
How Is Scout Respectful

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In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, Scout changed in a way that made her learn to be more respectful to other people. Scout has the influence of Atticus and Calpurnia on her side, but even though she was respectful towards them, didn’t necessarily mean she was respectful towards others, such as Miss. Coraline. Scout was respectful to her neighbors, for the most part, such as when Scout and Jem had to read to Mrs. Dubose. Jem and Scout were both nice to Mrs. Dubose, but behind the scenes they were somewhat rude. “My sister ain’t dirty, and I ain’t scared of you” (141), Jem says this quietly to Mrs. Dubose, which can indicate that Jem is a bad influence on Scout, because that’s not very respectful in regards to Mrs. Dubose. It was even less respectful

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