
How Isolation Affects The Behavior Of Different Animals

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Different species occur when the genes in the animal mutate overtime. This changes the appearance and the behaviour of the now slightly different animal. Eventually these traits will make them change and evolve to their environment. This can happen when separation isolates them this also prevents the different animals interbreeding. Eventually this isolates the two different species that were once one. Isolation and separation can occur by geographical barriers such as oceans, rivers, mountain ranges or climatic barriers like rainfall, temperature, sunlight, ocean currents. For example birds must have all come from one set of the same breed. This means that budgerigars are related to eagles. They are only different because of the environment and the amount of accessible food and water. For instance the eagles are bigger than the budgies because eagles don’t fly in flocks to make them self look big however budgies do need to, to protect themselves. This is a survival trait that has developed and evolved over the generations.
The birds in the image are slightly different because of isolation and separation over time. The beak types had changed from the birds’ beak on the …show more content…

This means that they could no longer interbreed. The squirrel population undertook speciation. Two separate squirrel species inhabit the north and south rims of the canyon. On the other hand, birds and other species that could easily cross this barrier continued to interbreed and were not divided into separate populations. It is clear with these two squirrels that with the creation of the Grand Canyon. Natural selection is for the squirrel at the southern end of the Grand Canyon, this is because they are harder to see compared to the squirrel at the northern

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