7. In my opinion, Napoleon's most important force he had to deal with was his outside forces. Napoleon was a very respected in the world of military. His moves on the battlefield were nearly impossible to predict. Napoleon had many successes and very little losses. Those successes were seen as either a reason to praise Napoleon or as a reason to put a target on his back. It was also a reason to continue his quest for power more and more. In 1789, Napoleon visioned spreading his empire to the west, this included Louisiana, Florida, French Guiana, and the French West Indies, the key to this area was Saint Domingue. When Saint Domingue heard about Napoleon's plans, they demanded equal rights as France. A civil war soon broke out and enslaved people seized control of the …show more content…
By 1812, the only areas in Europe free from France's powerful rule were, Britain, Portugal, Sweden, and the Ottoman Empire. Napoleon controlled many independent countries such as, Spain, the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, and a number of German kingdoms in Central Europe, these countries were Napoleon's puppets. There were also a few powerful countries such as Russia, Prussia, and Austria, that we're loosely attached to France. Napoleon was only capable to control this empire for five years from 1807-1812. Eventually, Napoleon's extravagant efforts to destroy Britain led to his own undoing.
8. If I was apart of the bourgeoisie, I would be very satisfied with some of Napoleon's actions. From the beginning, Napoleon was very successful on the battle field, winning many battles. It would have been very reassuring to know that a very skilled man was defending my country and his actions would help protect me for the better. By 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte had invested himself into the government, and established a group of three consuls. He was then named first consul, and assumed the power of a dictator. At this time France was still at war, which
Name: Instructor: Course: Date of Submission: Napoleon Bonaparte's influence on Early America Napoleon Bonaparte was French political leader and military commander who had risen to prominence during the late stages of the French revolutions and the wars that were in association to it. He was a French emperor from the year 1804 to around the year 1815 (Barnett n.p). He dominated European affairs for about twenty years in leading French against a series of coalitions and wars in the so called Napoleonic war. Napoleon won in most of his battles in the Europe leading to him seizing control of most continental Europe (Aldrete n.p).
During his reign he strived to reestablish French aristocracy, which was eliminated in the French revolution. He began this by putting his family and loyal friends into power giving those titles of the nobility. His power continued to expand across much of western and central continental Europe. It wasn’t until Russia left the continental system that the French would engage in a full scale battle. This battle lead to the downfall of Napoleon rule. With the invasion of Moscow, his army suffered heavy casualties which would then be considered the Battle of Borodino. Russians set fire to the city, forcing Napoleons army to starve, due to harsh weather freeze, and die off. This action became the defeat and end of the Napoleonic Wars.
Napoleon Bonaparte excelled as his role of the emperor of France. Before that, he was a game changing First Consul and revolutionary French General of the French Army. He was diligent and cunning when it came to military plans and military campaigns. Napoleon Bonaparte also
When Napoleon came to the Louisiana territory, which was owned by the French, he planned to take over North America. He eventually took over Haiti. Napoleon's odds were looking good threatening the United States. The people of Haiti rebelled against the take over along with the help of some other European countries. Napoleon lost a lot and decided to quit.
After the French monarchy was overthrown on August 10, 1792, Napoleon decided to make his move up in the ranks. After this, Napoleon started becoming a recognized officer. In 1792, Napoleon was prompted to the rank of captain. In 1793, he was chosen to direct the artillery against the siege in Toulon. He seized ground where he could get his guns in range of the British ships. Soon after Toulon fell, Napoleon was promoted to the rank of brigadier general. In 1795, he saved the revolutionary government by controlling a group of rioting citizens by using a famous technique of his. He loaded a bunch of pellets into a cannon and fired it at the crowd. Napoleon was made commander of the French army in Italy. He defeated four Austrian generals in succession, and each army he fought got bigger and bigger. This forced Austria and its allies to make peace with France. But after this, Napoleon was relieved of his command. He was poor and was suspected of treason. Napoleon had no friends. No one would have suspected what Napoleon would do next. In 1796, Napoleon was appointed to put down a revolt in Paris. He calmly took complete control of the situation. He had his men shoot all the rebels in the streets. The French government was saved, but they decided to form a new government called the Directory. Under the new government, Napoleon was made commander of the French army in Italy. During this campaign, the French realized how smart Napoleon was. He developed a tactic
Napoleon Bonaparte, an influential leader of France, was a man of many facets. On one the one hand, Napoleon was a strong leader who created durable institutions and strengthened France, but on the other, there is a more pitiful view of Napoleon. The view of Napoleon was initially very positive: he viewed himself as a protector of the people, and the people saw this too; however, over time, this image was greatly worsened, due to military hardship.
Napoleons’ rise to emperor in France was indisputable mostly because of his overthrow of the Directory. His success’s as commander of the French army in Italy, only led to his aspiring status change to “Emperor” of France after overthrowing the Directory in November of 1799. His undying ambition for expansion of the empire he was creating however would be his undoing. Napoleons rule as emperor of France was quit spectacular actually and many admired and adored him as ruler. His ways were very appealing, and as a speaker he was very persuasive and admired by most of his people until his later years in his fall and demise. However, Napoleon did not seriously adhere to the ideals of the French Revolution, he did that of the Enlightenment but his undying ambition and character as “Emperor” undermined the true need of the French Revolution.
Between 1796 and 1814, Napoleon rose through the ranks of the French army, and eventually became the Emperor of France from 1804 to 1814. During his rule, Napoleon took over most of eastern Europe, and other parts of western Europe. Napoleon conquered these countries, because he wanted to defend France, which was very cruel. On the other hand, Napoleon respected people's properties, religions, and customs. When he would receive criticism, though, he would want to restrict them, and anyone else, from publicly criticizing him again. Some people might think that he was a hero, while others, like me, saw him as a tyrant.
During the Napoleonic Era, from 1799 to 1815, France became a military power gaining and controlling land throughout Europe. While some historians believe Napoleon Bonaparte was a ruthless dictator, his military accomplishments far outweigh any atrocities he committed. He helped France gain stability after the French Revolution and he also abolished the Feudal contract. Napoleon was a brilliant strategist using military tactics to cause fear and to defeat whatever enemies stood in his way. Throughout his rule, Napoleon continually gained ground, and by the end of his reign, his empire encompassed all of Spain, Italy, and a small portion of land by Russia and Austria. (see map) He is one of
Napoleon came to power in France in 1799, when he became the first consul, and shortly after that the emperor of France. The first issue he caused for the Americans was his reacquisition of the Floridas and New Orleans from Spain. Spain allowed the Americans to sail out of the port at New Orleans, but with Napoleon
Impressed by his feats the five main military leaders asked Napoleon to invade England, instead he offered a plan to invade Egypt. After he got the okay to do so Napoleon took over the Egyptian army and its main leaders (www.history.com, www.thefreesource.com). In 1799 Napoleon overthrew the French Directory in an attempt to gain more power. After the defeat he was the leading political figure to most historians (www.history.com). As leader Napoleon improved not only the military of France but also the economy and other parts of the French empire. He helped reform the banks and education system as well as improving the arts and sciences. But his biggest contribution was the Napoleonic code, which was a big part of the legal system in France.(www.history.com, www.thefreesource.com, www.bbc.co.uk). In 1804 Napoleon declared himself emperor of France, which was meant he was the sole leader of this great empire (www.history.com). Napoleon won many battles and his reign stretched from the edge of the border of Spain to Italy and also some parts in Austria and Egypt. It was a strong and powerful empire at the time. The start of Napoleon’s downfall began when Russia broke agreements with France. So Napoleon brought about 600,000 troops into Russia to attack but the Russians were prepared and had the perfect strategy to defeat the French army. The Russians would retreat and keep the French marching
Napoleon Bonaparte was an undeniably strong leader of France, however he was not truthful to his inferiors who gave him his power. Napoleon believed he was the master of France and that he had complete power of the country. He looked down upon his peers and the other citizens of France. Bonaparte gained his popularity by standing with the common people during the revolutionary period of France but did not continue with the views he expressed during this period when he became Emperor. Napoleon Bonaparte had many views and beliefs that made him an absolute dictator of France including, making every decision himself, being above everyone in the class systems, and manipulating the citizens of France.
Napoleon has been recognised as a military genius. His various military exploits have been widely regarded as great feats and his military prowess was definitely an important factor is his ascension to power. Napoleon has been said to be a great tactician and strategist in war which was essentially why he was able to progress through the ranks of military also while becoming a national hero. In 1793, the then young Napoleon became a national hero by leading the recapture of the French port of Toulon from the British which drew the attention of the upper echelons. 'As a reward for his services, the Representatives
Under Napoleon, France controlled almost all of Europe and Northern Africa as well as most of the Americas(through controlling Spain). Napoleon had tried to conquer all who insulted him, he was egotistical maniac. Although he attempted follow the values that the First French Revolutionists made Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite, Napoleon had set up multiple laws that gave some sense of freedom and equality to the people of france through the civil code also known as The Napoleonic Code.
Napoleon reached power through rising during a wartime because of his military successes. During a time of war promotions are made frequently and Napoleon became a general at a young age. Napoleon was able to move his troops much faster than any other country was able to move their troops. Napoleon’s troops were also much larger than any of the others. These advantages led to Napoleon becoming one of the greatest military leaders ever.