotionally, we have a long way to go. The evolution of murder as an effective means to a desired end, what the article calls a “by-product” of competition, is proof enough that we cannot call ourselves evolved. If we can produce such an atrocity simply as a by-product, humans cannot claim to function any different than wild animals. Evolution entails ascension, not only biologically, but also mentally, emotionally, and, most importantly, morally. The moral evolution that humanity has yet to achieve will provide the stepping stones towards substantial
The Civil Rights Movement started because the white man believed to be better than the black man; if everyone had accepted one another for who they are, a person, and disregarded their skin color, an activist movement would not have been needed at all – there would have been no racism. The Black Lives Matter movement could have been a success if kindness and nonviolence was present. Their hatred only caused more disputes. Political corruption would cease to exist if politicians understood selflessness, or made decisions to positively impact the nation, not themselves. In conclusion, we all have stories, ideas, and love to share. If everyone chose kindness as their upmost important trait, there would never be hatred to the degree of racism and segregation again. There would only be moral societies accomplishing moral
“No one is born hating another person because the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” – Nelson Mandela. In today’s society, minorities deal with racial issues such as racial profiling, racial bullying in institutions, and because of these racial attitudes, groups and movements have formed due to these acts. To this day, society is still burdened with many people who do not fully grasp the concept of equality; because of this, outdated racial attitudes are still an ongoing issue in modern society.
Thousands upon thousands of years ago, human beings fought in catastrophic wars, tortured prisoners, raped, and murdered. Sure enough, just turn on any news channel, and the headline will display a very similar horrific event that has happened. This generation and past generations live in a time where people open fire in crowded places, riots occur, and helpless teens are shot down by the police. Taking a good look at the world around us, it would be demented to every believe that people are naturally good. Although humanity has come along way from being complete savages, humans are naturally evil and To Kill a Mockingbird is an excellent example of the true nature of humans.
Literature for many years has described human nature as being evil once they fear something or are in a chaotic situation. In William Golding?s novel ?Lord of the Flies? which describes horrific exploits of a group of young boys who make a transition from civilized to barbaric. Golding
No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite (622).
Since the beginning of time there has been confusion about every aspect of life and with confusion comes a number of questions we cannot completely answer or forget. How did we transform from one creature to another? Why are people so violent? Are we inherently good or evil? These are questions that have been asked for centuries, and have taken ever longer to possibly answer. It might be numerous decades from now before they finally answer these questions but, nevertheless many people are trying by using evidence, theories, faith, and science to answer these questions as accurately as possible. Mainly the question about whether we are innately innocent or not. Most people, say humans are inherently evil, that there is evil in all of us. That could be the reason why kids enjoy watching ants succumb when they burn them with reflected rays of sunlight. However, many believe that we are born good with a clean slate and that it is society of whom changes that. I believe that we are born sinful/evil and that society influence us to be good. The facts have proven humans to be innately evil through genetics, control, and mistreatment.
Human Nature is defined by Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary as "the fundamental dispositions and traits of humans." Throughout the world, however, there are many different groups of people, all with varying personalities and characteristics. One recent article that brought up this issue was What's Really Human? The trouble with student guinea pigs. by Sharon Begley. Begley states that "given the difference in culture between the U.S. and East Asia, no one claims the American way is universal." This suggests that one's environment, not one's nature, shapes one's characteristics and features. This separation of cultures also leads to a different view of good and evil throughout the world; murder is generally bad and charity good, but not everyone may care about murder or think charity necessary. The only way to find human nature may be to look at the time before the first cultures developed. Thomas Hobbes referred to this time as the state of nature, where every man competes for resources, driven on by greed. This greed is considered to be a bad trait by today's society, making human nature apparently evil. I believe that humans are evil in nature and need parameters to be good because of the writings of twentieth century authors, Chinese philosophers between the Qin and Han dynasties, and pre-Enlightenment philosophers.