As a high ranking military officer Othello is respected to some extent, however Othello being a Moor makes him lose most if not all of the respect afforded to him because of his dark skin color. During Shakespeare’s time Africans were characterized as “ beast-like, lacking in reason” by English writers. Due to the fact that Africans had vastly different cultures than that of the one in Elizabethan England Africans were not seen as equals. To Europeans it was unfathomable that Africans had the brain capacity to do anything other than fight like brutes and be sexually permissive. It was said of Moors that they acted as if “ they continually lived in a forest among wild things”. Moors and Africans overall were not seen as human beings they were instead seen as savage wild animals just like lions,tigers, and wolves.The Moorish people were seen with disgust show by Iago dictating to others to “disrelish and abhor the Moor”. As a Moor Othello was not seen as a human equal to the white population of Venice. The people of Venice feel that they are justified in their ridicule and disrespect of Othello because he was inferior to Europeans. The Venetian’s idea of superiority of Othello is shown through how they rarely address him by his name Othello they choose mostly to refer to and call upon him as the Moor. In the play the …show more content…
To the people of Venice it did not matter where Othello was truly from all they saw was that Othello was an outsider in Venice. Othello was
Another term frequently used to describe Othello,“Moor,” (or “the Moor,” “his Moorship,” etc.) derived from the race of the general, is a label that clearly sets Othello apart from the white Venetians he keeps company with. Although some use it and mean no harm, when said by the likes of Iago and Brabantio, “the Moor,” turns into a racist slur, deliberately used to undermine and ostracize Othello from society. Likewise, depictions such a
Set in 16th century Venice, Othello, by William Shakespeare, explores the idea of an outsider from the very beginning of the play. Shakespeare uses Othello, a black army general, to explore the relationship of an outsider in high Venetian society using a variety of approaches. The reader sees characters consistently referring to Othello in derogatory and demeaning terms, as well as frequent implications that Othello is scarcely human. Further exploration of an outsider in society comes from Othello himself, as he outlines a few of the major differences that set him and the community apart.
There are many opposing views to the way that Othello is defined within Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Othello. Some suggest that Othello is a savage "Moor," and at no point is he the noble "Venetian" he attempts to portray himself as. Others suggest that Othello is the noble "Venetian" he portrays himself as, and his ultimate demise stems directly from Iago being a savage. Yet some agree that Othello is both the noble "Venetian" and the savage "Moor," unable to fully interpolate himself into the "Venetian" paradigm, but becoming, rather, a "noble savage."
world; and that much ‘new knowledge’ lay follow or was treated in a merely superficial manner because of this.” (Hunter 50) Even though Othello fulfills his duty as a general and he is appreciated by the authorities in Venice and earns a respected position, he is not embraced by the society enough to marry a Venetian girl.
Boom: - during the boom stage of the business cycle the economy is performing its best. Demand, production and sales figures are high. To meet the high levels of demand and production the business has to create new jobs; by doing this the percentage of the nation has money to spend on goods and services. However as businesses produce greater profits higher wages can be paid to employees growing their disposable income. People& businesses in the economy are allowed to spend money as there is a great business available for them.
Othello is one of the Shakespeare’s greatest tragedy which illustrates a tragic downfall of a black protagonist, Othello. Although in the play, Othello is a socially secured man working as a military general, his social status seems to be cancelled out by his colour. In the society of Venice, Othello is referred to as an outsider not only because of his cultural difference but also his colour, Therefore, in the play, Othello is depicted as a victim of racism even though he himself does not seem to acknowledge that he is victimised because of racism.
“Othello” is a Shakespearian tragedy set in sixteenth century Venice during the Turkish and Venetian Wars. The story follows the powerful Moor of Venice, Othello, and his tragic moral, military and marital downfall due to the corruption instigated by his jealous ancient, Iago. Throughout the play, the themes of womanhood, appearance versus reality, as well as prejudice in identity are explored. Further, contemporary responders can extract individual meaning through applying the literary criticisms.
After we left Cierce Island of paradise for the second time, Odysseus told us to start rowing to the mysterious island of the sirens. As we were rowing, Odysseus explained to us what Cierce told him about the island of the sirens and how to avoid the sirens voices luring us to our own death. Cierce also instructed Odysseus to tell the crew members to tie him up with very strong ropes and not to release him until they got pass the sirens because Odysseus alone can only hear the voices of the sirens.
In Greece, attitudes towards women varied. Some viewed them as mothers for the citizens. Hence, they were respected. To preserve their chastity, women were protected from men’s lustful look. Girls had no intervention in their marriage, which was consummated according to the wishes of their parents.
Othello or The Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare is a tragedy of race. Shakespeare creates a hero who does not fall under a racist stereotype, Othello is a nobleman, a decorated soldier, very well respected by his men (with the exception of Iago). One of the few characteristics that harms, rather than helps him, is that he is dark-skinned in a society utterly dominated by men prejudiced against those with dark skin. At the start of the play, he appears confident that, "My parts, my title, and my perfect soul / Shall manifest me rightly." (Shakespeare, 1, 2, 36-37) But Iago makes sure to use Othello's race against him as much as possible. As a brave soldier from Africa and recently instated supreme commander of the Venetian army, Shakespeare still allows Othello to succumb to the subtle racism that surrounds him. Most of it comes forward through the dialog, and is directed toward Othello. Shakespeare makes no effort to hide this colorful language, nearly every character uses a racial slur to insult Othello at some point in the play. Even Emilia, who doesn’t trust her own husband, sinks to the level of insulting Othello based on the color of his skin. Though the main character to make racist remarks in Othello is Iago, making him a representation of white supremacy. The effect of racism on Othello is quite evident and is one of the main causes of his insecurity about his marriage. These black stereotypes show up in the play and lead to the problem with trying to produce
One of the major issues in Shakespeare's Othello is the impact of the race of the main character, Othello. His skin color is non-white, usually portrayed as African although some productions portray him as an Arabian. Othello is referred to by his name only seventeen times in the play. He is referred to as "The Moor" fifty-eight times. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) states that a Moor is "Any individual of the swarthy races of Africa or Asia which have adopted the Mohammedan religion. In Spanish history the terms Moo, Saracens, and Arabs are synonymous." This indicates that Othello is constantly being degraded and set up as an evil person throughout the play. What this really means is that
Othello is presented initially as a dangerous beast by Iago, before he reveals himself to be of noble, human, status, only to degenerate later to the condition of a bloodthirsty and irrational animal. He is the hero of the play and this is achieved by his last speech(V. ii. 340-356) where he rights himself at the end of the play. "I kissed thee ere I killed thee: no way but this, Killing myself, to die upon a kiss" (V. ii. 359). By showing us these contrasting images of the moor, Shakespeare is revealing the two different attitudes to race. The one of acceptance, as shown through characters such as
The protagonist of the play, Othello, becomes the monster driven by racial prejudice that Venetians depict him to be. The word “moor’ is an indicator of the divide between Othello, a Morrocan with darker skin, and the Venetians of Italy, with fair skin. Even those who respect Othello use the word “moor” to replace his name. By the end of the play, he becomes the cruel character Iago wanted him to be.
Along with critics making references to Othello’s race, many characters in the play do as well. The characters that are most racist refer to Othello by his real name less than the people who are least racist. “Othello’s blackness is not only a mark of his physical alienation but a symbol, to which every character in the play himself included must respond” (Berry, 1990). Othello does not refer to himself as African but rather as an exotic Venetian. Other characters do not see Othello as that. Many characters call Othello numerous names other than his real one. “For Iago Othello is an old black ram, the devil, and a barbary horse” (Berry, 1990). Many see Othello’s blackness as a symbol of ugliness, bestiality, treachery, and demonic. None of those words describe how Othello really is. Those words are the stereotypical definition of what a black man is. This stereotypical definition puts Othello is a predicament and makes his acceptance in the Venetian society difficult. “Once such critics conclude that Othello is not a stereotype, he tends to lose his individuality as a Moor and to become a representative of humanity” (Berry, 1990). The stereotypical image of a black man plays an important role in the play’s ending.
“Othello” is a tragic play of jealousy, racism and struggle for power. Right from the beginning, Shakespeare has created vigorous dialogue and conflicting situations. There is a direct contrast between black and white in this play, with black meaning something negative and evil and white meaning pure and fairness. The clash between these two colours leads to severe hatred and enmity between a few people.