Use of technology is on the increase to strengthen health systems and improve the efficiency and quality of health care. In research, technology can be applied from data collection, analysis and dissemination. It’s a venture that makes work easier and should be embraced in moderation. The accuracy of information obtained from technological means is high and it is verifiable with very little manipulation.
Technology can be understood on three perspectives; a) impact on human behavior b) technology as an instrumental tool c) technology use in research and education. For human behavior perspective technology has improved the way we socialize and interact with one another. Flow of information is faster with the use of technology to promote prevention of infections. Instrumentally, technology has helped in coming up with
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As times change and technology advances, data collection mechanisms also change to much easier ways. Mobile phones are a great asset that will aid in data collection. Installing questionnaires in smartphones and tablets is a timely way to ensure that data is transmitted almost immediately as soon as the questionnaire is filled, (Braun et al., 2013). This also helps in presenting true information as capturing of location through geographical position system (GPS) is done before the data is submitted into the server. Another advantage when using mobile phones to collect data is that the security of the data is almost guaranteed. Compared to the traditional use of paper, whose privacy could be easily compromised, mobile phones are small and easily stored for security purpose. Incorporation of mobile phones is based on the fact that the method is easily grasped since most if not all individuals have interacted with smartphones therefore minimal training on its use is needed, (Braun et al.,
The increased availability of patient data stored electronically has lead to additional measureable analyses to recognize evidence-based best practices. This electronic clinical data is actively being used by researchers and they are being collected across different populations to produce research for societies benefit. The availability of some clinical data has been limited, but as healthcare providers continue to implement EHR’s will increase the availability of data. This has the capability to combine the accumulated clinical data with other data sources for public healthcare organizations and researchers to better monitor outbreaks of disease and improve observation of biological dangers. (Menachemi & Collum
With the evolution of technology and the internet, there have been upcoming concerns concerning information privacy. The internet has increased the level of information that can be gathered and analyzed. Over the last decade, there have been groundbreaking improvements in technology which have enhanced whet people can d with the technology at any given time. For instance, through the use of the internet, one can use global system positioning system locators to acquire real time data about a person or object’s movement and speed. This was not nearly possible thirty years ago. Another example is that cell phones embedded with E-911 services can be used to locate an individual’s precise location (Waldo, Lin and Millett, 2007). Such devices are mostly used by parents to monitor their children’s whereabouts.
Nursing has come a long way in the recent centuries. Nursing is now one of the most demanded professions and is continually growing. Nurses have evolved into being the primary care takers of hospitalized patients. New contemporary advances have paved the way to allow nurses to expand their capabilities by having additional roles in patient care. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the new advances that have been created to help assist modern day nurses such as, technology, patient centered care, current roles and responsibilities, and expanded career paths.
This paper will discuss the significance of using modern technology into nursing practice for several reasons. In the health care settings where information shared immediately, it is important to have the ability and skills to use the advanced modern technological attainment in order to deliver safe and qualified client care. Modern technology plays crucial role in reducing medical errors, simplifying and sharing of accurate and the latest information to facilitate health care provider’s job, analyzing diagnostic and laboratory results. Nursing informatics facilitates the integration of data, information and knowledge to support patients, nurses and other providers in their decision making in all roles and setting. In this paper, I am going to explore how modern technology has provided in nursing practice; specifically I will discuss how our learned skills from my school are helping us in recovering and analyzing information in order to provide excellent patient care. I am also going to explain the importance of medical abbreviations and my personal experience about medical abbreviations during my clinical.
Technology is an essential part of our life. The use of technology can be seen in almost every aspect of our daily routines. Despite some people’s belief that technology is progressively destroying humanity, it is evident that technology’s advancements have greatly benefited humankind due to its contributions to improving education, health, and communication.
The different classifications of healthcare technology are pharmaceuticals, medical devices, medical equipment, medical and surgical processes, and healthcare information technology. Pharmaceuticals pertains to medicines or drugs. Medical devices are used in the healthcare field on patients to diagnosis, to prevent, or for treatment of a disease, and it does not primarily work by effecting a chemical change in the body. Medical equipment is used for the specific purpose of diagnosis and treatment of disease or rehabilitation due to disease or injury. The medical and surgical processes are medical procedures involving an incision using medical equipment in order to repair or help cure a disease within the body. Health information technology
With the epic changes and alterations to our current healthcare system, the Federal Government has made great strides in order to make healthcare more effective and efficient. In order to do so healthcare reforms have been enacted in order to have medical professionals and facilities use technology and informatics. Technology in the medical field helps create databases and offer medical professionals a higher level of patient care. Meaningful Use is part of a 2009 law called HITECH, which in turn is part of the American recovery and Reinvestment act . HITECH stands for Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health. Meaningful use is also part of a 3 stage system, that helps medical providers and facilities
Technology. A ten-letter, four syllable word that holds an inarguable amount of supremacy and ultimate value within society. The rapid, exponential growth of technological advances continuously revolutionizes humanity as a whole. The growth of this powerful resource is inevitable; therefore, it is imperative that other global industries accompany and adhere to this cultural momentum. The benefits of integrating technology into the health care industry are advantageous to not only its administration, but also the consumers—more importantly known as the patients. The implementation of an electronic
Cardiocom has integrated monitoring services with nurse service providing a turn-key solution for large and small health care systems. Each nurse can monitor and coordinate care of 250+ patients per day at a lower cost compared to the cost of the organization. Cardiocom recently introduced a personal emergency device, not
After watching the video my first expression was that look how technology is finally taking over and the heath care providers will deeply depend on it, and will be lazy as ever. Many of the technology tools are available for the health care professionals such as tablet, mobile devices, iPad, and computer to used to make their lives and their patients' life easier, but relying on technology too much to take care of everything is just wrong as technologies cannot fully be trusted. They can lose, might forget the password, might not have internet connections, or even got into the wrong hands.The care givers, the staff, and the community health care workers around the world need to understand the full needs and goals of the patients that they are serving. And yet, in this busy world we are living, there are countless of situations where what is really expected and matters to patients and their family members is not fully understood or addressed. When a patient is admitted to hospital, the patient and the family members expecting a nurse to count the right amount of medication to give them not a device. It is no secret that the health care professionals and the health industry are somewhat, now is in love with technologies.
Technology has a positive relationship with healthcare quality. Technology has a positive effect on the quality of care that is given to the patients in the health care facility (Weigel, Switaj, & Hamilton, 2015). Having electronic health record (EHR) systems in place has also improved the quality of care that the patients are receiving (Weigel et al., 2015). Having the EHR system allow the health care facility to adhere better to the clinical guidelines that are put into place by the health care facility, which leads to a decrease in medication errors (Weigel et al., 2015). Technology has improved healthcare quality for patient, it has improved the communication in the health care field, and it has improved the care that is being provided to the patients.
Pro’s in Technology The advances in technology are transforming the way healthcare is being delivered. This modern technology has reshaped the structure and organization of the healthcare entirely. Because of the implementation of technology into the healthcare system there have been many changes including electronic medical records and a decrease in errors. Technology can also help with research, and the constant advances in technology have greatly improve treatment modalities.
Technology is used on a daily basis to accomplish specific tasks or interests. Modern technology increases human capabilities and this technology has evolved with years. Technology simplifies life in so many ways and everyone defines technology in their own way. They’re new types of technology on the market, this technology simplifies our daily lives. They’re endless demands as consumers of technology, people use technology to accomplish simple tasks every day. Technology’s used in business, education, communication, healthcare, entertainment and so much more. There’s an unquestionable impact of technology on society. Whether considering the plow, vaccinations, or the internet, technology has had a huge impact on society. While not every advance benefits society, there’s many positive effects of technology. Modern technology makes life more convenient now more than ever. Modern technologies like broadband internet makes it possible to access relevant information at any time anywhere. Today’s technology makes it simple for students to learn from anywhere through online education and mobile education, which improves the education system. It also improves the health system, most hospitals have implemented modern technology in surgical rooms, which may reduce the number of mistakes made by doctors. Modern technology’s more convenient than when it was simpler because, it provides an easy way to access information, improves the education system, and it improves the health system.
Medical technology encompasses a wide range of healthcare products and is used to diagnose, monitor, and treat diseases or medical conditions that affect humans. This may included but not limited too, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and medical equipment. Such technologies are intended to improve the quality of healthcare delivered through earlier diagnosis, less invasive treatment options and reductions in hospital stays and rehabilitation times. Recent advances in medical technology have also focused on cost reduction. Medical technology may include medical devices, information technology, biotech, and healthcare services. The impacts of medical technology may involve social and ethical issues. For example physicians may seek objective information from technology rather than listening to subjective patient reports. A major contributor of healthcare expenditure in America is the advancement of medical technology. According to several studies it is shown that there is a correlation between the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) and money allocated to healthcare. One of the leading theories is that medical technology is growing faster than expected.
Technology is another important feature in a healthcare organization that needs to be handled with care. In all the sectors of the economy, technology plays a critical role in healthcare because the merger of technology in healthcare has enabled healthcare organizations to serve customers and saves many lives across the world. The importance of medical technology is enormous because innovation plays a big role in helping to improve and sustain health organizations. In healthcare, technology has enhanced surgical procedures and promoted service delivery for most patients in need of help. In very highly complicated laboratories, experts are using high technology equipment to conduct high technology diagnostic procedures to help the patients to improve their outcomes. Moreover, nurses and doctors can discuss and talk with each other via computers to ensure they provide high-quality patient care. Finally, technology can be used in clinical medicine in which the nurses use technology to enhance physical fitness for their clients (Sakas, Vlachos, & Nasiopoulos, 2014). The use of technology in healthcare is an important aspect that must be given priority in ensuring efficient and effective service delivery.