
How Is Napoleon Successful

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7. In my opinion, Napoleon's most important force he had to deal with was his outside forces. Napoleon was a very respected in the world of military. His moves on the battlefield were nearly impossible to predict. Napoleon had many successes and very little losses. Those successes were seen as either a reason to praise Napoleon or as a reason to put a target on his back. It was also a reason to continue his quest for power more and more. In 1789, Napoleon visioned spreading his empire to the west, this included Louisiana, Florida, French Guiana, and the French West Indies, the key to this area was Saint Domingue. When Saint Domingue heard about Napoleon's plans, they demanded equal rights as France. A civil war soon broke out and enslaved people seized control of the …show more content…

By 1812, the only areas in Europe free from France's powerful rule were, Britain, Portugal, Sweden, and the Ottoman Empire. Napoleon controlled many independent countries such as, Spain, the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, and a number of German kingdoms in Central Europe, these countries were Napoleon's puppets. There were also a few powerful countries such as Russia, Prussia, and Austria, that we're loosely attached to France. Napoleon was only capable to control this empire for five years from 1807-1812. Eventually, Napoleon's extravagant efforts to destroy Britain led to his own undoing.

8. If I was apart of the bourgeoisie, I would be very satisfied with some of Napoleon's actions. From the beginning, Napoleon was very successful on the battle field, winning many battles. It would have been very reassuring to know that a very skilled man was defending my country and his actions would help protect me for the better. By 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte had invested himself into the government, and established a group of three consuls. He was then named first consul, and assumed the power of a dictator. At this time France was still at war, which

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