
How Is Victor Frankenstein Related To The Scientific World

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Mary Shelley believes when a person attempts to create or discover a scientific advancement, the creator must fulfill their responsibilities, if they fail to do so, terrific events will ensue, as seen in her novel Frankenstein. Curious people interested in the sciences are responsible to consider the outcome of their experiments. An inventor has a duty to share their discovery with the scientific world. In the case that the experiment concludes with a living being, the creator must provide it with a quality upbringing.. If any of the responsibilities are overlooked by the creator, the consequences are somber. The gloomy effects of disregarding the results of an experiment are apparent throughout the novel. As Victor Frankenstein decides …show more content…

The monster’s existence could be shared with the world, but Victor chooses to conceal his accomplishment. Following Victor’s decision, society tended to end in turmoil with the monster. As he approaches DeLacey, his family sees him as a threat, “Felix darted forward” and tore the monster from DeLacey (Shelley 122). Frankenstein fails his responsibility to educate the populous on the monster’s existence. If he succeeded, the monster may have not had such a negative reception with society. Also, the science and theories of natural philosophy are taught to Victor because the person who discovered electricity and how it works reported it to the scientific community. The knowledge of electricity trickles down from scientists to people, and eventually young Victor is exposed to this new knowledge. Frankenstein is given an “explanation of the theory… on the subject of electricity” which broaden his horizons and brings him to enjoy studying natural philosophy (Shelley 27). The person who discovered the laws of electricity fulfilled his responsibility to the scientific community. The knowledge is spread throughout the population and also helps people decide what path of life they will choose. Although man can easily report their findings, it is not possible for humans to control nature without

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