William Golding's, Lord of The Flies, follows a group of boys who crash land on a deserted island, and their ensuing struggle to survive. As the island's only inhabitants, the boys are forced to govern themselves and balance the difference between right and wrong, civility and barbarity, and to dole out responsibility according to individual talents or lack thereof. Piggy, one of the novels main characters, is by far the most intelligent, but his authority and ability to contribute to the community are unfortunately impaired by physical ailments and initial lack of respect. Piggy’s physical and medical issues complicate his life and stand in the way of accomplishing activities the others easily accomplish. Many of the other boys are confident in themselves and are ready to participate. Piggy is the exact opposite; he is a person who lives in his mind, dependent on his intelligence, whereas the others depend on their bodies and physical strengths. They assume that Piggy is odd and abnormal, which results to him not fitting in. The boys look upon Piggy as just the “smart guy," a role commonly deemed a social outcast. “You’re talking too much. Shut up, Fatty,” (Pg. 20). Weak …show more content…
They represent civilization, a symbol and reminder of the intellectual side of humanity. His eyesight may be weak, but his insight is powerful. Piggy is bullied to the point where his glasses are taken away, and because of this he's made helpless and unable to handle the rigor of the island. Piggy in turn gains confidence by standing up for himself, but his character is unappreciated, his intelligence ignored and uncared for. His stand only makes matters worse. The boys see him as just another animal, hence he's killed as though he was one. Ironically, they have become animals themselves by their acceptance of murder. “He lay against a log, his mouth gaping, blue shadows creeping round his lips. Nobody minded him.”
Piggy’s responsibility set him apart from the other boys, like Ralph. When Piggy cried out, “I don’t ask for my glasses back, not as a favour. I don’t ask you to be a sport, I’ll say, not because you’re strong, but because what’s right’s right” (190). For a moment, Piggy’s anger with unfairness and helplessness he felt took away from his logical reasoning but returned as soon as he was confronted by the savages. When Piggy asked, "Which is better- to be a pack of painted niggers like you are, or to be sensible like Ralph is?"(200) it demonstrated a change in Piggy's nature. Piggy learned to stand up for himself against Jack and the savages. He was able to think clearly and plan ahead of his encounter with the savage boys. The cruelty Jack showed towards him taught Piggy how much more pain there was in the
Lennie from Of Mice and Men and Piggy from Lord of the Flies, both illustrate the theme that some individuals may appear incompetent but actually are very competent. In both of the novels, the boys’ assets are doubted. For Piggy, he is useful for rational thinking but that is overpowered by his weak ability. With that being said, his rational thought is benefitted for the group. For example, on page 25 to 26, Golding depicts Piggy to be perceived as weaker to the boys when it came to deciding who would go on the trip to find more boys.
In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, a group of British boys suddenly become stranded on an island, all alone, forced to form their own social system. Throughout the novel, William Golding reveals his main character 's strengths and weaknesses in their attempts to lead. The character Piggy demonstrates the benefits and limits of intelligence in maintaining civil order.
The book is filled with dark, gruesome moments. Moments that leave the reader with a destroyed faith in humanity. At surface value this is all true, but after looking deeper into the book many values are present. These value pertain to societal change and conformity. In the book, Piggy is the stereotypical fat boy with the glasses. The book portrays Piggy to be the victim of the society the boys have established on their small island. Despite what he has been through, Piggy makes an effort to contribute to the society the boys have built. The book says, “Piggy was … so full of pride in his contribution to the good of society … that he helped to fetch wood.” (Golding 186). The book also contains values of conformity for the better. The book tells of Jack who became upset with the tribe. He decides that he will break away from the tribe and invites everyone but Ralph to join him. One by one all the boys follow Jack to restart their society; leaving Ralph behind. The boys in the new tribe began to succeed more while Ralph begins to struggle. If Jack did not break away, then that success would have been
In the first chapter of the novel Piggy finds the conch and comes up with the idea to use it to contact the other boys on the island. "'We can use this to call the others. Have a meeting. They'll come when they hear us”(Golding 16). Immediately we see Piggy coming up with ideas to benefit the boys. Throughout the book they use the conch to communicate with each other in a controlled way. He is using his brain to benefit the others and that's what he’s all about. Other boys in the story are selfish and don't really think about everyone, but Piggy automatically thinks about other’s first. Piggy is the voice of reason as he knows that building the shelters is crucial to the boys survival.
for Ralph to act out. "We can use this (the conch) to call the others.
Piggy- In this story Piggy is the obvious outcast of the group. The other boys on the island constantly taunt him due to his weight, poor eyesight and his asthma. He’s not like the other boys, he’s more rational and thinks differently from the rest of them. In the begging of the book when Ralph, Jack and Simon were going to explore despite Piggy’s pleas to join they wouldn't let him. Piggy doesn't let his obvious rejection get to him though. He still speaks his mind and shares his opinions with the group. Piggy is also very loyal to Ralph. Ralph listens to what Piggy has to say and tries to stand up for him when he gets taunted. Piggy is not only
“‘I don't care what they call me,’ [Piggy] said confidentially, ‘so long as they don't call me what they used to call me at school.’[...] ‘They used to call me 'Piggy.’(11)” Here, one can see that Piggy’s real name is not actually Piggy but, is meant to endure such a horrid name due to his looks. His body size causes the children around him to make fun of him and from then on, the name sticks with him till his very last moments. On this new island with new faces, Piggy’s suffering starts with the horrid name. From the moment Ralph tells the other boys about his name, the boys immediately start to treat him as a different person. These boys realize that on such an island with no other source of entertainment, the only other resort for these children is Piggy. One would assume that Piggy’s intelligence would be able to write off the insults and discrimination, but to these children, his intelligence served as a vulnerability as the boys use it to make him seem different from the others. Overall, Piggy acts as a source of entertainment for the boys. They want fun. They wanted entertainment. They want to enjoy the life without adults when they have the chance.
Piggy is one of the smartest boys on the island, however the other boys bully him and don’t take him seriously (or as a joke), this is due to his physical appearance He is fat, wears spectacles, has "ass-mar", is against fun and hunting, and almost irritatingly worthy. He's also a social outcast
Piggy’s physical appearance contributes to his position as an outsider within the society of boys. When Piggy and Ralph first meet, Ralph remarks on Piggy’s shortness of breath to which Piggy responds, ¨ That’s right. Can’t catch my breath. I was the only boy in our school what had asthma, said the fat boy with a touch of pride, ‘And I’ve been wearing specs since I was three¨ (Golding 9). This quote describes Piggy as a fat boy with asthma and glasses, while the other boys are skinny and do not share any of the same characteristics as him. In addition, the author contributes to the outcasting Piggy by never revealing his real name and only describing Piggy as the “fat boy.” This proves that in this society, Piggy is not worth getting to
Piggy lectured them by asking how they could " expect to be rescued if [they] don't put first things first and act proper?" (45), which is something they did not want to hear, this was proven time and time again when the boys not let him speak without interruption even when he had the conch shell. Piggy's greatest asset was also his weakest point; the only way he could relate to the other boys was at an intellectual level, whereas the other boys could only relate on an emotional level. Ironically, in spite of his intelligence and logic, rational thought, from the beginning of the novel, Piggy was a social outcast.
Even thought Piggy is physically blind without his glasses he has insight as to his surroundings. Jack shows dislike towards Piggy by ridiculing his physique by saying , “Better Piggy the Fatty”. (40) His intelligence is undermined by the fact that Jack makes fun of him.
The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is an allegory that explores the instinctual evil humans possess and how this evil manifests into our societies. The book demonstrates this through young boys who are stranded on an island due to a plane crash. Despite their best efforts, the lack of adult guidance inhibits the boys from maintaining an orderly society. The boys turn to their survival instincts, many of which are evil. The lack of order exposes the internal savagery within the boys, resulting in an understanding of the flaws within all humanity. The Lord of the Flies uses the innocence of young boys to show the societal impact of human errors through their lack of adult supervision, the desire to inflict violence, and the need for authority over others.
His nickname parallels the wild pigs that are hunted on the island, and it also represents his intelligence. Piggy portrays clear-sightedness and intelligence. He tries to keep peace and clings to civilization, and he is the smartest boy on the island even though he has no social skills. He does not like strenuous work so he refrains from physical work. His only contribution to survival on the island are his specs which become very important in lighting the signal and cooking fires.
Having such a divers array of people living in such close proximity, and not being able to escape one another also influenced the attitudes, and actions of the boys. In normal circumstances, when two people don’t get along it is relatively easy to not be around them, and hang around with others in which your more compatible with. However due to the fact that they are on a rather small island, and that their society only consists of a few people, it is not so easy for rare intellectual to escape people with ideals opposite to their own. Therefore often suffers defeat. This is very true in the case of Piggy.