The Roman Empire was successful because of their strong willed leaders that helped shaped their country until the very end. One of the leaders was Marius, who properly organized the Roman army to be known as the most strongest army the earth has ever known. With Marius's fighting spirit leading and motivating everybody on, they were able to stop an invasion from barbarians that ultimately saved Italy and Rome from destruction. He also knew how to pay back to his soldiers and people. Veteran soldiers of the legion were given land to thank the soldiers for serving him and Rome. To help the people, Marius made it possible for non-Roman citizens to enlist in the army, making them citizens and giving them a chance to fight for their country.
In its time, the Roman Empire was the largest empire the world had ever seen. The fact that the Romans were able to control and obtain an empire of this size was due to plenty of factors, but the main ones are the Roman army, the Roman roads, Pax Romana, the borders of the empire, and the benefits of the barbarians who became ruled by the empire. On their own, these factors wouldn’t do much at all, but such a combination brought great success.
One of the most prominent reasons for Rome’s quick success was its powerful military. Its disciplined
Besides gaining an army, Marius gained something else: the extreme personal loyalty of the same landless masses which he recruited into his army. The recruiting of the masses would change the entire relationship between citizens, generals, the Senate and Roman institutional ideology. Prior to Marius, the armies may have been loyal to a particular commander or general, but still fought first and foremost for the Senate and People of Rome, as well as the preservation and expansion of their own estates. After Marius, they fought for their Legate, that is their legally appointed commander, and for the plunder and glory he could provide. These troops had no life outside the army, and served for very long periods, serving terms from 20 to 25 years.
The Roman Empire flourished for many reasons. It welcomed local customs and religions, had a strong military, and they were the greatest road builders of the ancient world allowing trade to flourish. Roman law was fair to all with just regulations and rules, and conquered people were offered Roman citizenship.
The Roman Republic and the Roman Empire together lasted for over one-thousand years,and at its height, their extensive territories stretched from the Atlantic Ocean in the West, to the rivers of Mesopotamia in the East, and from the Sahara desert in the South, to the River Rhine in Northern Europe. The one factor that made this spectacular feat possible was the exploits of the Roman Military. The military had succeeded in their expansion campaigns and had successfully defended the borders against foreign invaders for centuries. The fact of the matter was that the Roman Military was the deciding factor in any successes or failures the Roman state incurred, and at its most basic element, it was ultimately the successful strategies and doctrines of the Roman Army that made their victories so pervasive. This paper will trace the development of the military from the early Roman period through the Marius ' reforms, with an emphasis placed on the primary battle formations and tactics employed by the Roman Legions.
The Roman Empire was the greatest empire Europe had ever seen. To control such a large empire, a strong military is required. The Roman Legion was one of the most effective and advanced armies in history and fulfilled its duty to protect the Roman Empire, its citizens, and its emperors for nearly five-hundred years. It successfully conquered England, Spain, France, Greece, and much of the Middle East and Africa. They were able to accomplish this feat through modernizing old-fashioned ways of thought on warfare. Through the tactics they employed and the equipment they used, the Roman Legion was able to become one of the most powerful armies to ever walk the face of the earth. Much of the success Rome’s army saw was also due to the
The Roman Empire was known as one of the greatest civilizations, their society, politics, and military skills were extremely advanced even for their time. From starting off as the Roman Kingdom, then The Roman Republic, and finally ending with the Roman Empire, Rome itself has been through many drastic changes. And throughout all three changes there has always been social and political disorder. Each stage of Rome only came about because of the fall of the one before it, in all three case political corruptions and social chaos was the reason for their failures. Although Rome had many problems, they had multiple achievements. One of their greatest achievements was their large military and military strategy. From the late Roman Republic to the
The legions of Rome were one of the biggest factors in Rome's success as an empire. They conquered vast quantities of land, and were often used by the government to improve the morale of people living in cities, which often had parts that were cramped and unsanitary. The legions were set apart from contemporary armies due to their level of organisation and especially as they fought as a unit and not as individuals, as many tribes did.
As Rome conquered communities, more and more people were becoming Romanized, and noticed as Roman citizens. Of course these new citizens were expected to pay taxes, allowing the empire to grow economically as well as militarily. During the Roman rule of Augustus, Caesar and Trajan, Rome's laws were continually improved making Rome ever more powerful and ethical. (Ferril)
The powerful and well known Roman army was another key factor in maintaining the empire. The Roman army was large, well equipped, well trained, disciplined and skilled military force that was stationed throughout the empire to prevent uprisings and crush rebellion. Military training was a very important and arduous affair in the Roman Empire. It was essential for each soldier to achieve a high level of skill in fighting and using their weapons. They also had to march 30 kilometers 3 times a month wearing 20kg armor, do drills twice a day, learn to build camps, swim, mount and ride a horse and fight mock battles. The Roman army was quite ruthless when it came to crushing rebellion. They did not hesitate to hurt or even slaughter the people who went against the Roman rule.
What has led the Romans to having an effective government and an exceptional empire was the great government organization, the superior empire infrastructure, and the powerful army they had.
In the beginning of the Roman Empire it was a fortified, solid kingdom that the people felt secure in. Their army was nearly undefeated and the people lived in the strongest empire in the world at that time. They almost felt immortal, except for the people who lived in poverty, such as the slaves. The financially destitute people were the most spiritually fulfilled, because despite not having many material things and luxuries, they found refuge and peace in God.
The Roman Empire was one of the most well known empires in history. It was the most powerful of all of the empires and covered at least a part of over fifty present-day countries. It covered the most area out of all of the empires in history. Other than the Spartans, the Roman Empire had the most powerful army of the ancient world and contained over 20% of the world population back then. The Roman’s ingenuity created many inventions as well, such as the arch, which, with aqueducts, would revolutionize the transport of water and other supplies across the empire. The Roman Empire was the strongest in ancient times, and contained almost all of modern day Europe in its
One of the major reasons that the Roman Empire was so prosperous was because of the many great leaders that the empire was blessed with. Despite the stints of emperors whose tenures were riddled with incompetency and/or mediocrity, there were many leaders who carried Rome to greater heights and glory. The qualities of these men were all quite similar. The ideal Roman leader was charismatic and captured the hearts of his followers, and also logical and reasonable in both politics and warfare. He was valiant and put Rome ahead of himself, as well as honorable and just to those on his side as well as the other’s. He was clever and able to increase the financial and personal wellbeing of his peoples and his state as a whole, and possibly most
A strong and reliable military is one of the key characteristics of a successful empire, and Julius’ military was exactly that. Caesar not only expanded the Roman Republic’s territory, he also came to a consensus with many enemies, which made it easier for the Roman Empire to trade with neighboring empires.