How is one considered an American?
What does it mean to be a citizen? What does it mean to be a part of a country? I believe that being a citizen is much more than just living in the same country for a set number of years. There are several ways that the word "citizen" can be defined. For example, individuals may say that when you do good deeds and make your country a better place you are considered a citizen. When you work hard to donate to your country you are showing that you believe in While there are other individuals believe that being a good citizen means portraying kindness, generosity, a helping hand; what some people may refer to as a servants ' heart. Of course, different countries will have different interpretations of
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We gained our independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776. Since then we have solely on how we are going to remain a free country. After, we gained our independence we stopped viewing freedom as a privilege. We began to believe that freedom is a right we should be given if we live in America. Yet, we were still using slaves for many years after we gained our independence. If we would have put into consideration what the slaves felt about us (white 's) getting freedom, and blacks not getting the same freedoms, I feel like we would have changed our minds about how we treat them. Freedom, or maybe liberty, is considered an unalienable right, which means it is god given right. Freedom has shaped our country into what it is today. We have the freedoms to do what we want, when we want, how we want, etc., is what makes America different from many other countries. Patrick Henry says, "Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course other may take, but as for me, give it liberty, or give me death!" Patrick Henry was an orator during the 18th century that strongly supported the independence movement. Liberty is a major aspect of our country, clearly. Next, human rights are equally as important when you think of a citizen. Rights are one of the biggest parts of our country; some argue that they are what run our country. As Americans we have
Citizenship is when a person is accepted as a member of a society due to customs or laws. Another way to think about citizenship is that one does not truly become a member of a society until said person has managed to learn and master the tools and trades that allow the society and its members to go on with their everyday lives.
What does being an american mean? many ask this.. but do they TRULY know what it means ? Being an american means that you will not have to worry about another country's soldier banging on your door at an unruly hour demanding a place to stay. It means that you can have a peaceful sleep at night not having to worry about waking up to bombs and your house on fire and the sound of guns and people screaming.
What it means to be an American, to me it means to fight for this great country that our God created, the same god who made everyone of us. I also feel it's my duty if our country goes into a major war, then I feel I should go and fight for what's right. Therefore I also feel that everyone was made equal and we are the same we are people and Americans so why can't we all matter. To me no one is more popular or bigger than anyone we are all Americans and people, the people who think they are bigger and more popular than anyone else they like to think they are, but they really aren't. Like Hillary clinton she likes to think she is all good and she is all innocent of what the things we Americans said she did,
In this essay I'm going to talk about what it means to be an American. while explaining what it means to truly be an American. One thing about being American is being able to choose anything you want to pursue say you want to become a basketball player, musician, janitor, and many other opportunities in America an American has, being American is a lot easier then many people think but it is also hard there are challenges that come with the life of an average American just as well as there are rewards that come with it.
"What does it mean to be an American" means more to me than just a catchy phrase on a bumper sticker.From my point of view the right to Freedom and Liberty is the defining quality of American.This gives individual Americans to voice their diverse opinions in our nation.
What does it mean to be an American? There are many different aspects to being an “American”. Four ways can be used to define and explain what it means to be an American. These four ways are negation, function, example, and classification. Exemplification can be used to define being an American in the best way.
What is an American? This question cannot be answered by one word. There are so many different characteristics, qualities, and features that can be used to describe an American. Besides features, someone is only a real American if they take advantage of all of the many privileges that are given to them. Any person that is not grateful for the privileges that are given to them to me are not real Americans but this is only my opinion. Real Americans use their privileges to benefit themselves and everyone around them. In today's society there are certain things that are expected from American citizens, for instance being a responsible citizen.
Citizenship can be defined as the position or status of being a citizen in a particular country (Oxford Dictionaries, 2016). This definition is not very broad, nor does it cover the many aspects of citizenship that exist in the 21st century. It is not only about being a legal citizen of a particular country, it is also about being a social citizen. You can be a citizen of Australia but choose to live elsewhere for the majority of your life. In terms of citizenship it is relevant on a political and social level. If you are actively contributing to the country in which you live in some ways you are fulfilling your duties as a citizen.
What does it mean to be an American? To fully understand what being an American is, is a daunting task. Is it cheering for the U.S. in the Olympics, rooting on Miss USA in the Miss Universe pageant, or simply saying the Pledge Of Allegiance? Does being an American mean man you having the freedom of mind to decide whether or not you eat the creme filling of an Oreo first? Archibald MacLeish states that “There are those, I know, who will say that the liberation of humanity, the freedom of man and mind, is nothing but a dream. They are right, it is the American dream.” ( Although “having freedom” is a very broad statement, being an American citizen grants you the ideals of freedom, equality, possibility and a life of pure happiness.
The author's response to the Atwan collection as well as the journal articles reviewed by the author of this paper is pretty simple. It can be concisely stated as the following. Open immigration is never going to be a viable solution, amnesty (for the third time in three generations) is not a good idea without some major follow-up, and the economic consequences of allowing 12 million (estimated) immigrants becoming legal overnight is not the panacea and feel-good fest that some people may think it will be. If amnesty recipients agree to do so and complete the requirements, they can and should be allowed to stay and be fruitful members of society. However, if the enforcement mechanism is not dialed up at the same time, then this country will be doing this yet again 20-30 years down the road"¦for at least the fourth time in a century. An American is someone who legally immigrates to this country and meets all the necessary requirements or is born to at least one American parent.
Citizenship, one who is naturally born in America or naturalized in America have equal rights under the Unites States Constitution, responsibilities by law and responsibilities by freedom to make society a better place. Citizenship connects Americans to build from one another. In addition citizenships shows commitment in America's government.(Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities). Welcoming immigrants, abiding by the American flag and being an active member in the community will benefit everyone and become a society that fits America’s people hopes and interests together.
Become a citizen of one of the best nations in the world is a privilege that not many people have. I’m talking about the United States of America. If you are an U.S natural born citizen you have rights and responsibilities that protect you based on the Declaration of Independence and the U.S Constitution. People who are in the position to become U.S. citizens gain the same rights, privileges, and responsibilities of citizenship as natural born American with the only restriction that they can’t be eligible for President of the United States.
In Response to Executive Order 9066” by Dwight Okita, and “Mericans” by Sandra Cisneros share a common bond of questioning, what makes a person "American"? I believe an american is defined by his love for his country and his contribution to keeping america the "melting pot". America was founded by immigrants seeking refuge from hardship and political and religious persecution. America is a land of immigrants and freedom seeker. I myself am Japanese and French But Because I was born in the United States Im considered a US citizen.
So what does citizenship means to me? Is it just a piece of paper that says you are a citizen of a country or does it mean something more in a deeper level. When I was just a little boy my mother always talks about that when we move to the United States we should apply for citizenship immediately. As I was growing up here in the United States I slowly understand what citizenship means to me. Being a citizen for me is fulfilling my obligations toward my country, Living a lifestyle that benefits myself and my community and having good sense of patriotism.
What does it mean to be a citizen of a country? Many people had different interpretations of what that looked like. Today we view it as being part of a nation that gives us the privilege of having rights and at times we forget how lucky we are to have them. Especially in Canada where we are accepting of all cultures, people and recognize people who are from other places as dual citizenship. In the 1800’s many places were still experimenting on what it meant to be a citizen especially in the republics. This was because in Central America and other places in the world they were still deciding on who should be considered a citizen and be given rights. Many elites were against changing ways to allow women, slaves and Native Americans to have rights and freedoms. This was because they felt that they were not as important as they were and shouldn’t be granted the rights to make decisions because