The film 12 Years a Slave shows the brutality of how slaves were treated back in the 1800's. This film is based on a memoir written by Solomon Northup who was a free black man. In the film and memoir Northup tells the events on how he was kidnapped, became a slave for twelve years and then finally came back to his family. In this particular film being black meant that at any moment you could lose everything. Solomon was a free man, he was luckily able to get an education and was living a wonderful life with his two children and his wife. In the film Solomon is portrayed accurately within the time period and the events that occurred. As a free man, everyone respected him and treated him like a human being. When he became a slave, he was property and was treated like livestock. …show more content…
The events that he had to go through were horrendous. In one scene Solomon is waiting one of his masters comes in with two other men and try to hang him for talking back to him. During the scene when Solomon is waiting the shots are slow and there is this weird eerie music that sounds that tells the audience something bad is about to happen. Once the bad news comes the scene is now rapid, the music is still playing in the background. Once Solomon is rescued the music goes away and it is just silence, you can hear the insect and the wind. This scene also goes back to a long scene, everything is 'calm'. The way each scene is filmed is great, each shot has its' own pace that fits in with what is going on, as well with the music that goes along with. The director knew exactly when to add in the music and when to take it out, so the audience would be able to take in
Hollywood generates films in both suitable and corrupt ways. The productions of these films are crafted to benefit its viewers of both enjoyment and knowledge, while adding in drama and suspense. Although, some of these films do not uphold being historically accurate. Twelve Years a Slave was constructed in 2013. This film is based on a northern black man who was once free and was deceived into slavery down South. This film is set before the Civil War in Louisiana. Many occurrences in Twelve Years a Slave are mostly precise, although some historical events slightly vary.
The first movie to discuss is 12 Years A Slave. Three details to be discussed for this film are: Solomon being captured as a free black man and being sold back into slavery, harsh treatment of slaves, and Solomon finally being rescued by his friends proving he was a free man and bringing him back to his New York home. These details reflect multiple social contexts such as: race relations and social inequality. As for race relations, the relations between whites and blacks during this time of slavery were very corrupt. Whites marginalized African Americans in a way whites believed that they were insignificant or not as important as them, hence the reasoning for having them as slaves. Slavery also depicted social inequality as the whites viewed
I enjoyed your post. You mentioned a point that I did not think about. However, I can see where Solomon was coming from. He had been aware of slavery because it was something his father educated him on, but he had also experienced the cruelty of slavery for himself. He was taken from his home as a free man and was almost immediately thrown into the world of bondage. He was beaten by a slave trader within his first day awake on the boat and knew that he may receive the same foul treatment again. So, when he was sold to Ford, a more gentle slave owner, he was relieved and worked as hard as he could for him.
Throughout my research, I was able to learn more about the life of Solomon Northup and the people that surrounded him. This includes what happened to him even after his return home. Researching the film adaptation
Slavery was ongoing for many years, which ruined many people’s lives. White people believed that African-Americans were inferior. The slaves were forced into labor, punished, and treated poorly. Slaves involvement took away the most important thing in human life, freedom. During this time there were many influential slaves. Solomon Northup, an African-American slave who was kidnapped and sold into slavery was one of them. He is one of the world’s most important historical figures. Solomon is known world wide for the movie and book based on his biography, 12 Years a Slave. By publishing the unbearable aspects of his life in captivity as a slave, Northup brought to light the sadism of American slavery. He raised awareness in audiences, and brought national attention to the injustices.
Once in D.C., he awoke not knowing where he was or when it was for that matter. How long had Solomon been out and what exactly happened to him? In mass confusion and pain to top it off, he finally came to the realization with what was going on, he soon learned that he had been beaten, drugged, and kidnapped. As he looked around for answers as to why this would happen to him, he noticed other men and that is when it all clicked in his mind; he was captured to be joined with fellow
Solomon still wanted to return home and to his free man status. There was not a slave who did not want their freedom. No matter how pleasant or nasty a master was, it is human nature to need freedom. In Twelve Years a Slave it does not appear that a master would feel the obligation to care for his slaves from birth to death. In the case of death, it would be from premature death, not death from old age. As a slave lost his ability
Through Solomon Northup’s story, viewers learn that socioeconomic status is no exception from racial realities. Solomon Northup was an educated, refined free black in the 1840s. His only mistake was thinking that being born free meant he was safe from the demonstration of white supremacy in America. Especially during this time, it didn't matter that he was educated, musically talented, and a family man, a person of color was threatened in a white, capitalist society and through the heartbreaking story of Solomon Northup, 12 Years a Slave shows this sad time in American
During the antebellum era, issues of race and equality persisted to plague social progress in the United States. Instrumental in leading the assault against women and African Americans, white slave owning male in the American antebellum South reign supreme in both the private and public spheres respectively. Although that is not to suggest that African Americans held any real power within the public sphere, instead the African Americans depicted in the movie, Twelve Years a Slave, were used as tangible property. As tangible property, the masters in the movie used their slaves to gain social perfection within the public sphere. Women, however, were purely relegated to the private sphere. Twelve Years a Slave did an exemplary job of expanding the notion of a women and slaves as intellectual and physical property within the broader construct of American antebellum society.
Northup sets out to convince readers that his account of slavery is the truth. The detailed accounts that Solomon took to recreate his slave experience proves to be effective. Solomons story takes the aspect of being a free man, to enslavement in the South. Northup uses great parallelism in his narrative, often
Fictionalized accounts of historical events often provide valuable information that may improve overall understanding of human history. Things Fall Apart, and The Mission are works that are different because they focus on different areas and periods, but they explore similar themes such as colonialism and Christian missions. The primary argument is that Okonkwo and Rodrigo Mendoza are similar because they focused on masculinity and tried to fight for oppressed people, but Mendoza’s will is much stronger because he was able to find hope thanks to the Jesuits.
Social workers should have an understanding of how to conduct an assessment using fundamental interventions and strategies specific to children and adolescents. As a social worker you should be familiarized with risk and protective factors that contribute to specific life problems experienced in childhood. Therefore, one must be able to conduct a psychosocial evaluation that includes youth behaviors and environmental influences.
In 12 Years a Slave Solomon was strong in character. He came forth and took the consequences for what he did and didn’t do. He takes very good judgement before he can actually take action and do these things. Solomon always thought things through before he did something that was right or wrong. In the movie, 12 Years a Slave Solomon tried getting punished by getting hit by one of the men and he blocked that man from hitting him because, he didn’t do anything wrong to be getting beat up like the other slaves.
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According to the American Historical Association, “When asked about their intense reaction to the film, some described feeling as though they had just experienced slavery. The movie felt believable, they reported, due not only to the caption indicating its basis in fact, but because the setting and characters looked authentic” (Toplin, 1). That just goes to show how historically accurate the makers of the film were going for to show just how bad slavery really was, even if it repulses people. There are historians out there who on the record confirmed the historical accuracy of 12 Years a Slave. “At least two historians, Sue Eakin, and Joseph Logsdon, have confirmed that Northup presented a remarkably accurate picture of antebellum slavery and plantation society near the Red River in Louisiana” (Toplin, 1). For historians to say that the film is “remarkably accurate” shows the seriousness those involved went to, to ensure the historical accuracy